high blood pressure??


Well-known Member
you folks that have it... did it just show up? What tipped you off or was it just a routine doc visit? I have always been healthy, no drugs except the alcohol in beer and an occasional schnaps, no medicine except aspirin for a headache if it didn't go away on it's own.... yearly doc visit was always good (last in November)...
Been feelin a little down & lazy but blaming it on the short days and blaaaa weather... Been a little snappy and moody with a short fuse now and then and just disregarding my people skills.... Having a simple conversation 2 days ago and she called me a small puncture wound & got up and left the room..... She came home from work yesterday with a BP machine (??) to check... said she called the doc and he said check it right away.... yesterday evening it was 180/105... this morning after being outside and feeding, I came in and sat down awhile then checked and had 225/114... 30 minutes later and it hovers within a couple points of the 180/105.... This just happened over a few weeks.... Anyone with the same experience? Last thing I want to do is start taking meds.......

Done now......
my brother couldn't pass dot med exam, because of high b/p, asked me how i passed,,told him, even though I'm a little [lot] over weight,[i tell him that i don't worry about what the world is doing, can't change it anyway],,lol,,,told him that i eat lot of veg, greens, don't go to burger stand for greasy lunches like he does,,also told him that i drink plenty of water, to flush out system, not pop...even though now i going into diabetic stage with pills-diet, am watching myself...was talking about about diabetic on other thread, tractor-talk, still controling my high b/p
this is a peeve of mine. i have it,since i was 16. never took meds until 08,when i was about doa. i am 220lbs. first, 180 over 105 is not real bad.i dont care what the dr/gov. says. i still drink da beer,chew,drink DIET POP and smoke, pack/week. blood pressure is not caused by factors everyone says. we have all known 300lb+ people with normal blood pressure and chain smokers with good bp. i tend to believe its more genetic than anything. i also believe that calcium/mag play more of a role than dr/gov say.
ok,i checked a chart. 180/105 is at the top of moderate. once in 08 i was at 260/180.....i was dizzy and incoherent. dont get there-lol. keep us posted.
Found out mine by accident. My niece, who is an RN, wandered over when I was checking it at a community complex machine and told me I was close to a stroke. 176/105. Since I found out last year, I have reduced salt, switched to decaf, I walk at least 9 miles per week on a very hilly road here and drink more water. Pressure went down to 148/88. I don't want to take meds, but I may have too.
180 is too high.Blood pressure has to go up when you work hard.Stress will push it up.I took meds for 6 months,got down to 140.Friends Doc told him that cinnamon would lower blood pressure.Saw An article that said 2 servings of tomatoes a day will lower pressure.There is a bit in a Foxfire book about a fellow in his 90s went to doctor and complained about not feeling well.Doc found very high blood pressure.The usuall meds didnt help lower pressure.Jake talked with an old woman who told him to eat ramps a plant that grow wild here.Its a type of wild onion or garlic.Next doctor visit his pressure was way down.Cinnamon is easy to take on toast.Put some honey on the toast and sprinkle lots of cinnamon on the honey,Nothing harmful in these remedies .
I was screened at work. Go to your doctor. BTW, I was 34, now I am 57, and just take meds. Much better than having a stroke. Buddy of mine had a stroke at 36, hasn't been able to do much since. I felt bad about it at first, but I really don't think about it much. Go to the docs, get the meds, and go.
Get your BP down to about 130 or less over 65 or 70. Either that or hire an ambulance to follow you around. I take medication for BP. I"m 68.My pressure runs about 125 over 65. Best way to start is with a good checkup and go from there. Don"t mess with this stuff. Strokes are not fun events. Good luck.
You should change your diet and get on bp medication. You don't want to end up with a stroke and you need to get to a good doctor asap.
Go to your doctor NOW, as soon as you can get an appt. High blood pressure is called "the silent killer" because people are so often unaware that they have it...until they have a major stroke or heart attack.

My mom was on blood pressure meds for probably at least 40-45 years. She lived a normal, enjoyable life until she passed from cancer at age 79.
definatly make an appointment with a doctor. Do you use a lot of salt or eat a lot of high sodium foods? And the problem we all have with being over weight doesnt help either ,
I know the feeling about snappy and moody - I went thru that for many years. It is not a good feeling to snap at those you care about - especially if they have done nothing to deserve it. I finally bit the bullet and lost weight, ditched the caffeine and excess salt, and signed up for the mild version of a blood pressure medicine. (It didn"t improve my lousy people-skills, but it did allow me to distinguish between those that deserved my bad side versus those who didn"t.)

Don"t buy into the remarks about 180 over 105 being moderate - it simply isn"t so. The 105 as a "resting rate" for your heart is the same number that a lot of young, healthy people have for their "working rate". I will give you the same answers that my well-respected doctor gave me:

"If you don"t make a dedicated decision to get it under control, you face the following strong possibilities":

1. Damage to your kidneys, possibly to the point of being on dialysis in the future and slowly watching your body die from the poisons of it"s own waste prducts.

