sorry for the trouble,,


Well-known Member
sorry to start all the trouble ,I didnt mean any harm,I am definetly not a professional musician,just wanted to play some old time church tunes on Sunday, I dont like to make anyone mad on the tractor site, and Lou is a gifted musician and my friend, and I hate to see him upset. I got on the computer before work and noticed it made controversy . If anybody dosent like me to play music or if you dont mind it once in a while let me know, I'll look at the results after work,and if a lot of people dont like it ,I will cease ... Larry
I think it was nice of you to take time to record that and post it, and it didn't cause any controversy of its own. Sometimes people are looking for a chance to argue, but I was told it takes two to have an argument, so don't feel like it was your fault.

Keep it up. I'm constantly amazed at the diversity of talent and knowledge possessed by the people who post on this board.

I love the variety, to say nothing of the raw talent that you and others bring to the board.

I can barely play the radio, let alone a musical instrument.

Tom in TN
didn't listen to the music (youtube is usually blocked at work) but it couldn't have been as ugly as them green tractor pics :shock:

Just kiddin.... worryin about what some of these folks think will just make your hair grayer.. Some will read thru a thread just to find something they can get offended by and if it's not there, will try to twist what is into something offensive. Just the natural character of some folks and shouldn't bother you. Keep it comin Babes......

Be who you are and say what you want... those who matter won't mind and those who mind, don't matter......

goes for anything you say and do as long as you say/do it with a clear concience

Don"t let a few comments stop you. There are as many off topic posts here than tractor posts. In fact the next thread after this one is about a muzzleloading rifle. Maybe they plan to shoot their tractor!. I would have liked to hear your music but it wasn"t available on my internet.
Mt Daddy always told me. Be yourself. You can't please everyone. Some will like you some won't don't worry about it. Like he said if they don't like me. They don't have to look at me.

DO NOT STOP just because one or two didnt like it I FIGURE IF A PERSON DOESNT LIKE ANY OFF TOPIC (OT) POST THEY HAVE A RIGHT TO NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT READ IT. I wasnt aware anyone FORCED THEM TO READ IT and if they dont like it here because we all (99%) have fun with a little OT at times THEY HAVE A RIGHT TO GO ELSEWHERE (and dont let the door hit them on the way out lol lol)

Heck myself and others are alwayaaaaaaaaasssss posing a few OT comments to which again 99% of the gents here enjoy IM NOT A FAN OF TYRANNY BY THE MINORITY

Look at the fun times the 99% of us have had when Allan in Nebraska posts his guitar music and yes I even posted myself trying to learn the freakin banjo and of my son playing on Beale Street in Memphis AND UNLESS AND UNTIL KIM BANS ANY OR ALLLLLLLLLLL OFF TOPIC POSTINGS I PLAN TO ENJOY THEM AND POST THEM AND KEEP IT UP

Some people for some reason have this need to ATTACK others personally if they dont like or agree with what was posted, I just wasnt raised that way. Yes I will argure and defend my theory or accept criticism if showm why it was incorrect, BUT THATS NOT THE SAME AS ATTACKING SOMEONE PERSONALLY. You can always see whose loosing an argument on its merits, its the person who has to change the subject and make personal attacks

Now you got me fired up lol soooooooooo heres a video of an 8 year old playing a banjo and if anyone dont like it feel free NOT to view it and/or to kiss my grits SO THERE...........

Keep it up Larry and you 99% who enjoy a little light hearted fun wholesome OT now n then this is the right of our majority so dont let some minority stop us from having fun AS WE CHOOSE...

God Bless yall and have a Happy Thanksgiving
Post more Larry most of us enjoyed it

Ol John T I3qbB4Kq3Y0&feature related
My wife and I both thought it was great. How could anyone complain? I gotta find the complaint post and see what bonehead posted it. Keep up the pictures and music Larry.
Ok, I think I found it...some Bob character...wants to know what kind of tractor you drive....both are he knows and now he can crawl back into his hole.
Always enjoy the photos, music, and posts you share with us on YT.

