Groups of things and old sayings


Well-known Member
Trying to find names for groups of things. A sounder of hogs or a rasher of bacon. Sayings like a stich in time saves nine. I'd like these for me and to pass on to my son. I drive him a little nuts with these things. Us older guys heard them when we were younger. Help out if you can. Thank you.
Murder of crows
Parliament of owls
Dumber than a sack of hammers
Always time to do it 2nd if not done right 1st time
Drove of Asses
Congress of Baboons
Congregation of gators
Be Prepared
The best mind-altering drug is truth
There is your side, their side and the truth
You are only as smart as your stupidest instinct
Difference between Champ and Chump is U
My dad answered when someone said what fur, "Cat fur make kitten britches". Moms line "Its a great life if you don't weaken".
Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in the morning, sailor take warning.

Are you a smart feller of a fart smeller?

More nervous than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

Slicker than snot on a door knob.

Gotta make the hay while the sun is shining.

Easy as pulling a greasy string out of a cat's a$$.

It's like trying to push a wet noodle.

Worse than a monkey ----ing a football.
Animal Group

Bear sleuth
Cat cluster
Cattle Herd/drove
dog kennel/pack
duck team
fox skulk
goose skein/gaggle
rhinoceros crash
tiger ambush
whale school/pod

Like pushing sh## uphill with a shovel
There is only one um.[if somebody annoys you]
Thunder in the fall, no winter at all
Lightning on bare trees, a big snow and a hard freeze
Busier than a cat at a corn shelling
Won't amount to a tinkers dam
Something the kids made while the old man was gone
How about this one: "Couldn't pour pizz out of a boot, if the directions was printed on the heel!"

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