Fumigate garden soil?


Southern Ontario
My potatoes this year came out of the ground seeming ok, but after warming up they've begun to weep moisture. I think they may have Phylium Leak, that lives in the soil. Has anyone here ever had to fumigate their soil or are there other ways to clean up the soil?
Best thing to do with taters, is to rotate where you plant 'em. Never 2 years in a row, in the same place, 4-5 years between crops. Also, most effective soil fumigant has been banned, by EPA.
Please, whatever you do, don't fumigate your garden. First of all, fumigants are extremely dangerous chemicals. Secondly, they also kill everything in the soil, including the beneficials. As stated, the best thing is a crop rotation. Also, for potatoes, the best thing is to keep on top of them with regular fungicide applications throughout the growing season.
Google soil sterilizer.
My BIL uses one to sterilize the soil before planting.
Only cleans a small amount of soil at a time.
Try to Google Steam sterilizing which is used for larger amounts.
So, I have not used this but it might lead you to a solution

Did they ever come up with an effective alternative to methyl bromide? Last I heard it was still being used on a limited basis as no good alternative had been found.

Years ago I worked for a landscape and nursery business. They always sterilized the soil that they started plants in from seed. The sterilizer also burned the place down.
Plant potatoes that are resistant to blight.I had a short row of Green Mountains that were all blighted while Kennebecs and Satina wre blight free.You should spray Maneb Or Zineb on potatoes and tomatoes.I used Maneb twice on tomatoes and we got a crop.Those who didnt lost all tomatoes.Worse I talk with people who unaware of anti blight sprays.There are 2 sprays that will stop potato bugs but few people seem to know that.

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