OT-New Blonde Drivers


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Had to take Granddaughter to work this morning. 19 years old, and moved in with us last summer. She finally got a job, and now has decided she needs a drivers license. We still have to take her to work, about seven miles away. She has had her first drive with an instructor, but her Grandmother is terrified to take her on the road, so I have to. This kid is BLONDE!!! She doesn't know where she is when she's sound asleep! She would get lost if someone put her her in a trashcan and told her to go pee in the corner! We asked her where she went for her first drive, and how she got there. She didn't know, but she knew they went past a Burger King! She just about drove into a pole three miles from here. Dear Lord, Give Me Patience. And if anyone sees us coming, and she's driving, RUN!
I survived teaching my daughter to drive. She is doing pretty well. Now my oldest son just turned 16 and it is his turn. Perhaps that is why I have so many white hairs in this years winter beard!

That was one of the benefits of growing up on a farm. You learned how to drive a tractor , truck, or car at 12-13 years old and didn't worry abour running into anything. You had rode on a tractor fender since you were eight. DH
Here in B.C. the drivers test is difficult,so most everyone goes to driving school first,my kids did as well.
Let me guess she works for a government agency?

A blonde joke:

A guy is explaining to a painter how he wants the interior of his house painted.......Every few minutes he yells out the window.."Green side up" and he continues to talk with the painter and he yells out the window again...."Green side up" The painter finally says to him, What does that have to do with the paint job I am giving you? The homeowner says, "I have 3 blondes across the street laying sod"
Just heard a joke on e-mail.

Chap driving, says he always picks his nose while driving, a mans right,
Passenger asks , "why do you always pick your nose?"
Driver answered, " because I can"t reach my a..."
It's an estrogen thing. My wife sat in the hospital recoverying from totaling her fourth vehicle in a 6 month time frame. I am not suppose to share this story, but... The deputy came in and explained how she needed to consider quiting driving. On one occasion she past a harvested cotton feild on a sunny midday. A deer ran across the field and was almost to the other side when my wife nailed him. The minivan was toat, as was the deer. My wife has issues trying to understand that the deer couldn't be less at fault if it wore a reflective vest and used a crosswalk
My now 26 yo daughter learned to drive first with a riding lawnmower. I had planted some Black Locust trees and one was about 8 feet inside the grass perimeter. She Ran over the Damn thing not once but 4 g==d d---m times. Now I have to thank her because its the largest of all of them. By the way shes a brunette. Shes also been the guilty party in 5 rear end accidents. The classic excuse. Well they stopped too quick. Merry Christmas
So far I've been pretty lucky with my two daughters (one's blonde) as far as driving and accidents.

On the directional challenged issue... had the realization hit (much too late) that all the electronic gadgets and entertainment items (ranging from portable DVDs on to phones to text on) kids got when they were young (so they didn't whine and we didn't hear "When are we going to be there " were pretty and very counter-productive. Kids stayed entertained, heads down, never noticed any landmarks. Not sure either of them can find their way around metro Atlanta without their GPS... hit home when the youngest one's boyfriend said he couldn't take the dog to the kennel one morning cause the GPS wasn't charged...

Have swore the grand-daughter isn't getting electronic entertainment in the car no matter how much she whines... lesson learned.
Talk about blonde drivers, this afternoon I pulled into the bank drive through to make a deposit. There are 6 drive through lanes, two were being used, the rest open. The two that were being used each had 4 cars lined up behind each other, and yep, all were women, most were blondes.
Sums it up.
My youngest rear ended a pick up the third day she had a license,shook the mud from the truck and totaled the Toyota.(She now admits she was adjusting the radio)
Gotta add that Mom let her drive the Mule about three years ago. She promptly ran into my pickup. Her sister always knows where she is. Victoria rarely knows where she is. We aren't sure if she could use a GPS. It may have too many buttons. And she has trouble remembering her right from her other right. She has been through her classroom portion of her driving school, and it was a driving school instructor she went out with Saturday. Looked kind of wimpy, but the bugger must have nerves of steel. He had three hours with her- I only had to go through about 20 minutes this morning. And you think I should have put her on my B? Or Something even bigger? BAD NEWS_ Maw says I gotta do it again tomorrow morning-- More on tomorrows adventures later---
(quoted from post at 22:27:30 12/19/11) Gotta add that Mom let her drive the Mule about three years ago. She promptly ran into my pickup. Her sister always knows where she is. Victoria rarely knows where she is. We aren't sure if she could use a GPS. It may have too many buttons. And she has trouble remembering her right from her other right. She has been through her classroom portion of her driving school, and it was a driving school instructor she went out with Saturday. Looked kind of wimpy, but the bugger must have nerves of steel. He had three hours with her- I only had to go through about 20 minutes this morning. And you think I should have put her on my B? Or Something even bigger? BAD NEWS_ Maw says I gotta do it again tomorrow morning-- More on tomorrows adventures later---
ook my granddaughter out into a flat, 40 acre, hay meadow (no trees or anything except flat grass). Had to help to keep my perimeter fence in tact. It isn't the same world I grew up in! :cry:
I used to give driving test in the Army. Tested one girl gave her a drivers licenses. She hit a M60 tank while leaving the motor pool.Never did like that job.
You know? Summer time pulled into a Mobil truck stop to fuel up, and as I was, a fairly new Chevy Impala pulls up at the pumps a row over, tapping like it has no oil in it. Young fella gets out, pops the hood with it running, tries checking the oil. Kid looks to be about high school age, and his girlfriend is in the front seat looking at me shaking my head. Another car pulls in with him, another high school aged looking couple, probably a double date, and he gets out too and goes over to the kid trying to check for oil with the engine running, when by the sound of it, there is no oil. None of my business, but I hollar over that can't check the oil in a running engine, shut it off first, and there doesn't sound like there is any oil to begin with. The fella shouts back, "I have to shut it off first?". I nod YES, so they jump into their cars and drove off. I figure at least one young lady was going to be calling Mom or Dad to come get her, broken down with her boyfriend somewhere not real far away.

