why I like ebay.........


Well-known Member
ad for a frontloader that fits the new tractor in the paper yesterday evening. Didn't see it til 9pm so too late to go, but called the guy and said I wanted it and could be there at 7am. Said there wouldn't be anyone home until 1200 and I could come get it then. Called off work, got chores done and trailer hooked up to go. Called at 1100 to tell him I was leaving and he said that it had just been picked up. Told him that I took him at his word and set aside everything to be there based on his word and he says "not my problem, should have been here earlier"...... No sense arguing with an idiot....Just told him I thought that I was dealing with a normal person and not an inbred idiot and let it go at that............

done now
had it happen to me with a pickup lastweek, 1st one to call but was working,he sold it to the 1st guy that got there.
Not ebay but craigslist. Lady had a JD 110 listed for $350.00 I called and said I wanted it. She says OK I said I would be there on Friday to pick it up. She text me on Thursday and says some one has offered her $50.00 more for it. I said sell it to him. A bit later she text me back and says she told them it was sold and to come get it as planned. I get there and we load it and I ask why she didn't take the better offer and she said the other fellow was rude to her on the phone and because I didn't get mad about the better offer she decided not do me that way. It pays to be nice now and then.
(quoted from post at 03:28:02 10/27/11) Not ebay but craigslist. Lady had a JD 110 listed for $350.00 I called and said I wanted it. She says OK I said I would be there on Friday to pick it up. She text me on Thursday and says some one has offered her $50.00 more for it. I said sell it to him. A bit later she text me back and says she told them it was sold and to come get it as planned. I get there and we load it and I ask why she didn't take the better offer and she said the other fellow was rude to her on the phone and because I didn't get mad about the better offer she decided not do me that way. It pays to be nice now and then.

that translates to you caught her bluff and noone else called.............
I guess i see both sides of the issue having advertised something,talk to 20 people about it and the guy i'm holding it for doesn't show up.In the mean time one of the previous lookers comes with cash and i can't sell it to him cause i'm waiting on someone who said he would take it.If someone is coming long distance to buy i'll hold the item for them,but if it's local,first come first served.I'm not going to let cash walk away for some guy that might not show up.

was about 50 miles..... wanted to be there 1st thing this morning but he said noone home til 1200...glad I didn't just go there without calling...one of us would have been whipped..... I keep my word and expect others to do the same.....
no harm done, just gotta put an ad in the paper and keep looking....
(Craigslist)Had an implement for sale at a given price. First caller from out of town wanted it, and would show up at specific time. Second caller, also from out of town, was told it was sold. He offered me almost double what I had asked for it. I said that I can't do that. But I'd take his name and ph.no., so that if first caller didn't show, or changed his mind---then it would be his. Money isn't everything!!
Have been on all sides of that selling and buying. Bottom line is there word was no good. Remember that Leyl rotovator I posted pictures a while back Sold it on Craigslist to a guy in Florida I had to wait a week for him to pick it up He was as good as his word and I held it for him.
I have found that deposits via Paypal work quite well for holding items for pick up as well as insuring that the buyer will actually come.
I understand your frustration as a buyer dave2. The seller should have kept his word. But as a person who has sold stuff before it can be frustrating as a seller. IF that is how the guy wanted to operate he should have put in his ad "first person with cash in hand" or something to that effect. That is how I sell stuff nowadays.
Money talks and BS walks. Without cash in hand, the seller is under no obligations to hold it for you.

What would you have done if you were in the seller's shoes?
Had way tooooo many say the would be their at noon and never show - so the cash in the hand gets my sale every time. Word of one or the other is loose I have found. Pitch a tent next time on their door step to be first.
How about this one. I GO TO LOOK AT a creampuff Cub Cadet for sale. I get out and ask is sold yet? Why, no but another guy is also coming to look at it. I get it out start it up and check it all out. Ohter guy shows up and they start to gather parts and books etc. I ask what are you doing? Oh, its sold he bought it and went home to get his trailer. WTF!!
I was a used tractor and implement dealer for yearssssssssss, cant tell you how many times I heard YES I WILL BE THERE AT X TIME WITH CASH yet they never showed up. A seller just cant afford UNLESS THERE IS A DEPOSIT RECEIVED AND A CONTRACT TO FIRM UP THE PURCHASE turn down a cash in hand sale because some dude says he's coming to buy it.

HOWEVER my conditions were different them what you describe BECAUSE WHEN I GOT THOSE CALLS I NEVER PROMISED TO HOLD ANYTHING, I said "sure you can buy it if youre the FIRST here and its still available" HOWEVER I'm NOT promising to hold it and if someone shows up with cash I'm going to sell it.

