Crazy gas prices what the heck


Well-known Member
Well had to go to the V.A. hospital today for an appointment. Filled the car up before I left town at 10:30 am. Gas was $2.979. Round trip was just a tad under 200 miles and took 4.9 gals of gas to make. Got back to town around 6pm and filled back up. Gas at 6pm was $3.179 now why the heck did it jump 20 cents in that short a time?? Is this what we have to look forward to again this summer??
You are lucky. Gas was 2.97 two weeks ago in ohio . Jumped to 3.40. Cheapest my phone found it for was 3.19. Greedway has it for 3.49. All because of Iran.

Can't we all get along?

Has nothing to do with Iran,when are we going to wake up and realize that the high fuel prices are because of pure American greed,when it cost $600.00 to heat my house with 180 gallons of heating oil rather than $250.00 then there is a definite problem
Been along time since it was under $3.00 here. Currently the cheapeast is $3.27, sounds like you still got a deal compared to here.

There is not now, and never has been any logical explanation as to why gasoline prices go up and down. I read in the paper a couple of days ago that the US is now exporting more gasoline than we are importing. In fact, in dollars, gasoline is now the largest export that the US has.

Demand for gas is now down in the US, so supply is outstripping demand. Normally, one would think that the price should be plummeting, but instead it's rising.

I don't believe that any outside forces (trouble in the mid-East, hurricanes in Louisiana, oil pipeline ruptures, or anything else) are determining the prices. They are what they are because the oil companies want them to be what they are.

At least, that's the way I see it.

Tom in TN
The lowest I seen gas here was 3.20. Bought gas today it was 3.39 and some stations were 3.43. Purely speculation over the threat that Iran made. Saudia Arabia said the would make up any short fall should something happen with Iran. So if the Saudies can make up for any short fall in crude, then why is the price being bid up on the world market at such a fast pace?

Rumor of 5.00 gas this summer. That will kick the economy in the butt.
Blenders credit (subsidy) for ethanol expired at midnight 12/31/11. Gas immediately went up $5.00 per barrel or more at New York Mercantile where wholesale gasoline contracts are bought and sold. This drove up the retail price at the pump. When Iran test fires missles over the Strait of Hormuz it raises the price of gas worldwide, even thou only 20-25% of our oil comes from mideast. Cheapest gas here is $3.49 now probably going higher.
Our gallon of regular gas went to 3.599 this afternoon. Its amazing how fuel prices can change 6 times a day including weekends and New Years Day when the markets are not even open. Realizing gas is almost always consigned from the carrier, its pretty silly on how the stations can gouge patrons daily without some government agency stepping in.
In my town it went from 2.99 to 3.25 in one day. Amazing that gas is so high. Since we are exporting more gas than ever.
Here are the US import numbers from all countries.
If the US
#1 banned drive throughs where people sit on their fat lazy butts burning fuel to go nowhere.
#2 Banned drivers from idling to "warmup" and use a block heater instead. And banned excessive "cool down"with the engine idling with the AC on. Remote Starters are much abused.
#3 Mandated low tire pressure alarms on all highway vehicles such as many new vehicles have.

The US would not have to import Middle East oil.
Yes, B&D, those are all good things. And if the feds mandated them the usual suspects here would be whining about how the Nanny State is taking away their right to waste fuel as they see fit.

Prices here are dropping at the german pumps and rising at the american pumps and the same truck that fills the american tanks drives out and fills the tank at the esso station...........
When the gas price jumps up that much and the tanks are full at the stations, who get the money? Does the station keep it?
guys, its all the above and we know it. We are a captive audience so to say on fuel prices. It will never change. Economic pain is seriously here to stay.
(quoted from post at 23:12:57 01/04/12)
#3 Mandated low tire pressure alarms on all highway vehicles such as many new vehicles have.

You need to buy you one the US mandated vehicles with the low tire monitor. I've got an '08 that I bought used that unknowingly to me had the tire monitor. In the first year of ownership had to replace 2(two) tire pressure sensors at the price of $80 each.

