Gonna Make Miss MN Into Mrs. In-too-deep!


Well-known Member
Yep, picked up the ring in Fargo tonight, made the 50 mile trip home in 40 minutes and she said yes. Can ya believe its been 4 years since we got together? I sure am glad she waited around for me : ) Been on cloud 3,177 all night. I'd invite everyone on the board to the wedding if I could!
Congrats! That answers the question from the other day.

Have a Merry Christmas

Congratulations. May your life and her's be exciting and rewarding. Put in the effort and It Will. As with tractors, full maintenance is the best option. Jim
Are you crazy? What are you thinking? :-> Congratulations! I have one that didn't get away quick enough either. I guess she thought I was slower than I was that time.
Congratulations, I didn't know what the good life was all about until I got married too. Of course, by then it was too late! Seriously I hope you and Mrs. In-too-deep have at least 47 wonderful years together as Mr. & Mrs. Paul from MI have. Be sure to post some wedding pictures for us.
Will be a very exicting time in your lives, can almost remember mine, 35 years ago or was it longer......
Congratulations, I didn't know what the good life was all about until I got married too. Of course, by then it was too late! Seriously I hope you and Mrs. In-too-deep have at least 47 wonderful years together as Mr. & Mrs. Paul from MI have. Be sure to post some wedding pictures for us.
Congratulations, and many happily ever afters. Just remember, marriage is not a 50-50 proposition, it's a 100-100 contract. I would do it all over again if I could.
Congrats to Mr and Mrs In to deep !!
Now if we had a date and time we could have a toast together even if it be from coffee to a soda for a drink .
Congrats. The wife and I just celebrated our 4th anniversary on Nov 30. Not to bad for only dating for 2 weeks before getting hitched. The way I looked at it I was pushing 40 at the time, and figured I'd better latch on to her before she got to wise to just how big of a PITA I could be. She figured it out pretty quick but thankfully still loves me...LOL
You didn't ask our permission, (and didn't need it),But thanks for letting us in on it! Pay attention to what Janicholsen told you, good maintence!, and it will usually last!
congrats on getting engaged. You know what they say? Married men live longer than than single men, but married men are always standing by ready to go. My wife & I eloped. Her mother told her not to marry a sailor that she only knew a couple days, who was also leaving the next day for a 6 month cruise. So we went down on her lunch break and got our blood test and by 2pm were married. Good luck, and rehearse the following line, "I'm sorry dear".
The way I heard it us married guys don't necessarily live longer....it just feels like it....LOL.

Too you are right about the "Yes dear", but don't forget there is also "Your Right dear", and "I'm sorry dear" (even if your right and have nothing to be sorry about...LOL)
Congratulations! Wishing you the very best from the eastern side of Minnesota. I do venture your direction to deer hunt 5 miles from Bagley, MN and have often wondered how far you are from there when sitting on the deer stand with plenty of time to think about things.
Congrats, thought this stress reliever might be of help.

Girl: "When we get married I want to share all your worries, troubles and lighten your burden."

BoY: "It's very kind of you darling but I don't have any worries or troubles."

Girl: "Well, that's because we aren't married yet."
I have been married 16+ years now.
Be sure she is the one, Have you lived with her for a while to be sure?
50% of all marriages end in divorce, dont be a statistic of that.
Most of my friends are still married, all less than 20 years. My best man has a brother that was married for 28 years and just got divorced last month. (His wife never worked and never understood where the money came from)
Does your girlfriend work? Does she have a good work ethic? Very important in my book.
Good Luck, and congrats.
Good for you! Wishing you both the best of everything. After 39 years of marriage, I can honestly say that there are only 2 rules for a happy marriage;
Rule # 1 The wife is always right!
Rule # 2 If wife is wrong, see rule #1.
39 years, 3 kids, 5 grandkids and #6 on the way, I can say that I am the luckiest man on earth. Like anything else, if it's gonna be good, you have to work at it. Best wishes, Chris & Alta
Been married 53 yrs now and was reminded at our 50th that "just because we made it to 50 there's no quarantee we'll make it to 51" Now at 53 and hoping to make it to 54!
Congratulations! I always wondered how things worked out between you two. As I remember, Miss Minnesota was a nice looking young lady who wanted to farm. It seemed like you two were a little young at the time to make lifetime decisions. But after 4 years of getting to know each other, you are both a bunch older and more experienced.

Always treat her with respect and caring...and do whatever is necessary to keep your relationship happy. In my experience, women sometimes do or say things that we men have a hard time understanding. They are strange critters! I really believe that they think differently than we do. But they often are right.

I wish I had figured it out earlier in my 32 year marriage that MY LIFE was better when I did most things more or less like my wife wanted us to.

May your life together be long, prosperous and happy!

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