What you describe IS NOT HOW I DID BUSINESS (per the above) HOWEVER I can understand the sellers reluctance to NOT wait on you and loose a cash in hand sale. What you describes sort of "goes with the territory" if you dont want to rely on an over the phone sellers comment, BEST BE THERE FIRST WITH THE CASH and unless the guy PROMISES TO HOLD IT I cant really hold that against him, but its your choise if you decide to do so.

John T Past dealer
that's just the way it is. I've ALWAYS told people who "say" they'll take something that 1st one here with the money gets it. However, if someone says "they're coming at a certain date/time", I tell them to call first. I also offer to take down a cell phone # and will call them if it's sold before they get here. Common courtesy but more often than not if you waited on everyone who said "I'm on my way, I'll buy it", you'd still be waiting now.

I did buy my '01 car kinda that way. I looked around and found the last model in the state of the one I wanted with the options I wanted. Called the dealer, he said it's still there. I drove over and asked to see it. He couldn't find the keys. He then saw them on a salesman's desk where a woman was haggling over price and financing. I pulled out my credit card and said "put whatever you need on this to seal the deal". He grabbed the keys and said to the woman "it's sold". An hour later, I was out the door with the new car.
I called about a Farmall 450D that showed up on Craigslist on a Sunday night about 25 min after it was listed. Pretty sure I was first caller.

Guy I talked to didn't live where tractor was and said he would call me back about when we could meet up. Hadn't heard anything by tues afternoon, so I left him a message. About 4:00 or so his brother in law calls me back and says he will meet me out there. Told him I could be there in an hour, but he wanted to do it wed evening 5:00. Fine, I'll be there.

Pretty sure you know where this is going by now, right? I've got trailer hooked up, tools, etc, and a wad of cash ready to go. Phone rings at 4:15. Says tractor sold, dont bother coming out.

Told him I was pretty sure I was first caller, and that I would have been there the night before if that's what he had wanted. I guess the other guy just went out and looked at it with nobody there and called back and said he'd take it. Didn't bother arguing with him, as I'm pretty sure it would have been pointless.

As a side note, I have bought 2 other tractors off of the list, and those went well.
(quoted from post at 05:30:18 10/27/11) Money talks and BS walks. Without cash in hand, the seller is under no obligations to hold it for you.

What would you have done if you were in the seller's shoes?

kept my word....... this was 9pm and I wanted to be there less than 12 hours later. He said noone would be there til 1200 and I could come then...

things happen for a reason tho and I've had plenty of good experiences to outweigh this one. People in that area ain't really known to be the brightest....just proved it again.....
I don't hold anything for anyone simply on the basis of a phone call. First one with money in hand has it.

I recall once a number of years ago, I ran an ad in the local newspaper on a 4X4 pickup. By coincidence, we had 4" of snow the night before the ad came out. Three guys called and showed up within 15 minutes of each other. The second and third guys decided to let the first that arrived have first choice. He bought it without haggling over the price.
Like someone else said,Money talks-BS walks and you were the BS because you may not have liked it anyway (junk)and not bought it in the end and he had a willing-ready buyer.He may have the cash in hand at 9:30PM,so he wasn't lying to you and you didn't drive the 50Mi.
I bought a sickle mower on here a couple of weeks ago. After initial contact on email had phone conversation. The gentleman took it off the list and accepted a personal check by mail and held it for me till pick up. I appreciate his honesty and the fact that he trusted me.
Lots of good advice. Money talks, B.s. walks.My self.I wouldn"t buy any thing with out going to look at it.( exceptions) Pictures are one way to guarantee that I will be over to examine the goods . We (son & I) have bought items sight un seen with a phone call to seller telling them they just sold the item.We will be right over to pay for it and pick the item up.Give them our phone # and have em call us back ,if there in doubt about our sinceity.We were always supplied pictures of articles we were interested in.
regards LOU.
Lou,for once you and I are in agreement.In the fact that I only buy or sell something maybe once a year by ads,I give a timetable(same day)of how long I will hold or if buying,they are free to sell if I'am not there.I didn't read of any holding promises in Daves post.
(quoted from post at 11:09:56 10/27/11)I didn't read of any holding promises in Daves post.

" but called the guy and said I wanted it and could be there at 7am. Said there wouldn't be anyone home until 1200 and I could come get it then. "

guess reading comprehension wasn't a strongpoint for you.....or several others........

makes no difference tho............
Just gotta forget about it. Things happen for a reason - there'll be a better one come along later.

One Sunday morning at church I learned about a Buick that the pastor's father-in-law had for sale. I didn't want to deal on Sunday, so I made an appointment with him for 2pm the following day. At noon on Sunday, we took another couple with us to dinner at a local restaurant. On Monday when we arrived at 2pm to look at the Buick, the pastor and the guy and his wife that we had taken to dinner were cleaning the stuff out of the glove box. They had slipped over and bought the car ahead of us, knowing about the 2pm appointment. Kinda ticked me off. It made us realize how little they valued our friendship. The pastor preached about forgiveness for weeks afterward. I told him he was wasting his breath and that I was already a forgiving person, but I'll never forget the ba$tard$ name. I don't think too much of the preacher either. . .