Maybe next time you can play us some music while sitting on your Ford tractor.
We have a saying down here "if you can't stand the sight, don't look".

No one forces anyone here to read OT posts. It was their choice. If you don't like the post, just exit the post.

Unfortunately, it seems there are those that don't like everything and say so everywhere.

Keep playing and posting.
Larry keep up the good music , there are people that can , people that can t & people that like to complain.

Take the ones that like to complain with a grain of salt.
Seems to be some "grumpiness" in here as of late, "this too shall pass"

How does a person get upset in regards to subject matter here, its just a website forum?

Get a flat with your tractor without a spare, when you really need to get done, thats something to get upset about.

High School I went to was a of a religious denomination as well as a u.s. army jrotc military school, one of the "brothers" whom was from the class of '31, whom my father had as a teacher when he went there, old school type, was an administrator/disciplinarian when I attended. If you had a beef with a brother or teacher in those days, when my father attended, you put on the boxing gloves after school and settled it. I know, cut to the chase ......

Amongst the oddball faculty, he and a few others were admirable people. One of my favorite quotes or sayings from him was "Pay them no heed for they know not what they are doing"

He's still around, he had been writing some great stories for the alumni news from his youth and things he did as a young educator. Much of the faculty were just kind of odd, the few like him made them tolerable.

And yes the school had a small compact Ford tractor, to keep up the grounds, how familiar it was to me, most of my class mates knew nothing about these things, I remember looking at it, the implements and had been well experience with same by then, the brother who was the librarian used to take care of the grounds with that tractor.
Don't think you caused any trouble at all, and Lou wasn't upset with you- it was the other guy who complained (again) that it was off topic, that set him off.

I don't like to cause trouble on the board either, but have been flamed a few times- I try to just move on, as if it didn't happen. I kind of like the OT stuff- Do the guys at the coffee shop ALWAYS discuss oil viscosity for the Farmall Super M?
Larry my friend, Now you've read all the replys sent to your post and believe me, there is NO NEED to apologize for your music Video. You didn't start trouble. My post was ment to let folks here know what a delight it would be if you and Roy could get together and play for us. I took exception(as Is my nature)if there becomes ruthless comments made to do harm). Music is the Harmony of life,it holds our emotions (hostage which is a great feeling)close inside.Like the comments of those who responded to your post, I too enjoy your music as well as Roys and J T's. Although my resume is quite lengthy in the music world, doesn't mean it's accepted by every one at all times. There are those who delight in tearing down those who try and succeed ,to ease the daily grind with their music, poetry,paintings,etc. You guys are exactly those beautiful people who like to share the beauty of music. Don't EVER apologize for that. EVER..One must remember , at my age I won't tolerate those who spout inflamitory remarks about things they no nothig about, just to show the world they perceive themselves to be experts in all matters yet know little or nothing .I'll voice my opinion as did the others on this post. Keep on posting your music, and I emplor others to do the same. My WARMEST REGARDS . LOU.
Right on Lou, one thing I've enjoyed most in this late in life hobby of learnin the banjo IS HOW MUSICIANS ARE SO WILLING TO HELP OTHERS. Similar most are humble and not blowhards.

I also enjoy some OT stuff now n then AND IF THERES ANYONE GUILY OF POSTING YOU TUBE MUSIC VIDEOS (me, my son and others) ITS MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. And I plan to continue but I usually label the post OT and Music etc so if that offends anyone I give them permission to exercise their free choice simply NOT read it SO THERE.

As Ive said before when I first started jamming my musician son told me "You dont have to hit allllllll the RIGHT notes, but you cant hit any WRONG notes", i.e. if I'm rolling my banjo through the right chords, I may not hit allllll the correct melody notes, but I wont be hitting any sour wrong notes either. AND MOST IMPORTANT YOU HAVE TO PLAY IN TIME at which Im decent.

