No-tilling through corn fodder

I am wanting to plant wheat where I combined some corn. The corn was about 12' tall, so their is a lot of trash. About half the ground has had the stalks shredded, but I am not sure if this is helping. Should I try and plant through this much material, or get the disc out? I have not done any tillage in several years, but haven't had to plant wheat in corn ground since I started no-til. My options for drill are either a rented drill (locally made, but a good machine although not as heavy as a Deere), or a neighbor could plant it with a JD drill. Thanks for any advice,
I no-till wheat into corn trash.
Shred it first because 1) stalks don't get caught up in the drill and 2) looks better.
I use a Great Plains drill with coulter cart and it works fine just set it a little bit deeper--need to get the seed into dirt not corn trash.
I saw the Amish using a big rotary mower pulled by three big mules and the mower had an aircooled engine chewing up corn stalks. You could try using a disk harrow, but it may not be enough. We always used the corn stalks for bedding after it was shredded. Hal
wheat into corn stalks messy. Most of the time I"ve seen has been corn field was silage chopped and the wheat was winter cover and first spring green chop for dairy herd- neighbor used to do that. On couple picked field- cows were turned out for a week before to glean and chew down stalks, then disk pass to get ground opened for seed bed. Bush hog, chop, shred stalks so seed gets to ground even instead of streaks and patchs. Bale or rake into cross hill slope stalk berms another way to open up ground from trash. RN

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