(quoted from post at 05:30:18 10/27/11) Money talks and BS walks. Without cash in hand, the seller is under no obligations to hold it for you.

What would you have done if you were in the seller's shoes?

Woah, did you bother to read the post?



How are you supposed to "talk" if the guy isn't there to take your money, huh???
I don't see why any of this has to do with the title of "why you like ebay " ?

Many schisters on ebay to !

I at least like to give a person drive time to get to my place to look/buy. I too have been burnt by those that know I'm on my way but sell it before I just get there.

I also have had several people not show up that "may" come look ,but they never set up a set time.
Guess I "pushed the envelope" a little on one deal. Saw an ad for a tractor in farm paper that looked to be about $3,000 underpriced. Called at 9:30 Friday night, talked to the guy, asked if he was showing it tomorrow. He told me a guy said he was coming at 10 AM.

The place was 4 hours away, but I made sure I got there about 9. I had it bought (full price) and was putting it on the trailer when the other guy got there. He wasn't happy, but seller told him "first guy here with the $$ got it." I just kept my mouth shut, for a change.

Seller set the ground rules, as far as I was concerned. If he had told me the 10 o'clock guy gets first dibs (which is probably what I would have done if I were him), I'd have been fine with it. But he seemed happy to sell it to me.
(quoted from post at 11:59:25 10/27/11) I don't see why any of this has to do with the title of "why you like ebay " ?

Many schisters on ebay to !

I at least like to give a person drive time to get to my place to look/buy. I too have been burnt by those that know I'm on my way but sell it before I just get there.

I also have had several people not show up that "may" come look ,but they never set up a set time.

We've been had on ebay once......sadly, it was an American and in the auction writeup they pointed out that they were getting more active with their church and wouldn't have as much time for the hobby......

maybe the put the 30 bucks they stiffed us for in the donation plate :roll:
I think Mike is using the word "good" tongue in cheek. There are mostly good Christians, but we seem to also have an abundance of not-so-good ones. They show up like a bad apple in a barrel, and sour everything around them.

Spoken by one who has disappointed people too.
"guess reading comprehension wasn't a strongpoint for you.....or several others........"

Dave, it appears understanding basic human nature and learning to RELAX a bit is NOT one of YOUR strong points!

You AIN'T gonna change the REST of humanity with your RANTING!

(...Bob, donning asbestos shorts and ducking out of here through the back door!)
What's with all the name changing?

I notice you two are using the same computer. . .

Just curious?
(quoted from post at 12:45:58 10/27/11) What's with all the name changing?

I notice you two are using the same computer. . .

Just curious?

that's just joey trolling...don't pay him any attention and he'll shut up for awhile.....................
Yes Dave,I can read.You said that he told you could get it(LOOK AT and ?? buy) after Noon,but you didn't say he told that he would HOLD it for you.Alot of difference in meaning.
3 years ago while #1 daughter was on her "Gretchin Wilson" kick, we went into town and looked at a 92' Chevy 1/2 ton extended cab 4X4. Not a bad looking truck but as I looked closer I noted the engine had been replaced with an older small block that was carburated and it had the older HEI ignition and all the computer wiring cut out, not nessasarily a bad thing until you try to get one inspected in Pa. I questioned the seller about it to which he seemed conveniently ignorant. I pulled daughter aside to discuss this a little. Meanwhile another buyer and friend happened in and immediently bought it while we were standing there. He turned to me and gave me a nasty grin (I was grinning inside) as I didn't want to deal with that mess. Favorite daughter and I left and picked up subs for supper and on the way home saw the truck with the proud new owner sitting along the Pine st intersection with the hood up and steam or smoke pouring profusely from under the hood. Not wanting our subs to get soggy, we continued home. I did buy another good truck for the same money 2 weeks later.
I been first and I been last and I been late to supper. Buying and selling sound par for the course. Dave
(quoted from post at 13:42:41 10/27/11) Yes Dave,I can read.You said that he told you could get it(LOOK AT and ?? buy) after Noon,but you didn't say he told that he would HOLD it for you.Alot of difference in meaning.

sure you don't have 2 handles??? You sound just like the guy complaining about tractors on the road in the sharing the road thread......

Water under the bridge tho..........
Sorry Dave,but I have(own)1000A in 5 farms so I'am one of those he was complaining about.Back to your orginal post-rant,if that was the worst that ever happened to me I would more then happy,so lighten up some.

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