2. a blow-out at a weak point in your artery-vein system and bleeding to death internally. (Kind of like dealing with over-inflating a damaged tire on your tractor.)

3. An enlarged heart from overworking it by making it pump above the recommended rates, ending up sitting in a rocking chair and awaiting the inevitable death from congestive heart failure.

I don"t want to sound too gloomy, but I can"t stand the thought of me being the only person left with "challenged people-skills! I have to do my best to help protect our endangered species.
I have been on BP pills since age 35, am 51 now. Last October the pills I were on quit working, and my BP hit 230/140, and my doctor put me in the hospital. Changed my pills all around and made me lose weight,30 pounds so far,now I am down to 125/78. When I get what I call "angry for nothing" the first thing I check is did I take my pills. I am 5'11" and was 240, am 210 now and she wants me down to 190. Don't believe the guys who say 180/105 at rest is high side of normal, that is stroke territory if left for long. It's fine if you are working hard and sweating.I have been getting checked out by a bunch of doctors since I went in the hospital and they all tell me the same thing, "we have no clue why the vast majority of people get high BP. If we find out why you have it you will be in the minority."
Check for sleep apnea. When i got on the machine my BP dropped down do 120/70. I had fought borderline BP problems for years. I should be a poster boy for getting checked. I waited too long and suffered a couple major heart attacks and my ejection fraction is 25. All from my heart never resting.
Dave, Go see the doctor. I was put on BP meds at 16 and am almost 60 now. Stroke is not the only risk. It can cause a lot of problems. The older I get, I have been able to taper off the meds somewhat. It can also take a while to find the right med and dosage. Be patient and you will get it right.
Please take care of yourself for you and your family.
Plus I always enjoy every thing you post on here.
Don' want to lose you.
Believe these people! You need pills NOW!. Diet and such did little for me. Exercise does help but your past that now. they used to think 140 was OK, now the want 120.
KennyP, with 4 bi-passes and on second ICD pacemaker.
Get thee to thy medicine man. Number one cause of
renal (kidney) failure is high blood pressure.
When 5020 is on dialysis 3x week and had a couple
of strokes lost a leg maybe then he believe the
doctors. Blood pressure is the silent killer.
have sleep apnea, am a lardass, love salt, and meat..... and beer.... wife feeds me all the good stuff but I slip in the salt when she ain't lookin..... Will stop now and she'll stop feeding me red stuff and stick to chicken, turkey, and fish.......eat very little fat or fried food and am active from chores.... maybe I'll start walking or get the bicycle out... she called the doc and he said wait 2 weeks with no salt, fat, and alcohol then come in... Said if it goes above the 200 again to come in rightaway... We'll see...

(quoted from post at 07:28:08 01/26/12) have sleep apnea, am a lardass, love salt, and meat..... and beer.... wife feeds me all the good stuff but I slip in the salt when she ain't lookin..... Will stop now and she'll stop feeding me red stuff and stick to chicken, turkey, and fish.......eat very little fat or fried food and am active from chores.... maybe I'll start walking or get the bicycle out... she called the doc and he said wait 2 weeks with no salt, fat, and alcohol then come in... Said if it goes above the 200 again to come in rightaway... We'll see...

Well just take care of your self you old turd.....
Id miss you if you wernt around......Even tho.... :lol: :lol:
We bought a blood pressure machine for my wife when doc told her she'd need meds to lower her pressure. That day, about 5 yrs ago, her reading was 192/110.
We have changed diets and she's been on several meds, especially after she had a TIA 2 yrs ago. Right now she's on one med and is very stable but our diet has really changed. Best thing she did was to eliminate ALL vegetable oils. No more olive oil on salads. Any frying we now do is with coconut oil or butter (any oil that is hard at room temp 66F is fine). Still an occasional glass of wine, organic meats (grass fed), but no more soft drinks (no sugar), and NO WHEAT products.
The saturated fats (lard, butter, coconut oil) have a straight molecular shape.
The vegetable oils have a kinky molecular shape and the gluten (glue) in wheat is sticky, and these 2 factors combine to clog the arteries.
The more research we do the more confident we get in making good choices for our own bodies, and this is what works for us.
Good luck
Don't take chances with this. See a good doctor and get this
under control no matter what medicine you have to take. Be
thankful that they do have medication for this. You are way
over the limit of passing a DOT or a FAA medical now. If you
want to see the results of ignoring this take time to visit a local
nursing home. Their are many victims there that can not feed
themselves, talk, walk or use the rest room without help and
have lived like that for years. Take care of yourself first so that
you may be able to help others. You are in our thoughts and
prayers. Sincerely, Tom
I'll ask you the same question my doctor asked me. How long do you want to live? You sound like the classic case of needing exercise, diet and medication if you want to live awhile yet. Take it seriously. With proper diet and exercise you might eventually be able to get off the medication. That would be one goal to shoot for. Good luck.
My doctor always gives me a warning when my blood pressure reaches 130/90. 120/80 or below has been recommended for over ten years now. Ask your doctor what you blood pressure was at your November check-up and the time before that. If your doctor was letting you slide until you have troubles it may be time to see a different doctor.

