taming my last demon (smoking)


I quit smoking 10 years ago,smoked for 26 years,tried to quit for years before that ,went and got hypnotized best 100 bucks I ever spent,good luck
Been there, done that. Very hard to do. But I think your already 1/2 way there. From what I read your mind is made up, now you just have to do it.

Don't give in, first 2 weeks is the worst, by end of 3rd week your feeling better and cigarettes start to smell bad.

Good luck!!!

I have a friend in the hospital right now because of smoking. This was his third time on the ventilator. For some reason that is not enough to make him realize he needs to quit.
i am no expert on smoking as i never have smoked. i know of a few that quite cold turkey and i believe thats the way to do it. i ask them the question, if you dont buy any how can you smoke? just my thoughts.
I stopped smoking 2 or 3 years ago and have never looked back. I did it 2 ways #1 the cost was just to high when they went to $4 a pack and the patch. But I did not use the patch as long as they said it would be needed and have not touched one since. Was not all that hard for me but motivation is the big key. I started smoking when I was 21 and stopped when I was 52 give or take a little
I quit cold turkey in 1985 after smoking 3 packs a day for years. After years of trying and failing to quit. I started a coughing fit that would not quit. I put them done and have not touched one since. It was the easiest thing I ever did. Seems like if your sub conscience is ready for you to quit you can do it at the snap of your fingers. If you just think you need to quit it's pretty hard sometimes.

Get plenty of toothpicks, gum, and suckers so that the mouth and hands have something to occupy themselves with. Take it one baby step at a time, look forward to small things / goals. For example tell your self I only have to make it to lunch, same thing for supper. Keep a goal that you have to work for, and it helps the mind cope.

Good luck
If you don't buy, you can BUM!

I would think the cost would be pretty good deterent, these days. They're up to almost 9 bucks a pack in Washington! That's $270 a month for a pack a day smoker, and that's more than we spend for groceries. Or would make a payment on a pertty decent car.

But I realize that the physical addiction is pretty hard to break.
I quit just like JD2 , Hypnosis. I couldn't believe she had even hypnotized me , but I left that office with no interest or urge to smoke . That was back in '90 when they got up to $20 a carton out here in Ca.
Nothing to it. I did it at least six times! Each time I went back, I smoked more. #6 was probably the hardest thing I did in my life and for at least 15 years, I would dream that I started up again. Yeah, it is hard but as has been said, your mindset is half the battle and you seem to have the right mindset. I quit in 1970 and since then I don't even want to be around anyone who smokes. GOOD LUCK!!!
If your mind is ready to quit, you can do it a lot easier. I smoked heavy for over 20 years. Wanted to quit for about 19 of them. Finally decided I'd had enough. I knew for absolute certain that if I ever took the first drag, I had already lost the battle. I looked at it more of not taking the first drag, and it made it a lot easier. It's not an easy battle, but I promise you if your mind is set on quitting, it will make it a lot easier. Good luck - Bob
Best-of-luck. Smoking diseases killed my grandfather, father, mother and one brother. My other brother doesn't smoke or likely he would be experiencing the eternal sleep.
Its sorta a trade off of addiction and ,,,i don't know..maybe some ego or something,,,I was just sick of it and really wanted to quit,,,so i did,,,,but don't kid yourself,,,i still sorta miss them sometimes but its getting better,,,,,,,I do know its way better to NOT that to do...LOL I'm NOT going back
I never understood how people can do something soooo.....bad for their health and not care. My FIL died a horrible death, bladder cancer, he was 59. The last year of his life was misery. The last 2 months was he!!. Bladder cancer is almost always caused from smoking. I had an aunt die at 55 from smoking, lung cancer, horrible death too. Nice lady with little grandkids, attractive too. (she always smelled like an ashtray to me) She died in 1990.
At $6 per pack that would make me want to quit now.
My grandad used to brag that he had smoked for 55 years and was still strong as a mule. Then one day the high blood pressure caught up with him and he had a stroke, he was 70. He never smoked agian, quit cold turkey no patches no gum no nothing. He was stubborn as the mule too evidently. Point of the story....you can do it!
I to tried several times to quit, but was never able to until I finaly made up my mind to quit. Once you do that the rest is easy
My pediatrician smoked 4 packs a day. Lived til his late 80's. I have a brother who smokes like a chimney. I sure wish he would quit, as it sucks to see your own brother putting himself at such harm. But a fella can't just tell his brother to quit, we are both adults and he can make his own choices. I also know there is a quality of life and quantity of life argument. Living longer is not everyones idea of living better and I accept that. With all that said, I would like to see people making whatever choice they find to give them the quality of life they want. Some people want to quit, I wish them success. Some people want to smoke, ya gotta let them make their choice.
Making up your mind is the most important part. I quit Skoal after 20 years of heavy use. I used Nicorete gum...... I don't think I could have done it without. I kind of got addicted to the gum, but it was cheaper and not as bad for me, I evenually got weaned off.

