
Well-known Member
Anybody tried a Z Quiet or similar stop snoring device? It's one of those that holds your jaw slightly open and ahead.
I've gotta do something. The wife has been complaining for a long time. I've had a problem too with my breating when I lay on my back. I exhale and can't inhale again unless I exhale what little bit I have left in me to get started again. Last night something new started. I was on my side and could inhale but not exhale. It's fine if I can wake up,but it seems to happen in that paralized state of sleep where I can't move,but I know what's going on. I woke up finally in the middle of the night,knowing what had been happening but feeling like he11. Didn't finally wake up til after 8 this morning feeling like I'd been rode hard and put away wet. Went to WalGreen,Walmart and Meijer looking for something,but I guess I'll have to buy online.
See doctor....some form of sleep apnea....you're going to die if you don't see a doctor.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if he goes to see a doctor, he's gonna die...........
Like I asked the wife,why,so he can prescribe the same device at ten times the price?
Till I started reading in I thought you went out and bought a Moline. Yeah, I snore too and I lay on my side as my sinuses drain while on my back. My wife sleeps all right but I suppose the day is coming when I will have to do something about it. I guess I will wind up on the sofa at some point.
I don't want to be an alarmist however you may have an extremely serious life threatening condition. I am no medical doctor but I did teach college human physiology for several years and the indicated symptoms could be sleep apnea (extreme low respiratory rate) or bradycardia(slow heart rate). Please see a doctor.
OK....none of us are going to avoid the DIE thing but if you are not comfortable going to a doctor at least go online (after you are done surfing your favorite tractor sites!)and google sleep disorders and try to educate yourself as to what is going on. Not all problems have the simple $10 solution. I have a sleep issue and I did not choose to do what the specialist suggested (drug therapy) but I did get a good enough understanding of what was happening and have improved my sleep significantly.
I don't think Wall-mart has the apparatus that pressurizes your breathing (treatment for apnea....which sounds like what you may be experiencing)
Good luck with your search,
I happened to find a CPAP setup for $10. It had hospital rental tags on it. The operation and sterilizing manuals are online. I have been told they are costly.
See a Respiratory Speciaalist,He will advise Sleep Apnea and recommend an CPap machine. I have one I don"t use any more. I instead use an Oxygen Generating machine which works very well.If you get on a CPap try out several different masks to find the one you feel comfortable with. I located the Cpap machine in another room and ran a longer air line to the mask,too much noise.Just a suggestion,good luck.
Might have to start sleeping sitting up. Hope not. You don't get much rest that way. Breathing problems can lead to other problems. GO SEE A DOCTOR, YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID.
yep, get a sleep study. Been on cpap for couple years. Sleep lots better. Use it probably 20 days or rather nights a month. They set my pressure at 7 and was too much. Made my teeth and ears hurt. Doc wouldn"t set it down, and people got the cpap from couldn"t do it without Dr orders, but the lady I was dealing with kinda told me how to find the way to adjust. Set it on 6 and all is well. Be sure your doc is someone that will work with you if you have to go that route. I now have a new doc also.
I stop breathing sometimes at night, been doing it for about 30 years and it's really hard to get air back in the lungs when it wakes you up. It don't happen very often and you'll think you never will get your lungs filled before you passout but you'll always manage to get-r-done..

I've been talking about this on another site for a couple weeks now, I've already done the first half of my sleep test and I do the second half wed night. They put you in a room which looks like a motel room, wire you up and put a mask on you and turn on the air. They watch you all night by camera and from time to time make an air adjustment on your mask. Then they tell you what you need to do to sleep better..

Everyone I've talk to says it works and you will sleep better and be rested when you awake the next morning.. Wish I'd done the 30 years ago..
See a doctor I have had my sleep machine for 3 yrs now. Sleep much better feel great in the morning. Told my wife she goes before the sleep machine does. You will be amazed how good it feels to sleep all night.
Well,the wife's a nurse and she isn't in a big panic about it. She just threatens to do me in if I do survive the night.
Son in law had the sleep test. Quit breathing something like 125 times. They prescribed something like that Z Quiet device,except it was prescription. The wifes brother in law did it too. His was a BIG problem. They put him on cpap,but he rarely uses it because he doesn't like it. So that was a waste of time and money.
As for myself,if they're just gonna prescribe something similar to the over the counter devices,what's the point getting one prescribed. I always prefer to self medicate anyway when there's a good chance it'll work just as good.
Kinda figure the chance that I'll kick the bucket in a more violent or painful way is a whole bunch more likely than just going to sleep and not waking up.
And if it does happen and I don't show up anymore,RayP or IHRedRules or somebody will let you all know.
Sleep apnea can cause HEART Damage GO SEE A DOCTOR,Do it for your wife and kids and grandkids. They want you to live a long long time. Don't cut yourself short. YOUR NOT OK gobble
Do you ever wake up at night, choking? Unable to breathe? Sleep apnea! BTDT- did the testing at VA, they gave me a machine. Problem solved.
No. I just realize in that paralized state of sleep now and then that I'm not breathing. Hasn't happened on my back in probably six months or more.
There's 2 different kinds of sleep apnea. One is just physical obstruction like mine seems to be,the other is a problem in the brain. If I had the brain problem,I'd think it would happen a whole lot more often and wouldn't be dependant on how I was laying. I went ahead and ordered one of those Z Quiet things a little while ago. 30 day free trial,just pay the 9.95 shipping. If I don't return it,they bill my card another one time charge of 59.99.
Guess I'll have to be the guinea pig here if nobody else has tried it.
I just know that there's a dentist in Grand Rapids that advertises a near identical device,except that it's custom fitted. She claims it totally replaces cpap on 95 percent of patients.
I got tested, got a CPAP machine about 3 years ago - went thru 3 masks before I found one that would work all night long. Wife moved to the other room.