Larry or you caused no trouble Id say in 99% of those here AND I PLAN TO POST MUSIC NOW N THEN UNTIL KIM THROWS ME OUTA HERE LOL

Happy Thanksgiving

John T
Carley, Peyton and Danielle at Oolenoy
Larry, a little music fits in with the rest of everything else on this board, as long as the music is down to earth and NOT rap or Hip Hop, which do nothing but glamorize gangster thugs in the big city 'hoods. As a musician myself, I have been delighted many times clicking on a youtube clip of a kid playing a banjo or someone playing a steel guitar. I clicked on a youtube link recently that brought up Diane Bish playing a sinfonia on a huge pipe organ. Wow. Gave me goosebumps hearing all that power. In 2 weeks, I'll be performing in the Atlanta TubaChristmas for the 22nd or 23rd straight year, and other that that, it's playing the doghouse bass at local bluegrass jams. The hard rock days are over.
Hey Larry,
When I read your post I was really confused. I thought no way did Larry stir up something, heck he's the nicest guy in the whole wide world. So I went down the forum to see what it was you were talking about. Well 'ol buddy, all I see is one dimwit who apperantly was having a bad day and decided to share his bad day with others. So just don't worry about it, and post what the heck you want....and that includes music and pictures! Sadly I'm on dial up so I never get to hear any of the music.....and I so badly want too but.....
I think it's a wonderful thing that ya'll share your talents with everyone on here, and if I could play anything more than chopsticks on the keyboard I would figure out a way to post music too.
The computer is a lot like the TV, read the forum posts you want and just disregard the rest if your not interested. No reason to make an a** if yourself in front of everyone just because you don't like what you see or hear. I turn on the TV, flip through some channels and stop at something I like. If I don't find something I like, I push the red button that say's power. I discovered years ago yelling at the TV telling it there isn't anything good on didn't seem to help, other than to make myself look like a fool in front of whoever could hear me!
Life is so simple, so let's keep it that way!
Nancy. Doing pretty good. Cancer is slowing me down. But I am not giving up yet. Went looking for a used truck the other day. Gave up on that when I saw the price.

Friends from another site paid for a new engine in the one I am driving. Very greatful to them. But I would like to have a backup truck.

Things are still the same down here. Most tanks are dry and the burn ban is still in effect. Looks like an Army moving through town. With all the hay trucks coming through.
larry@stinescorner, I vote "MORE". I enjoy music, and have added to my collection, from here and tales. If I don't like it, I don't watch it.
Larry First let me thank myou for all your previous posts including all your pictures And let me say Im liked your Sunday morning Musical post. Keep it up George NJ
Larry, Every once in a while somebody achieves perfection. They become a perfect a$$. Ignore them and keep posting. I am glad you share the music and pictures that you post. Keep it up.
Hey Larry, it isn't you. It's the weather (I think). Cogitate on this, you have all these folks used to getting up early, getting a lot done, and going to bed bushed. Then they get up in the morning a do it all over again. Now with the winter setting in, there is still plenty to do but no daylight to do it in. It is also cold, muddy, and raining/snowing. Minor tasks become major. And when you have nothing to do you set in the house thinking about all the stuff you should be getting done and all the stuff piling up on ya. It gets to a fella quick.

I baled on this site the first time it happened. I thought they all went nuts. Heck all I did was posted my alma mater after my name and caught some heat over it. (It ain't Yale...) This too shall pass and everyone will be happy as clams when good weather is again upon us. In closing, it ain't you. It's us.


PS Flame as necessary!
Larry Just now reading all this mess but this poster has it just like I feel... Keep it
Larry, no matter what you post on boards like this, there will always be some sorehead who will take extreme umbrage at it. Happens here, happens on Tales, happens everywhere. Just take a deep breath, and then go ahead and post. And if they don't like it....well, that's their privelege.
Keep it up Larry and others. The older I get the more amazed I am with the talent some poses whether it be playing an instrument, finishing cement or painting a tractor.
I also enjoy your PA. pictures.

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