O/T Pure speculation


Well-known Member
So ok this is speculation as to what might happen if it did happen.
So the U.S gets invaded by ground forces. We as the people do we fight back give up or just flat out hide???
Be nice with this please it is only speculation as to what we the people might do.
My self I think those of us who hunt and have done are time in the military would dig in hide out to take the enemy out as we could but yet not just stand up and be a target.
So what say you again be nice
There is no one with forces that could get 1000 yards into the country. It is less our readyness on the ground (civilian or Armed Forces)as it is the lack of ""their"" troups or infrastructure logistics capability to do so without being discovered, and our willingness to stop them at sea. Internal sabotage is far more worrisome. Jim
This is my opinion, but, I don't fear a military attack on America. The danger to us a as people is an errosion of who we are. There are those within our land that seek to undermine our way of life. They seek to deminish the role of family and even the value of human life. These present a greater danger than a foriegn military power. These create a sense in our country that we are the problem, and that we must cede all of our soveriegnty to "Global Benefits" There is no military force currently on Earth that could defeat our military, yet, if we restrict our soldiers to the point that others have the advantage, an enemy, even one from within, could hurt our great land. An invading military would never make it to our beach, if we as a people return to our founding principles of America first, but, ask yourself how many of our leaders see things that way?
(quoted from post at 22:58:21 12/07/11) There is no one with forces that could get 1000 yards into the country. It is less our readyness on the ground (civilian or Armed Forces)as it is the lack of ""their"" troups or infrastructure logistics capability to do so without being discovered, and our willingness to stop them at sea. Internal sabotage is far more worrisome. Jim

Really? Just how many Chinese come into our country without getting caught.....think out of the box! On a dozen ships they could land enough infantry to take over a few square miles of a major port city. Only way to get them out is bombs and artillery cause causalities to AMERICAN civvies.....they don't have to win the fight.....all they have to do is cause the voter to change their views! All they need is 1000 meters or so over a 2 mile front! Talking about sneaking them in not with an invasion fleet!

Kinda scares me but right now we are looking for threats from terrorist and invasion fleets. What about a small suicide attack (couple of division sized elements in tramp freighters, who would hold women and children as shields???) looking to destabilize our country?????

I have no tin hat but I think that's the real threat!

I believe you are correct Jim.
And that was answered by passengers on United flight#93
May we be eternaly gratful and remember them as the heros they are.
i couldn't agree with bob more. we are slowly deteriorating as a society, i'm not saying this cause i have lived a long time and think my generation was better than any other, fact is my generation has been asleep at the wheel for many years. no outside force is going to destroy us, we are doing it to ourselves. if you read the communist manifesto, their goal to gain control is done in steps, one, destroy the family unit and family values, two ,have the gov't educate the childern, three, dilute religion to where most congregations are mere social clubs, four, get as many people as posssible dependent on gov't handouts. sound familiar??
no, i'm not worried about outside invasion, i'm very worried about america tolerating itself into total destruction.
God help us!!

(quoted from post at 23:34:33 12/07/11) I believe you are correct Jim.
And that was answered by passengers on United flight#93
May we be eternaly gratful and remember them as the heros they are.

Yes those people were hero's! But freighters pulling into a harbor defended by a few cops and gang bangers looking out for their best interest????? By a couple of light divisions???? Keeping in mind that "they" would cram soldier into spaces we wouldn't think of!!! Take a few buildings holding American Civvies with children???? Making it so that to retake that land WE KILL OUR OWN PEOPLE????? OK I'm an old soldier....I know that can happen......But the average Joe isn't going to understand killing Americans! It would destabilize our government! Hate to say it but chivvy casualties happen in war....only thing we can do is try to minimize it! Last time a major war was fraught on our land was the Civil War!!!! We really don't understand what war is!

(quoted from post at 23:58:45 12/07/11) Why would anyone attack us when we're destroying ourself with debt and Self Induligence?

Now sir you do have a point there!... I'm thinking outside the box...worse possible case...I'm not thinking that they are going to do it but the threat is there! WE sould be prepared for ANY THREAT!

The real danger and question is whether the US has already reached the point where the government has made so many citizens dependent on one form or another of taxpayer funded government handouts that they will willingly surrender their freedom and culture. There is a shockingly large percentage of people that already believe they are entitled to reap what others sow, look at the OWS crowd, a bunch of losers that hate producers and all the while crying for "fairness".
Sorry, as an Alaskan I gotta` object. Several battles were fought during WW2 on American soil, in the Aleutian chain in Alaska. Half a mile up the road from where I grew up is old AA batterys, to protect Ladd Field from japanese fighters. Many older folks up here remember the days of the Alaska Territorial Guard training to repel a full scale invasion. So yeah, we have been invaded, and the weather did more to repel the enemy than fighting did.

