
Well-known Member
Chatting with my 2nd son, he works an IT job and can chat while at work.

he just sent me this after spending a nite with a fussy 3 YO...

[i:0b180fddd4]you know everytime I start thinking it is going to be a long day I just stop and think how long of a day it could be if I did not have a job sitting on the couch doing nothing[/i:0b180fddd4]
My days at work seem to drag on and on.
By comparison Sat. and Sun fly by both faster then 1 day at the job.
(quoted from post at 08:06:22 09/27/11) My days at work seem to drag on and on.
By comparison Sat. and Sun fly by both faster then 1 day at the job.

I work 12 hr shifts so 14 days in a month....... Time just blows by compared to at work....
(quoted from post at 08:06:22 09/27/11) My days at work seem to drag on and on.
By comparison Sat. and Sun fly by both faster then 1 day at the job.

Ah but the Boy works in Fargo and has 3 kids. So he's stuck in town.....I think his outlook is pretty good seeing as he talking about having a job to go to, and how living where he is not working would mean not having the money to do anything but sit on the couch! That could make for very long days!

Sounds like you raised him right Tanker. There are people out there working, wishing they could be sitting on the couch collecting.

You should be proud.
Said to myself last winter after several days of outdoor service calls;I could be NOT working in an auto plant!

Yea it's growing.....testament in a government (Both city and state) that have created a business friendly environment! About the only problem they have is the weather, lots of folks move to Fargo for work and after the first cold snap leave muttering about the crazy people living there!

I'm orignianlly from up around there,,actually Kloten ,Aneta McVille area . I'd move back in heartbeat if not for kids,n wife, n job , hard to pull up roots . Winters are brutal . Hearty friendly hardworking people though .
Yeah, we need a reality check once in awhile. I've been going to work for 40 some years now, so may be a little sour on a Monday morning.

Went to get my lunch stuff for the week at Safeway, produce gal greets me with her big smile. I said "You seem awfully cheery for a Monday." She replied, "I'm just always glad that I'm coming to work rather than signing up for another week of unemployment."

Have seen that attitude a lot more, lately- even among public servants. Some of them even go so far as to be cheereful about serving you! Nobody wants to be the next to come under the budget ax. . .
Talk about long days!! The longest days I ever had on the job were those when I wasn't busy. When I was absolutely buried with work the time just flew by. Now in etirement I find I'm just as busy as ever, but I don't get paid. MY screen saver at work was one of my favorite sayings--"Good judgement comes from experience--experience comes from poor judgement"

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