My best tip for you is this, if you happen to fall off the wagon and smoke one, just climb back up and start over. Don't throw it all away over one cigerette.

Good luck,
(quoted from post at 07:34:37 10/12/11) I've smoked cigarettes for almost 30 years, (I'm 47) and after a couple of bad scares, It has come the time in my life that I feel its "quit smoking or die"

For a few years now I just don't enjoy smoking, and sometimes I don't have enough wind to do anything. A simple chest cold almost wiped me out.

As my Doctor put it, "all smoking stops eventually" I knew what he meant. He told me if I didn't stop, I would have Emphysema soon.

I know I'm in for the battle of my life, as I have tried to quit before. I think every smoker comes to the point, that it's quit.......or face the consequences.

I want to have enough breath to go out and enjoy what I'm doing. The Doctor said it would slowly return after two three weeks.

So pray for me guys. breaking this habit is going to be really really tough....ive tried it before.


Some can do it a lot easier than othersI haven't smoked in 11 years, could smoke a pack today and not touch them again....Wife quit for a year, always wanted one, then started again and couldn't quit.
2 and a half years ago, there was an ad in the paper...stop smoking in 4 hours...gauranteed 90 bucks... called health insurance and they said they'd cover all but 5 bucks........ she went to the seminar, has no idea what happened, and hasn't smoked since. Said she tried one the day after the seminar and she thought she was doped..........I believe they do the same program in the States, just google it.

Good Luck,

Once you make up your mind it is easy. I thought I would never quit but after losing half my lung capacity I discovered it was easy.
Don't wait for that to happen to you. Some pleasant surprises are your reward for quitting. Food tastes really good and you will have extra money to have handy to reward yourself.
Your sense of smell will be a lot better also.
definitely stick with it. You will feel better in short time. Your taste and smell will inprove also. Worst case scenario, is you will probably see the smelliest of friends less often.
Hoping the best for you. Smoking robbed my dad of his golden years as he developed emphysema and wasn"t able to do the things he wanted/loved to do.

QUIT! I"ve never heard anyone say they regretted quitting.
This is how I quit smoking: I would say every day I am not going to smoke today, not saying I am never going to smoke again. I carried my smokes in my shirt pocket for a long time, then I got to where I left them on the dash of my truck, always knowing they were close by. It has been 20 years this month since I quit and I would not give you 50 cents for all the cigarettes in the world. They stink and give me a headache. Good luck and I know you will kill this demon.
Have you considered an on-line support group? I quit smokeless tabacco using the killthecan.org website, and they have a new sister site called whackthepack.com for quitting smoking. Both websites use the same method for staying quit, and it is very effective. You join a quit group with the initial goal of staying quit for 100 days. Then you make a daily posting with your group, promising not to use tobacco for the day. The support from other members going through the same withdrawl, frustrations, etc. is very helpful, and keeps you accountable to other people. You get through each day, one day at a time.
stop smoking support group whackthepack.com
when your really serious about quiting , you can do it , I quit cold turkey , still can taste them ,but when I decided to quit that it , done never will touch them again , i have 5 kids 4 smoked 1 never did 1 more has quit never seen me smoke in their live ,
Used to smoke one pack of Winchesters and three packs of Marlboros a day. Woke up one morning coughing. Decided to cut back. My freinds told me that I couldn't just cut back on smoking. In the next year, I think I smoked about three packs. In the next few years, I would bum one here and there. Don't think that I've had one in almost thirty years. I can be around people while they are smoking and it doesn't bother me a bit. Maybe I'm just lucky but, I think if you put your mind to it, you can quit. Ran into an old freind a while back. He was one of the guys I would bum a smoke from. Haven't seen him in many years. He pulled out the pack, grabbed one and offered one to me. I told him, no thanks, I cut back. To this day, I have never said I quit but, I feel that I did a good job of cutting back.
My son smoked for a long time before i ever knew about it.When i found out i offered to buy him a new car if he quit and he refused.A year later he Quit on his own.Yes,my wife saw to it he got the new car.
You have my best wishes quitting. I can't think of anything that is a bigger waste of money than smoking. There is not one positive thing about it. The stuff that gets you addicted is in the tobacco leaf to kill insects that try to eat it. It is insecticide. It used to be boiled down and used on crops. That thought might help you quit.
(quoted from post at 11:30:09 10/12/11) I quit just like JD2 , Hypnosis. I couldn't believe she had even hypnotized me , but I left that office with no interest or urge to smoke . That was back in '90 when they got up to $20 a carton out here in Ca.