That's $160 just so I don't have to check tire pressures what a bargain!!!!!!!!!!
I was in line one day and the guy said you must wait,I have to change the signs ! Old, what would it cost you if you had to fill cans up and top of every tractor and truck you own? LOL
You people are lucky? I have not seen gas in
N.W. Pa Less that 3.20 per gallon in the past
8 months? Been 3.39 here for quite a while
I'll jump on the "ban" wagon and say if they banned aluminum wheels tire pressure sensors would not be needed. Steel wheels hold air far better because the alum ones corrode and leak all the time.
I bet your not greedy at all, you probably take a voluntary pay cut every time your company has a bad quarter to help make up the profit difference.
Yeah, those government regulations always work out so well, look at the shining example of the obamma economy, 15% real unemployment, record numbers of government dependent people, just what they wanted.
Could it be with the little up roar in Iowa a couple days back?? Maybe the oil companies saw the big 3.6 percent old people got on election year? Seems to be the same or more drivers in the road with HUGE SUV's in this area. Oh yes the new Tundrs'a with the 5.7 engine are getting the same mileage my Chevy 350 got in 1969. Don't let any one tell you they are getting 18 mph on the new TUNDRA. Old saying sheep lye.
The Saudis cannot make up the shortfall, their longterm goal of maintaining 10 million barrels per day is in serious jeapordy now. The difference can be made right here in the USA, oil and natural gas, the most proven reserves worldwide, all we lack is the political will to develop what we have.
Gas is $3.50 a gallon instead of $2.50 A gallon for the same reason that people work for $20 dollars an hour instead of $10 an hour. They can get it. Supply and demand. Joe
Well lets see,feds mandated we had to use more ethanol,then just last week cut the ethanol subsidies off that made the industry profitable. Ethanol producers have to make money ,so guess who pays? Its called a shell game,if anyone else did it they would be prosecuted.But the feds simply create a market at any cost,they say you have to use the stuff,no one notices because most folks think its somehow "green",everyone one jumps up and down for joy because they then cut subsidies and ( supposedly) save taxpayer money,and they dont even think about how they just got ripped off again! fuel prices have to go up,how could they not? Gov created a market for a product, said it was mandatory to use at any cost to taxpayer! ethanol producers are jumping up and down for joy, even though they lost tons of taxpayer money.wonder why that is? Most of us wouldnt like our buisness losing money.But then we dont usually have a mandatory market for our goods either.Wouldnt you like it if the gov passed legislation that said we had to buy potatoes from your farm only? wonder what the price would do?
The reason gas prices jump is because they're controlled by a bunch of people who have NO CLUE what affects the market or how it affects the market.

Most of them think hamburger comes from the grocery store, and oil comes from the Middle East. Someone sneezes in Iran, Jortan, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and it's RABID PANIC on the market.

Same thing with the stock market. It's rocketing up and down like a yo-yo. Every time there's a little bit of good news about some deal, the market shoots up. The next day, yesterday's good news falls through, so it's instant RABID PANIC mode and the market drops. The next day, oh the deal's back on and the market is punch-drunk... A day later, the deal's in jepoardy again, RABID PANIC.
If I was to fill every tractor car truck and can and tank up I have it would cost me a whole years income and probably then some. But I do have a lot of tractors cars trucks and at least 1500 gal worth of fuel tanks, ya some have not been used in decades but I still have them so I counted them
Good point, LAA! Under the laissez-faire Bush administration, where regulation was pretty much eliminated while taxes were cut to the bone, the economy flourished, right? Oh, that's right, the country was bankrupted and the world economy nearly collapsed. Never mind, bad example. Maybe you can come up with a better one. Try googling on "Harding administration"; now that was a presidency after your own heart.
For starters, Bush was no conservative and taxes were far from ''cut to the bone'' on his watch. The economic collaspe, round one, was mostly due to the inflated real estate market, I wonder which party passed laws requiring banks to lend money to people who stood absolutely no chance whatsoever of paying it back? Thats right, it was the nnalert because voter fraud and election rigging does not always work so there is a constant need to buy votes with taxpayer money to ensure re-election.

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