I do not think that the majority of the US population in the lower 48 would actively resist an invading force nowadays. Most of the city folks are too soft and scared to do much. Most of the folks on this board are Hank Jr.`s proverbial "Country Boys", the sort who would most likely make it through one way or another, but it is easy to forget how small of a % of the population we really are. As for us in Alaska, I think we stand a better chance in the fight than some, we have lots and lots of mountains and wilderness, and very few roads (choke points for "them"). Read "Skis Against the Atom", very interesting account of Norwegian resistance fighters during the war, very enlightening on how best to fight an occupying army.
As a decorated 3 tour Viet-Nam Vet,I beleive you have chaired good wisdom.My friends in AZ.on the SanPadroe river know for a fact that armed military force of some kind is all ready hear.How big of a force, the Boarder Patrole only can guess.The too will tell you this if pressed.In Calif. on the old Army Base,Chines armed withak47's guard their own stuff there and are their own law.Clinton is the one to thank for this.I to lived in AK.The old guard did a great job,we should learn from them,we The HOME Guard will do and deal with what ever happens.Red Dawn was some what of a training film or idea for that.Much like a lot of you I swore to uphold the constatution once and they can not take that oath away from us.sempher-fi
(quoted from post at 22:35:56 12/07/11) So ok this is speculation as to what might happen if it did happen.
So the U.S gets invaded by ground forces. We as the people do we fight back give up or just flat out hide???
Be nice with this please it is only speculation as to what we the people might do.
My self I think those of us who hunt and have done are time in the military would dig in hide out to take the enemy out as we could but yet not just stand up and be a target.
So what say you again be nice[
Wont be outside invasion but internal unrest.Demonstrations will turn in to riots.Look at Egypt, Libya.People will take oppression for a while then explode into action.Heat assistance has been cut, unemployment funds stop come January.SS cuts are coming.Food prices are up 30%this year.The French Revolution happened because of high price of flour.Hunger will drive people to extreme actions.We have a new class of people who feel they are entitled to giveaways even if others do with out.I wonder how the people who occupy public parks are getting food, They have no jobs, no homes.Winter cold will reduce their numbers but they will come back stronger come spring.
Go watch the movie "RED DAWN"
Guerrilla warfare worked against us in Vietnam and it would work against a invader to the USA along with our military working to repel the invaders!
interesting,..45 years ago i had a teacher in school that said the chinese would take over our country and never fire a shot,...talk about foresite
Right on! My fear is that the terrorists will get a nuke into an American harbor and detonate it. All the guns I have can't protect me from that! As far as the Chinese invading then who would buy all their products, it would kill there economy as fast as ours.
I posted this a few days back on another thread.
I can't argue with him.
'I hope this is not blown away and please don't shoot the messenger but it follows the thread.
I remember when Nikita Khrushchev made a visit to this country back in the sixties he made a comment to the effect Russia would not have to defeat us that we would do it to ourselves. With that thought I went researching for his quote. The one below is as close as I found.
""I once said, "We will bury you," and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you.""
Nikita Khrushchev
http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/n/nikita_khrushchev.html#ixzz1OcRb2oNU '
Yep. When the chips are down, even sissies will - well most, will feel a 'natural instinct' to fight their way out of whatever. The NEED has to be there. And fear of legal reprocussions have to be overpowered, that is the real issue about who will not do what. Forget middle aged braggards, who in reality, would not 'get involved'... hand their deer rifle to a fifteen year old, point them at the ememy. A game, no fear, no thoughts of mortality, no compassion- just an awkward killing machine. As long as the arms are there, fear sells. In Washington weasels regarding the citizens, and in the thoughts of potenial invaders, who only want easy victories... it really doesn't mater who is capible of doing what, the fear of it is all that matters.
I don"t want to fight next to the deer hunters,they shoot at anything that moves and that could be me.
Me? Well, there is a long, narrow, steep winding road down to my hunting cabin. I keep the cabin stocked with food, water, fuel (propane and wood) and lots of bullets.

The cabin is 3/4 of a mile from the next nearest house and totally out of sight from any road. Only one way to get in or out unless on foot.

I would head there with the family, park the bulldozer sideways in the road and lay dog till it's over.

