Meet Catski...


Well-known Member
the cat who "gives a $h!+"We got her 5 years ago
from Susan's mother when she had to go to the
nursing home.Catski is old-no one really
knows....Catski is declawed on all four,but she
still rules the place!She can very vocal when she
doesnt like something(she's fun to tease)She does
not like to be photographed!
Some guys think it is unmasculine (or something) to like cats.
I do not let that bother me one little bit.
We had two cats that were born about 6 months before me in the middle of the winter in a haymow
and my Mom had to put them in the oven of the old Kalamazoo to thaw them out.
A neighbor (who performed the service for all his neighbors) neutered them while stuffing them into an old boot.
One lived to be 18 but we had to put him away after he got his legs cut off by a mowing machine. The other one lived to be 21 and we had to have him put away due to old age.BTW, when we needed to "put an animal away" we usually did it ourselves with a "22" or (if we were too attached) had a neighbor do it for us.
Nowadays, they'd probably want to throw you in jail for that!
Altho they were brothers, they had distinctly different personalities; "Tommy", the gray was a barn hunter and "Tiger", the tiger, was a field and woods hunter. Tiger caught all kinds of things including a small bullhead out of our farm pond and a half grown pheasant.
I love dogs and they certainly are loyal and faithful companions but cats can be great pets as well.
I am not a "cat person",but my wife's cats seem to 'adopt' me.Our last two dogs and a few cats have succombed to'lead poisoning'.We have an old shop cat "Eraser" who is my buddy.Here is a pic of 'Race' as he is inspecting the "new" tractor.(see him in the window)

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