$20 a carton? hahaha!!! I can't even remember 20 a carton... been smoking for 20 years, I did quit about 12 years ago, for over a year, and one day, went in to pay for gas and without thinking bought a pack and started smoking again... stupid.

A carton is now $60-70.
You bring up a point that I wish I knew more about,

I know nothing about growing tobacco, and curing same.

What I do know is that the odor from a RJ Reynolds, Phillip Morris, (and the like)cigarette is absolutely toxic, anything that smells like that when burning, has no business in your body.

I've said it before on YT, whatever they are rolling up in paper with a filter on the end of it, smells like burnt floor sweepings.

If I were to grow a tobacco plant, harvest, dry cure, and use the appropriate portion of the plant for a cigarette, I can ( well I will go out on a limb here ) say its not going to smell like rubbish burning in a barrel. Every once in a great while a quality cigar or a cigarette of tobacco, that you buy is enjoyable, say after dinner or something. What those big companies produce, and why people like em besides addiction is beyond me.
I sincerely hope you can do it, no matter how or what it takes, some people can smoke til they are 100 and others just succumb to the effects.

My father has been in the hospital 2 weeks now, asthma attack, and also monitoring his heart, asthma is clearing up but the heart is taking a beating, he's never had an attack, but they are very cautious.

He used to smoke, maybe 20 years, not real heavy, but did quit in the late 70's, short of breath. The COPD/respiratory issues he is dealing with is totally disabling, if he did not have health benefits he would be dead, a long time ago. The problems that stem from his breathing issues stops him in his tracks, the ambulance and paramedics saved him again, he may have suffocated if we brought him, they have the equipment on board, and know his situation, and were there in 5 minutes. Time is of the essence.

Fast forward to his age or down the road, can you imagine how disabled you could be from this ? Everyone is different, but my neighbor across the road used to smoke pall mall non filter, and did body work besides mechanical work, he subject himself to some bad things in the air besides smoking, and for quite awhile was gasping for air, after he quit, been to the doctor for treatment, rehabilitation, he is doing a lot better, but will never be the same, does not have the "wind" anymore.

My mother smokes like a feign, spends a mortgage payment on it, and absolutely will not quit, won't talk about it, won't reconsider it, no way shape or form. She sits in a room brown from years of smoke (tar) and puffs them down like her life depends on it. The room is so rank, I cannot walk in there, its terrible. She likes to think its not hurting her, she still goes to the Y everyday, a retired Phys. Ed teacher, but she has an awful cough. Physically she is in good shape, but the aging those cigarettes have done to her, the cough, and I swear, she comes out of that room in a haze, trouble remembering things, you'd swear she's smoking the other stuff in there.

In summary, the I've come to grips with the fact that asthma/copd and its effects on my dads heart is going to get him someday, he's been great about dealing with it, my mother is playing russian roulette with cigarettes, she's survived cancer too, just a matter of time. Now whether cigarettes contributed to my fathers situation is hard to say for sure, but it seems cigarettes are a major contributor to their demise and much reduced quality of life, both are in their 70's

You at 47, with Emphasyma do everything you can to stop and recover.

