who knows

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I have a Farmall H and I am looking to get a disc to pull behind it. I don"t know how big of a disc I can get. I have heard everything from a 8" to a 12" disc.

Does anyone know how big of a disc I can pull behind an H?
7 or 8 ft. Pulling more than this would mean it was not in the ground deep enough top do any tilling. Jim
We usually used a 7' pull type disc with an "H" sized tractor. You could pull more discing corn staslks in the fall, but not the first time over plowed ground. You don't want one too big to pull when set to till deeply.
Being 73 and raised on the farm when neighbors actually visited one another about when they would be doing which field they traded work to get things done timely. That meant in the spring some fields were ready to work before others. The farmer with the dry field would get one or more neighbors would pull into the field and of course expecting or knowing that when his field was ready the person he was helping would show up.
At that time the Farmall M, Oliver 88 or Allis WD 45 would have been the big tractors with the Farmall H , Oliver 77 and Allis WC was the most common main large tractor size.
I only seen the 7 and 8 foot disc behind any tractors of that size. No wheel disc's at time in our area.
Most with the Farmall M's pulled the 8 foot disc and hooked a spring tooth in the spring and would put the cultipacker in between when the ground was dryer rather than go wider. Most likely because they had smaller tractors and didn't have the ground to afford two disc's
Dad had two 8 foot Oliver disc's and it was pulled with the Allis C while he plowed with the Oliver 77.

This is the 8 foot disc that Dad bought in 1949. It was used behind the Oliver 77, Oliver 66 and the Allis C as well some with Grandpas Farmall H.

Our 2nd and 3rd tractors were "H"s; one bought new in '52 and a used one bought in '53; had 2 six foot drag type discs and they were all we could pull in our soils.
If you have ever driven an H you would know it will not pull a 8ft in plowed ground maybe in low gear but thats not fast enough to till the soil good enough for a seed bed
You have to be kidding. How old are you?

I just disk this plowed ground with the disc above with a Farmall C in the same manor I have done it since the 1940's as a kid. And yes you fit ground with a small tractor with a narrow front in first gear unless you tie yourself fast to the seat.


When I was a kid if I would have set the disc all the way in the first time over my Dad would have jerked me off the tractor and kicked my rear all the way to the house and then all the way back when he realized that if I was at the house he would have had to do it himself.
Do you think a person would have set the disc way deep the first time over with a team of horses?
Back in the day,1950's,an H could do a good job with an IHC 8' pull disc and an M could handle an IHC 10' pull disc,or these widths in any other brand also. When I started Farming in 1958 i pulled an IHC 10' pull disc with a AC WD45.

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