Many packaged foods and condiments contain high amounts of salt and sugar, even some frozen vegetables. When I started reading the labels I was amazed how much salt I was really eating without knowing it.

New Ulm, MN was selected for national study to reduce heart disease because of a high rate of heart attacks and early deaths. Locals joke about a normal diet of beer, brats and butter. That still sound delicious to me.

Good luck.
Dave, if your BP is that high, and the dr. said wait two weeks, I think I would be looking for another doctor. 180 is plenty high, 105 is WAY too high! Of course the diet the dr. recommended will help but you need something to bring it down now. If you have sleep apnea, get something done about that too. I have been using a CPAP machine for about four years now, and it really helps. You will rest better. I was having problems with indigestion about every night, when I started using the machine it went away. The doctor said that the constant interruptions of sleep were contributing to it. Good luck.
Been on meds for 15 years. No bad side effects, Don't make a big deal out of it. Take the meds, keep active, lose weight. Meds is the easiest part and cost is low with generics.
Dave, FYI I have had HBP for the last 20 or so years
you are definitely heading for a stroke or heart attack please take meds prescribed by the dr.AND STAY ON THEM !!!

The first one I was on was Toperal XL and I did have trouble with it as I felt sometimes I was having the "Big one" Doc said I would just have to let my system get used to it so I tried another week or so... Didn't like the the feeling so I changed doctors got on another brand took it for awhile.. felt better and just kinda got away from them was off them for maybe 6 months and had a phsycal and whammo !Doc said BP is a lifetime thing and so was the meds now I have two different ones I take every day yes you do have some classic symptoms. along with some serious readings.
(quoted from post at 10:03:35 01/26/12) Dave, if your BP is that high, and the dr. said wait two weeks, I think I would be looking for another doctor. 180 is plenty high, 105 is WAY too high! Of course the diet the dr. recommended will help but you need something to bring it down now. If you have sleep apnea, get something done about that too. I have been using a CPAP machine for about four years now, and it really helps. You will rest better. I was having problems with indigestion about every night, when I started using the machine it went away. The doctor said that the constant interruptions of sleep were contributing to it. Good luck.

been on the cpap for almost 4 years.... Watching the BP like a hawk now and will go to a doc or ER if it spikes again..... It's an eyeopener....
I have been on medication since I was 23. I am now 63 with pacemaker since 1998 and I have slight kidney damage. I take meds, watch weight and diet. My Dad died at 90 and I hope to do the same or better.
Have three things to say - NO SALT - NO Salt - NO SALT! Cheat and you are only cheating your self. BIG Stroke will follow with more than 1500 mgs of salt a day. READ the label on everything.

I know been their. Also drop about 20 plus pounds.
I turned 60 on Christmas. I had borderline high blood pressure as long as I can remember. When I turned 50, the Dr said it was time to do something about it. He put me on Lysinopril, 1 pill a day. I am 6'2" and weighed about 250#, no smokes or booze, but chew Red Man. He told me to loose 50#, I now am at 210#, no diet, just eat less, best excersize I ever did was pushing my plate away sooner than I used to. Don't eat till you are stuffed, eat till your not hungry. Dr checkup the end of November, he said he wished his test results were as good as mine, see you in a year. GO TO A DIFFERENT DR!!!! Chris
Oh yea, sleep apnea, my wife had it, couldn't sleep, snored loud enough to wake the dead. She had gastric bypass surgery in 03, went from 310# down to 160#, sleep apnea is gone, doesn't snore anymore. Loose some lard, can't hurt you.
Sorry, I gotta work on my people skills too.
man,i am always gettin a bad rap. ok, new day, super 99 is rite on the money. i went from 300+ to 190 in 8 mos. its all about portion control. i used to eat very well, it was encouraged growing up on a farm !! now i look forward to each meal and dont stuff myself.
if someone wants to buy life in.on me, call me....i heard thats a way to get rich....leave some to my gf. oh, the guy whos wife went from from 300 to 160...bet your gettin alot of sack time-lol. i have experienced the diet success
(new body) cravings. just sayin. good luck to all americans !!
super 99 is so right. i know the drill,less salt, less salt. i have cut back. BUT we need salt! when i am sick in the winter hot chicken broth can make me a new man. (super high in salt)

also, we have all seen cows licking and eating boards. my dad always said take out some more salt. no more eatin boards and more milk!!

the gov bashes salt. do we need to start talking about the yo-yo with eggs? this yr they are good,next yr they are bad...c'mon people i come here to hear from grounded people.

wanna talk about the medias yo-yo on butter....
i said this is a peeve of mine.
better check what you posted.Olive oil and canola oil are the only oils that wont clog yor pipes.Coconut oil is the worst of all.in that respect.

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