I hate mass produced cigarettes worse than a thief, they are one of the most evil substances on this planet besides heroin and cocaine.

What I hate the most is the addiction, those companies make a product that people like my mother are so addicted, there is no way out, I defy anyone here or in this world to get her to stop, its just not going to happen, that is the product you are dealing with. Not only during the day, she gets up 1 time every hour to smoke a cigarette, every night, everyday. The only time she has ever stopped, just briefly, was while in the hospital, cause they won't allow it. Hate the darned things, they are good for nothing, those mass produced sawdust/formaldhyde cancer sticks !!!
My MIL smoked for 50 years, she is 64 now. She is on an oxygen machine. She can only leave the house with a portable oxygen tank, that lasts 45 minutes or something. To be attached like that to a breathing machine is terrible. She wears the oxygen 24/7/365. I cant believe she is still alive, almost died 3 years ago. She is also on over 20 medications, a walking chemistry set.
I was just like you. I smoked for 45 years. The last couple of years I got short on breath and couldn't hardly walk around the yard, so I quit 14 months ago, thinking my lungs would come back. They didn't, so I went to see a doctor Monday. My blood pressure was 195 over 125. My body was retaining a good deal of water. They took blood tests, x-rays, EKG, and yesterday a pulmonary function test. So far I have emphysema and COPD, and tomorrow I go back and get the results of all the tests. The doctor wanted to admit me, but I couldn't afford to leave everyting unattended. My wife and son both work full time and I have to take care of the livestock. By the way I don't have prescription coverage at this time and the first medicines they wanted me to get are over $700. Quit smoking, get some chewing tobacco, and try to stay busy and get the smoking off your mind. Just put a little of the tobacco in your mouth to take the edge off. I rweally don't like chewing, but a little bit helps take the edge off.-mike
You'll be ok if you don't enjoy it.

I quit, this time, for 15 months but picked them up again at a stressful time at work.

I just enjoy it too much, and it's hard to quit that way, though I do smoke less now.

The holier-than-thou anti smokers never did me a lick of good, incidentally.
I smoked from 17 to 35. I quit so many times I could not count. One time was for 2 full years, then started back.
When I was 35, I was puffing them like a steam engine. I woke up one day and felt like a tractor had slept on my chest.
I decided that "quiting" would not work. So I told myself that I was going to become a non smoker. What do non smokers need? Well, they do not need to waste money on a pack of something that is killing them.
After only a few days, I never missed them.
You could not force me to place one in my mouth at gun point today.
It feels so nice to have full use of both hands all the time, and not be hacking my head off at the cost of over $3.00 a pack!
Anyone who says they want to quit smoking and can't, is lying through their teeth. They simply haven't had the proper motivation. And I guess facing death from emphasyma isn't motivation enough.

I'd been smoking two packs a day for eight years when I met my wife. On our second date, she admitted she's allergic to tobacco smoke, among other things.

I took a pack of cigarettes out of my shirt pocket, threw them into a nearby trash can, and haven't touched one since. That was in March, 1964.

My father was a life-long pipe smoker. He developed cancer of the larnyx at age 71. They cured it, but they had to remove his voice box in the process. He lived another 14 years, but the only way he could talk was to hold an electronic gadget next to this throat, and that was a purely mechanical sound. I guess facing something like that isn't motivation enough to quit smoking, either.

Ya'll read me right. I have ABSOLUTELY no sympathy for someone who says they want to quit smoking, but can't.
I quit cold turkey two years ago. I'm 51, smoked a pack a day for about 30 years.

Here's how happened. They now treat cigarettes with some ADDITIONAL chemical that causes them to extinguish if we don't keep puffing on them to keep them going, so that they don't cause fires. OK, like you and many, I enjoyed smoking. Bad for me, us, but still enjoyed and did it. But I noticed a difference once that chemical was introduced, because I found myself smoking harder and faster so they didn't go out, and that was unhealthy for me, and I noticed it, but kept smoking anyway, despite the constantly increased taxes for the kids, the trees, tax increase, tax increase, tax increase of a legal product to make money off of me, at the same time condemned me, us, but took every penny they could.