Things happen. If life was perfect and everything went right, it sure would be boring and far less interesting, thats for sure.

I was lucky. We live back a 1/2 mile lane. All of my kids learned to drive whatever old car/truck that I had extra at the time. They usually started about the sixth grade or ten years old. I put in a gravel parking spot at the end of drive way. They would drive out and catch the bus. They all took turns driving different days each week. None of them had any trouble passing their driving test.

Many kids today never get to drive anything before they try to drive a car. I think that starting out on the lawn tractor and working your way up is how you learn. I have an old JD 111 without a deck that has been driven by just about every kid in the family.
All of my boys learned to drive tractors here on the farm, never had any serious issues, even with icy Michigan roads. Now I tried my grnaddaughters with the lawn mower, tractor thing. Not the same result. Both had accidents within a few weeks of getting their licences. I still have 5 more grandkids to go, maybe I can teach some of them.
Love the story of my son and his grandpa. Son been out driving the GP's PU on the farm. Drives up & GP says, "looks like mirror clipped a little something?" Son, "you ought to see the potato shed!"
I learned to drive a Model A Ford when I was 8 years old. Mother put Sears Roebuck catalog behind my back so I could get close enough to the pedals. We'd switch seats just before we got to the city limits. But, I could already do everything with the old WC including plowing (ploughing??). Plowing (ploughing??) was the difficult thing for me until I learned to back up a little to get the force of the dirt off the moldboards before I tried to adjust the levers. No hydraulics in those days. (;>)) I'm 75 years old now and have never had an accident (there aren't enough accidents to go around. Not just anyone can have one) but you wouldn't have been able to pull a dollar bill between me and the car spinning out of control one time. Mostly luck.
I called Geico once their quote was $5,000 every 6 months for full coverage on 3 cars. One driver was 18 years old. Geico was $8,000 a year more than I was currently paying. Math is not my strong point but I don't think that is 15% savings.
(quoted from post at 05:54:18 12/20/11) I called Geico once their quote was $5,000 every 6 months for full coverage on 3 cars. One driver was 18 years old. Geico was $8,000 a year more than I was currently paying. Math is not my strong point but I don't think that is 15% savings.

LOL thats how GIECO can save some people so much. If they consider you high risk for anything the premium is outrageous. So most of thier policey holders have a pretty good driving record and are over the age of 25.

Accolades for going the extra mile for your granddaughter.

As noted below, life experiences at an early age can make learning easy or hard. If those life lessons come very late, the learning curve is more challenging. Sometimes we forget that parents have an obligation to help prepare their offspring to survive and prosper in adulthood.

yeah, basic intelligence helps and attention-span also has a lot to do with it. However, a lot of that is genetic - ie parents and grandparents.

I guess with kids I embrace the philosophy that my son taught me when he was about 9 years old. He asked if God made all the good people in the world, and I answered yes. He then asked if God made all the bad people - I hedged and replied that he made them, but the bad part was a different matter. He thought for a minute and then summed it up, thusly:

"Well, if made them all, then I guess he is just gonna have to GO WITH WHAT HE"S GOT!"

So Donjr, fasten your seatbelt and go with what you've got.
I have three daughters, all blond. Two rolled cars within a year of getting their license.

Above all else - if it's the only thing you teach her - make sure she ALWAYS buckles her seat belt every time she gets in a car.
(quoted from post at 21:22:13 12/19/11) Here in B.C. the drivers test is difficult,so most everyone goes to driving school first,my kids did as well.

My brother in law is a Canadian. Scariest driver I ever rode with. Made me car sick. Only time I have ever demanded to take over for the driver as a passenger.
You fellas ever notice that insurance companies charge more for teenage BOYS than for teenage girls? Maybe they know something you guys don't know.

I have a 5 year old daughter and plan on getting her some seat time just as soon as she's ready. I also plan on not being judgmental about her being a "dumb girl" while teaching her. Bet you ten bucks she does better than all your "dumb girls"

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