OT: It made it all worth It

Richard G.

Well-known Member
A few nights ago, my wife brought our 5 year old grand daughter down to the shop to help shell dried peas. I had just got a good fire going in the big old shop heater and she and I were standing there warming our hands. She looked up at me and said "You know something, your a good grandpa".
Don"t get any better than that.
It's amazing how a few simple words like that from a kid can jst make yer whole years!

My now 8 YO grand son when 3 didn't much care for his other grand pa and all of a sudden started calling me Papa.....guess at 3 that was his way of keeping us seperate.....all 10 grand kids now call me papa.

Enjoy those Grandchildren even if they get in your hair sometimes. I haven't seen mine since he was 8 he is now 26 but I still cherish the days we had together. Is the only Grandchild I have as my son never remarried. Enjoy every minute you spend with them.
Yea, ours (age 4) was here last week. We raised all boys, so having a grandaughter around for a while was great fun. The thing I can't figure out though is where they get all that energy?
I had 2 out of my 5 grand kids visit this summer and the boy told me I was his best grand pa and that was when he was sitting my my grand fathers 1935 JD-B guess I'm lucky the be able to say I have had 5 generations on that one tractor and it is still in the family and I now own it
Granddaughters are precious, wonderful, and wise. We have two, Emily and Lydia. Turns out Lydia was invited to a birthday party for Amanda, a friend of both girls. Emily was not invited. Emily was hurt but didn't complain. When we dropped Lydia off at the party, Emily gave Lydia a gift and a card to give to Amanda! I don't know of anybody else in the whole world who would have done that. A sweet ten year old girl taught all of us a lesson that day.
That is great.
My son is 10 now, I hope that he has kids cause I would like to have a grandchild. I have a long time to wait though.
My Son Shawn who is now 19, my youngest, he has
3 older sisters, but when he 4, while riding to
town with me on a friday night, he said...

Dad we are best friends aren"t we??

I said we sure are Son,,,

Then he say"s I know why too..

I asked Why is that???

Cause we both got (talley wackers...)

I didn"t know what to say & I guess he
was right...
My wife &I have 2 grandsons ages 2&21/2 & a third grand baby due any day.
If we had known grand kids were so much fun, we would of had them FIRST...
Enjoy your grandkids every minute you can. I finally got grandkids at age 70 (twin boys). Problem is, they live 1000 miles away. I'll be very lucky if I see them once a year.
This is my 3 1/2 year old grandson. He was really enamored by the "Cho-Cho's" at Brooks this year. My wife and I steal him and his 1 1/2 yr old sister as often as possable. fortunately they live only 7 miles away. The 7 yr old grandaughter is in Cheboygan Michigan, so I don't get to see her nearly often enough. nothing in this world beats "grandpa time"
Tim in OR
My 6 year old grandaughter was working me for something one day without getting me to give in. She finally crawled up on my lap and gave me a big hug and said softly "A good grampa would do that for his grandaughter". After that, I had to give in even though it was kinda fun to hear her little pitches to get me to give in.

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