random tractor shot from pa and a story


Well-known Member
the neigbor was getting some fields ready to plant wheat, He planted it Sunday, His grandmother said it might be too late to plant wheat in our area,she was a little worried about it,we will see what happens,its right in front of our house in pa
He farms our land, his grandfather raised him and they farmed together ,his grandfather passed away, I had a nice lunch that his grandmother made me this weekend,I am so lucky to be welcomed in her home ,it is priceless to me.She has taught me so many things , her wisdom is unbelievable.Last week here in nj I had a tough week, no power for most of the week,tree damage in our yard,and a busy week at work,laying block and pouring concrete, I was bone tired,and I took the trip to pa , But when I got there,started looking at my cover crop of rye growing,started my tractor and cleaned up storm damage,I was not tired at all, just being there in the country gave me a second wind,I worked until after dark and felt great, As soon as I get there I always feel better, My wife sometimes thinks I am a nut,but I think most of you on this site know what Iam talking about. thanks for listening,,, Larry

Know exactly what you mean, Larry! Y'know, they say preachin' is doing the Lord's work. Well, farmin' has got to be a mighty close second, if not an outright tie for first!
the wheat will do fine in PA . here in southern ind , 20 yrs back or so I have had wheat lay in the ground until nearly feb , VERY Dry and COLD , and then , finally sprout under the snow , the 1st decent moisture finally came , made a good crop of wheat..
Thanks for the pics as always Larry. My wife is finally begining to understand after 4 years of marriage why I enjoy sitting and talking with older farmers, there is something soothing in their words and hospitality after a long day of struggling in the world.
The only reason would be for crop insurance as they have planting deadlines. As long as you can get the wheat in the ground before the ground freezes solid it will make. A lot of years you never see the wheat sprout before covered with snow but as soon as the snow is gone the field is green even if the ground is frozen solid. At least that is the way it is in Ohio.
On the east coast of MA we never lost power here and had little damage. My parents in the western part of the state had no power for 6 days or so. I also had a long week at work, issues with our rental house, issues with our new car. It was one of those weeks. Went on Sunday to help my parents and cut trees and wood for about 8 hours straight. Same thing as you, I felt great. A bit sore yesterday but it really lifted my spirits to get out into the country and do some good work. I also got a truck load of straight ash out of the deal.
Thanks for the pics and comments Larry. I always look forward to your posts. Although I didn't farm for a living, I've always enjoyed getting on the old iron and plowing in the garden. To me there is nothing better than to smell fresh plowed earth.

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