This was the back breaker. A fella I work with came back to work after being off about 9 months on disability. I knew he got sick, but didn't know what happened. He came back, I ran into him, so I sat him down to ask what happened. He had a quadruple bypass, and smoked like me, us. He told me went to bed one night, but woke up because couldn't breath. Ended up sleeping comfortably downstairs sitting up in a Lazyboy. Next night, same thing. Couldn't breath, got up, downstairs to the Lazyboy, but couldn't get his breath back. Barely made enough sound to wake his sleeping wife upstairs, but did. She took him to the ER, and he said he didn't catch a breath the whole way, and said it was as though he was dying slowly, painfully all the way there, passing out at the door in the car, on his way out of this world to death. Woke up in the hospital, quadruple bypass. Showed me the scar. THAT NIGHT, ALMOST THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME. I went to bed, fell asleep, woke up and my throat had closed as though someone was standing on it, and I could not breath until I sat up and bent over. Was scary. Smoked the next day, not nearly as much. Next night, same thing. Fell asleep, woke up like someone was standing on my throat, couldn't breath until sat up, bent over. I quit smoking right then and there, and it all cleared up. I did light up a week later, but only because was out cutting trees down and when took off my clothes, had three ticks embedded in me. I lit up a cigarette from that pack that sat where I set it down a week earlier, and tried to heat up near the ticks to back them out. Darned cigarette kept going out because of that no-burn chemical, so ended up picking the ticks out with a sewing needle, which is the wrong thing to do. At that point, those cigarettes became useless to me. I let that open pack set there a half year, and one day finally tossed them.

Since I quit, I have only had the urge to light up once, and it was a strong urge that lasted all day. I went to sleep for the night, woke up the next day, not an urge since. Now I ride a bike from time to time, walk more, take the steps over the elevator when I can, partly because I also became a diabetic about a year ago. Went temporarily legally blind for about a month over that one. That could've and would've cost me my job if it persisted. Eyeballs swell when you become a diabetic, throws off vision, and the worse you are, the blinder you get. In about two months, just that fast, everything went to crap, and went legally blind for about a month. Have lost weight, eat better, sight is back 20/20 without that $1,000 pair of glasses it cost me that didn't work when they got delivered a month later when my vision was clearing up, and I am off all medications, PERIOD. My doctor looks at and checks me and can't believe it. I can...I don't want to go blind or have body parts cut off because of gangreen caused by diabetes. I want to live a long healthy catancerous life. I still check sugar levels every morning, every night, and may forever. Feeling much, much, much better these days.

To all here and everywhere, I will gladly share my screwups with you, so that you do NOT make the same mistakes that I did.

Much good luck to you and all that make the move.


PS: Doc says that my chances of remaining smoke free are much better because quit cold turkey. Says patches, gums, etc have a tendency to not work as well. Two years now, only urged one day.
I smoked for 37 yrs.Started at age of 16 and only was smoking 1 pack a day. Got drafted in 1968 just out of school and was smoking 2 packs a day when I turn 19.
Sent to Veitnam after AIT. spent 8 week in nam then RR to Korea for 13 months. I couldn"t buy Marburo"s in Korea at the DMZ. I switched to menthals cigarettes (Kools) and was just about the only thing that was avaiable at the PX. If you wanted a certain kind you had to go to the black market for them. I can still remember paying $3.50 a carton back then at the PX.
ETS out of Korea in early 1970. I think I was smoking 3 packs a day then.
I started smoking 4 to 4-1/2 packs a day back in 1983. At this time I was a factory worker and the job I had seemed like I was constantly on the run. (Had more cheifs than Indians if you get my drift) Yup life was in the fast lane there. Back then the on time delivery started and to me it crated more havic as seemed like left hand didn"t know what right hand was doing.