We would have more to fear from the city people coming out and trying to take our food and supplies.

We have already been invaded by ground forces. And I'm not talking about the "MigrantLabor" either. The invaders are in DC, in our own government. In our own FedGov, along with the FedReserve, They are in the process of bleeding this country dry. Most of our manufacturing jobs have been shipped overseas. The current high unemployment will NEVER go back down. The official Gov number for unemployment is BS. Honest unemployment would count the unfortunents that have fell off the unemployment payrolls, and the people who are working at McDonalds that used to have REAL jobs.
We are over 15 TRILLION in debt (And that doesn't count our unfunded liabilities), And our Government WILL NOT cut spending one dime. NO, They want to pzzz away more and bury us further. They tell us inflation is low and under control. Yeah right, of couse in their BS caculations they don't take in to acount FOOD and ENERGY. With all the rules and regulations with alot more to come, They are regulating and burying with debt right into 3rd world status. In my neck of the woods, I'm watching as they shut down 2 refinerys (1 of them is over 100yrs old) and possibly a 3rd. Seems they can't make any money in the current economical environment (FedGov/EPA regulations again). We will soon be IMPORTING our gas and heating oil. We have already been invaded. And they did not have to fire a shot.
"Good generals study tactics. Great
generals study logistics"

The whole notion of that ever happening is just plain ludicrous.
The logistical requirements to put an army on to our shores and fight their way to Missouri would be such an enormous task as to make the whole scenerio impossible.
A more likely scenerio would be due to our inability to pay back our debt to them so they take Hawaii and Alaska.
Then they would at least have the advanced bases from which to stage the invasion and move forward. But it would still be a bigger job than they have ships and planes to carry out.
Mind you, I am not pooh-poohing the notion of a stash of guns, ammo, vegetable seeds and what have you.
Let our financially shaky government be late in getting welfare and ssi checks into the mail and in no time you would have craven, marauding hordes and bands all over the countryside.
(quoted from post at 11:19:33 12/08/11) "Good generals study tactics. Great
generals study logistics"

The whole notion of that ever happening is just plain ludicrous.
The logistical requirements to put an army on to our shores and fight their way to Missouri would be such an enormous task as to make the whole scenerio impossible.
A more likely scenerio would be due to our inability to pay back our debt to them so they take Hawaii and Alaska.
Then they would at least have the advanced bases from which to stage the invasion and move forward. But it would still be a bigger job than they have ships and planes to carry out.
Mind you, I am not pooh-poohing the notion of a stash of guns, ammo, vegetable seeds and what have you.
Let our financially shaky government be late in getting welfare and ssi checks into the mail and in no time you would have craven, marauding hordes and bands all over the countryside.

well first of all they could bring about 90% of their army into the US legaly today and no one ever would bat an eye.shut down the power grid and about 90% of americans would be totaly helpless without a clue and within 48 hours would start fighting and killing each other for rescources. Of the other ten percent about 80% of them would probably cooperate with the enemy for how shall we say "special consideration". the military would try to fight back of course but retalitory strikes would be very limited because of unacceptable civilian casualties.that means they would have to with draw into defensive positions that could be maintianed only temporarily. of the remaining 2% some would try to defend a town or hold ground,and would be simply overwhelmed by force,or eliminated by snipers. Some would keep moving,which would really be the civil populations best chance,into more and more remote areas ,possibly attacking targets of chance,but mostly evading.Military MIGHT be able to setup a defense line say on the mississippi, but without outside support from the world in the way of food a material it would be tenuous at best.a gurilla warfare type thing might be feasable at first,IF (highly unlikely) a sort of command structure could be agreed on by a civilian group. but it would without a doubt be swiftly eliminated by any real force simply because Much of the us doesnt provide the neccesary air and ground cover for a large group action. you could fight sort of a armed retreat type war but against any type of armor it would sort of be like the nnalert guard in the desert.
Not that i have thought of this or anything.
If we was to try and repel the invaders, Would we have enough ammo to do it? I know Gander Mountain and like stores, would only be able to supply the first ten to come in the store if that many.
Don't think the US will ever be invaded with ground troops.

September 11th demonstrated a new way of attack. Really not new if you were to consider it a kamikazi attack which it was. The difference, the terrorists figured out how to use our aircraft against us instead of providing their own.

The future of attacks will be against our infrastructure (food supply, electrical distribution grid, etc), chemical warfare, and biological warfare. I just hope I am wrong.


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