JR Frye


I know the answer to this question: but I want your thoughts on it OK:
I have a young man hunting my timber this year and he is telling me that there is no DEER IN MY TIMBER: well I know better: I have taken my 5 this year and my son has taken 3. Now we know there is DEER in my timber.
This young man uses my Shooter box witch is right off of the main trail about 60’ and every DEER that have been shot have been shot from this shooter box/blind.
Now keep in mind this young man takes with him to the blind his coffee jug, heater, and
I-POD to listen to music and a sack lunch.
Now I am thinking every thing he is taking with him is giving him away,he has even been known to releave him self in the timber.
So I thinking this will be his last year in my timber.
What do you think.

This may sound strange but, I usually shoot a deer while smoking a cigarette and just walking through the woods.
If you have tried to tell him then yea tell him to find another place to hunt.

Only 2 people who hunt my place are allowed to complain if they don't see anything and they are 2 of my BIL's.

Chances are he's too busy exchanging texts with his friends to look for the deer. Whether you let him hunt again is your business.
Deer are funny critters. I have a set of super smart does that can tell if you around. They also seem to know the difference between a camera and a gun. I always see them when out picture taking, never hunting. He is giving him self away some how. I have had deer walk right up to me when on the phone, and watch deer go 150 yards around me after sitting motionless for hours.
I have a big time deer problem on my farms, and always have numerous people wanting to hunt. I tell them from the get go, you are here to eliminate my problem, not to get a trophy buck or target practice, and next season if I am over run with deer you are out of here!
I don't think I would let anyone hunt on my place. It would start with one person and eventually be a bussload. Also some people will shoot at any noise they hear without really seeing what, maybe you. There are people all over the country that wear orange clothes in their own yards around the house because of hunters.
There are six people besides myself who hunt on my place. And I've known, hunted, and socialized with all of them for at least 30 years, so I know they'll do it right. They all know each other, keep track of each other, and work it out among themselves so there are no more than two on the property at any given time.

About 20 years ago, the place got so overrun with uninvited "hunters" (I use the term loosely) that I got squeezed out myself. I pitched a major fit, threw a whole bunch off the place including a niece's husband and his buddies, and laid down some ground rules. My niece's husband wouldn't speak to me for a couple of years, but it wasn't the first time.

Rule #1 was that I have the place to myself until I get mine, then Rule #2, others can come in no more than two at a time.

It's worked out to a closed group of 7, and it gives me good cause to refuse any others that want to hunt here.
I heard of one Canadian guide service that had wood
stoves in their deer stands because deer are not
spooked by wood smoke. And, they have lots of wood
in Canada!
Yep I know people like that. I can sit on a stand and bag a deer but then this other person sits on the same stand for days and sees nothing. I go back to the same stand again and bag another one. Has to do with many things. What the person does what he may or may not have with him that is a odd smell that the deer do not like etc etc.
Hunting is keeping all of your senses open, eyes, ears, nose, etc. His problem is that he is too busy being cozy and probaby texting.
Same here got two of them that way .. figgered out they were looking to see where the smoke came from so they may be able to run if it were the startings of a forest fire.
Maybe you only had 8 deer, and shot them all!!!

Seriously I agree with you, probably has his head down texting, reading, listening to music, or all of the above. The deer pick him out before he even sees them.

Why do you care ? Is he having a good time?
If he says he wants you to help him get a deer then tell him he can't hunt there with anything on him except his rifle. No cel, no ipod, no food. Maybe the coffee and a candy bar.
What I noticed about deer in all the years I hunted was they didn't seem to really care what I did. I smoked, I had a propane heater in my stand when the cold got to where it really hurt my arthritis hands, also my right foot that I broke on my dirt bike that never healed right. Then when it got to be a problem to walk to my stand I'd park my truck next to it, that didn't bother them either. There was times when I had deer at my feeder and none I wanted to shoot, so I'd whistle or make other noise to run'em off and sometimes that was harder to do than you'd think.. Most of the things young hunters were told to do, wear, or not do when learning the ropes of hunting was just someones opinion and nothin else.. Maybe it worked and maybe it didn't..
(quoted from post at 23:26:12 01/15/12)There was times when I had deer at my feeder and none I wanted to shoot, so I'd whistle or make other noise to run'em off and sometimes that was harder to do than you'd think.. Most of the things young hunters were told to do, wear, or not do when learning the ropes of hunting was just someones opinion and nothin else.. Maybe it worked and maybe it didn't..

:lol: :lol: :wink:
Yeah - been THERE....guy I bought the place from told all the relatives he still had hunting rights (but did not). Pretty soon people were asking him, instead of me to hunt there. Shut it off, and he got huffy. I only let a select 2 or 3 people hunt on my place now.
Some people just can't hunt deer I guess,a place I rent two guys hunt it all season and say they rarely even see a deer when I'm riding around checking the cattle I see deer most every day.Hard to figure.
You have probably cleared them out. I notice you say hunting. sitting in a hide waiting for the quarry to wander along is ambush, not pitting your skills against that of the animal.Like shooting a rabbit in a squat.
Had the same thing down here. Couple of guys hunting with loud music,beer party every night and four wheelers running all over the place. Complained because they didn't see any deer.

I drive by that same field on my weekly beer runs. See deer all over the place. Some days I have to stop while they cross the road.
Used to hunt on my Uncles property and never even saw a deer. Funny thing thing is I hunted the same stand he did and he rarely came back without bagging one or at least seeing something. Take to mind now I was always in the stand before first light, I didn't relieve myself except before heading into the woods and after leaving, and then it was up by the trailer, just like my Uncle always did. I didn't take an IPOD, or at the time a Walkman with me, etc, etc, etc. Basically I did everything by the book just like hunters have done for hundreds of years and still NEVER SAW A THING.

Apparently his relieving himself, or anything else he has done so far has not effected your hunting any, at least based on the way you describe the situation. So, not saying what your guy is right or wrong in the things he does when he hits the woods but if that's the way he hunts then it's his perogative to hunt that way....If it's not effecting you then why not let him hit the woods and have fun his way???

Take things a step further and think about it like this. Many guys out there have the desire to hunt but no clue what to do because they weren't taught. So, worst case talk to him and tell him you know for a fact that the deer are there since you have taken some of them yourself. Then train him, tell him what he's doing wrong and what he needs to change if he really wants to bag his own deer. Given how hard it is to find a place to hunt, there are way too many people getting out of the sport and not enough replacing them. Ultimately there will be a day when no one hunts and/or there isn't anywhere to do it. Why not help the kid and increase his chances of getting a deer instead of taking away any chance he might ever have by denying him even the opportunity to hunt???? Just a thought........
In my own experience, it sounds more like he's not seeing the deer rather than scaring them away. I call it Chronic H.U.A. Syndrome. A lot of the guys I hunt with suffer from it.

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