I can remember one night at work I felt what seemed like an electical shock in my left arm.
Didn"t think much about it at the time thought I sprand it or something?
A few days pasted and I was having some back aces and my ribs was killing me too.
After a week going thru this My wife said you"d better go to the doctor so I did. They gave me a EKG and they really didn"t like the way it looked so they ran an Ecco-doppler. From there all I could remember the doctor telling my wife your husband has suffer a heart attack and should be life flighted to toledo hospital.
I don"t remember anything after that till 3-1/2 weeks later. All this time the had me druged.
From what they told me later on they didn"t think I was going to make it. Must of not been my time I guess someone up stairs was looking over me. I had 3 bye passes and a heart valve repaired.
I been told so many times to quit smoking but didn"t. I tryed once but seemed like more I tryed the more I smoked.
Anyways I had to retire as I only had 25% of my heart left. I knew when I came home from the hospital I felt like am I going to really make it? I felt week as kitten.
They all had beats on me that I"d go back smoking. Well it"s been 9 years now and haven"t craved for one yet. If I had to go back to work where I was working I"d probably be back smoking!
I use to like welding but can"t as I have this Defribulator now and they telling me it"s a no-no as it may affect it. But I really do miss it!
I also miss farming too. Still have my tractors yet since I quit back in 2002.
Sorry for such a long reply.
No it is not, it's called will power and if you think, and I bet it is, damaging your health then there is an added incentive. Cold turkey is the only way, and if you feel like a cigarette, eat a lolly.That diverts the mind.
I went CT 23 years ago when I used to wake up at 2am, hot as the hobs of he55 and the heart beating 4 times its normal rate. When it all cleared I popped another cig and the first draw off it went again, that was the catalyst for me.
The Doc is right, you will definately stop smoking,but then it is too late.
After all the success, the second hand smoke will smell obnoxious.
Idle hands are the Devil's tool. Period. If you're going to quit, keep yourself soo damb busy, you don't know where to turn. I quit at the end of February & only returned to a ciggarette 4 times since. They taste worse & I feel more like carp every time I think I can "get away with it". No such thing. I can feel myself turn green after a drag or two. Probably would not have made it through this last week of haying without having a stroke or some other cardio-vascular failure if I was still at 2.5 to 3 packs a day. I'm happier having almost lost all of my hay to rain & my last running tractor to whatever is wrong with it this time, than my health to over-taxed horse hockey.

I am not without crutch. I used an electronic ciggarette to wean off of the smokes. That worked ok because there hasn't been smoking allowed in this house in 30 years. I also quit in the winter when I'm in the basement working on my train layout. To get by once I started working outside, I took up a pipe. A few months have gone by since & I forget, most of the time, that I need any form of tobacco or nicotene. I bought my last 4oz. pouch of tobacco a month & a half ago. Most of it is still there. I bought 2 packs of filter tips for the electric smoke at the same time & have used 2 filters since.

My method may not work for you or 10k people that will read this. Maybe it will. Find a program that fits you & go for it. I don't care if you throw your current pack in the garbage right now or need the help of a group to quit in two months. You gotta quit before it makes you quit. No sir, no fun in that.


P.S. Busy, busy, busy!!!
July 30, 1987, 3:00p.m. That's when I quit smoking. Never smoked cigarettes, but had a pipe in my mouth about 18 hours a day. I finally decided that with all the coughing, there was nothing pleasurable about smoking anymore. Tough decision, I was an a-hole for a month, but no one in the family complained, they knew I'd get better and I did. Best decision I made, except for marrying Connie.
Saw a pack of Camel cigaretts priced at 10.19 at a grocery store.You have to add 51 cents sales tax to that.Friend lost a lung to pipe smoking.Another friend was smoking 3 packs a day. got him to roll his own.He has cancer in both lungs now.Smoked for a few years, quit when I turned 21, 74 now.How can any one spend 30 bucks a day smoking.900 a month,10800 a year.Smoke for 40 years at current prices.432,000.
(quoted from post at 04:50:54 10/13/11) Even before the Doctor came in, I was hooked up to that little oxygen bottle with the push mower wheels thinking to myself.....

now THIS is attractive!......NOT!


You'll do it....... I quit once by putting a cigarette in my mouth in the morning, coddling it all day while working in the motor pool and lighting the greasy thing up in the evening.... 2 days and I was good for several years...... To each their own.... Good Luck,

(quoted from post at 06:43:26 10/13/11) Good morning guys.