6 months ago I got the plastic mouth inserts which hold the lower jaw forward. $5. problem solved - will never go back to the air machine.
Thank you thank you thank you! That's the voice of experience I was looking for. That's just what this device does. Price seems a little high on the one I just ordered,but if it does the job,what the heck,it's only money,right?
rrlund have you checked to see how large a life insurance policy your wife has on you. (the devil made me do it)

Got the same problem. Went to a "seminar" late last fall that featured an oral device - kinda like a retainer - that was supposed to work. They do a sleep study and then see if it is right for you. Didn't like the idea of a mask.

Have I done it yet? Naw, still snoring and tired and you can ask my wife! MAYBE she will buy it for my birthday - or just collect the life insurance.
You can buy the $80.00 TV thing or be as cheap as me, I went to Wal Mart and in the sporting goods section bought a mouth guard for football players. It costs like $8.00 and worked fine.
Duct tape across the mouth...be sure to leave nose open...and tell the kids!!

Wife started doing this a year or so ago after I jokingly "threatened" to do that to her. She swears it works and that she gets better sleep.

My wife urged me for a long time to go get a sleep study because there were LONG times that I would not breath. I would wake up multiple times and then would have to go to the bathroom - maybe 2-4 times a night.
I finally went for a sleep-study and the technician said she was ready to rouse me once because I didn't breath for 72 seconds.
I got a VPAP machine, sleep much better, almost never get up at night for the bathroom.
The technician that fitted me with the mask asked if I had the dreaded "male problem" (you know!) admitted and said that there is unconfirmed study evidence that, caught early enough, it could have been prevented. Also, A-fib -MAYBE would have prevented that as well IF I would have gone a long time ago.
That's about four years ago and I sleep with it every night - can't without it any more. Besides, I wouldn't. Go do it!
My first mask was a nose only design- didn"t like it. First CPAP machine also failed internally. Next time I got a mouth and nose mask- works fine, generally sleep straight through and feel rested.

Went in for my annual inspection and the doc said it was time to check my lung capacity (lung cancer got dad)... Had me suck/blow on the simple ball machine and gave me that look and said I needed a lung specialist... Scared hell outta me for 3 weeks til I got in... They checked and xrayed with no issues and the doc asked me if I 1) went to sleep at the wheel, 2) tired easily, 3) could watch a full movie on the couch, 4)if I snore.....
Yes to all, sent me to a sleep clinic and I was breathing about 30-35 minutes out of an hour, got a cpap, and saw immediate improvement in all areas.... Another plus is coming off night shift and having to sleep... can cover your head for complete dark & quiet without suffocating......

If you get it for free, even better... sure you've paid in enough let the loudmouths be damned.....
Have you talked to your doctor about this? It sure sounds like sleep apnea, and a sleep study could confirm it. Using a CPAP machine could really help you.

I have used my CPAP for about 6 months. It takes a little getting used to, but I find that I sleep much better and wake up much more rested in the morning than I used to. I almost never have to get up at night now. I also do not snore as I had for many years.

I was told that doing nothing about sleep apnea can actually damage your brain a little at a time, by depriving it of proper oxygen levels over and over.

Do yourself and your family a favor by getting this checked out. It might mean a whole lot to all of you. Good luck!
Your going to do what you are going to do, but people really do die from Sleep Apnea as well as the effects it brings like high blood pressure, heart stress, etc.

Have a CPAP myself and it changed my life. Can make it through the day without falling asleep in the afternoon, wife can sleep through the night, feel better, ....

Hope you resolve it to your satisfaction, but do consider seeing a Dr. if/when the $8.00 device fails to address the problem.

(quoted from post at 14:57:00 01/07/12) Your going to do what you are going to do, but people really do die from Sleep Apnea as well as the effects it brings like high blood pressure, heart stress, etc.

Have a CPAP myself and it changed my life. Can make it through the day without falling asleep in the afternoon, wife can sleep through the night, feel better, ....

Hope you resolve it to your satisfaction, but do consider seeing a Dr. if/when the $8.00 device fails to address the problem.


Heard of someone that was healthy as a horse and wint to sleep and just didn't wake up????

Not much different than a crib death in a baby.....I guess

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