Oct 13 2011

well my first night. I'm Ok. woke up 2 or three times, felt like there was something "missing" I ignored it, and went back to bed.

I feel good this morning, It's hard to describe, but I seem to be more alert & rested.

No smoke for me today! one day at a time. Cold turkey.


The first 24 is the hardest, everyday after is easier. After a week, it's beaten. At some point you'll start coughing a good bit, but thats just the body expelling all the crap in your lungs.

Remember in those times of need, set small goals to attain. And keep the hands and mouth busy.
I quit smoking many years ago, cold turkey off a 2 pack a day habit. Here's something I learned that might help others.

I always thought that the longer I went without a cigarette, the worse the desire would be, that after an hour without a smoke it would worse than after a half hour, and after two hours it would be worse that after an hour, and so on. Not so! I found that my "need" to have a cigarette would increase, then peak and diminish. Once I realized that I knew all I had to do was resist for a little and then the desire would diminish. It would be back, so I'd just have to do do that again. It never built up so bad that by putting my mind to it I couldn't resist it for long enough to get through the peak.

On the other hand, it took years before my hand would stop going to my shirt pocket after a meal, or finishing a small job. But with nothing there to grab, that just reminded me what a slave I was to those da*n things...
Put $200.00 in a trust account with the stipulation that if you stay tobacco free for 5 years you can withdraw it. If not it goes to your least favorite relitive.
I have been tobacco free since 1972

Enjoy life with a toungue that tastes your food, and people around you that do not wrinkle there nose from the tobacco smell. Jim

I quit cold Turkey in 1978, Begged the wife to do the same, No dice,"I like it to much"well "NOW" I'm watching her die right in front of me,She has Emphysema,COPD and is on Oxygen 24/7 and cry's to breath. In the last two days I've got her signed up with "Hospise"(sp.) been married 52 yrs. come November, and what I've got to look at isn't pretty! Every time I see "Anybody" smoking I'd love to slap the s^*t out of them !!...Please remember my Connie in your prayers....Jim in N.M.
Hello tempola,
Most smokers that stopped and did not go back smoking did it .........COLD TURKEY ME included.
Hang in there, you will feel like a new man in a few weeks. You WILL gain some weight as the tastes buds come back....... So eat less!
(quoted from post at 06:57:15 10/14/11) October 14 2011....

Still at it. slept very well. went through more withdraws yesterday, could not get the paint gun to spray right,Lost my temper and threw it against the shop wall. That's not me. But good excuse to buy a new one. It Never did work right,

Sat in a lawn chair to get a hold on myself before I went in the house. I was angry.....not at anyone, but just pi$$d off, and didn't know why.

I found a partial pack of cigarettes yesterday, and was really tempted. Buy I destroyed them along with that cheap paint gun!

But this morning was my reward......I went outside and as ridiculous as this may sound.......I smelled the morning. The air, the dew.....senses and simple enjoyment the cigarettes had dulled......I havent smelled such a thing since I was a Kid.


Congrats. You have it licked. Now the idle hands, mouth and mind, are trying to give you the excuse you need to start back up, because they are bored. Always keep something in the mouth, chew gum or a toothpick. It helps keep all three preoccupied. Being angry is just your mind acting out what you percieve to be the correct emotion for your situation.

You can do it. You need to.
Good luck.

It can be done though. I'm 44 and quit 4 months ago. I was dipping copenhagen and lighting up marlboros on a daily basis.

Finally just said screw it and there's still a can of cope sitting by the kitchen sink.

Now it's on to loosing weight. I just joined a fitness center and went from 262 to 246 lbs in a months time.

I don't know what motivated me, or why I decided now is the time for all this consider I've been sitting there smoking or dipping and saying I should for years now, but something changed in my wiring and here I am.

Good luck and just do it!
Nice work!! From here on it's all in your head. You body actually gets over it's real addiction to nicotene after about 10 days.

Now you are just going to [i:6589dba949]think[/i:6589dba949] you need one.

Does food taste better yet?? Have you put on a coat that hasn't been laundered and hate the old stench of smoke?? You have a lot to be proud of, keep up the good work.

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