Rattle snakes


Well-known Member
Every now and then I get a mowing job that is all by hand, no tractor access. I have someone do most of this, it just wears me out. Tuesday the worker told me he saw two 3 ft snakes. The adobe ground has large cracks that opens up when the ground dries out in the summer and the snakes come out and go back into another crack before he gets to them. I am sure they will not come out just to bite for no reason. I worked there today to finish the job. It was like walking on eggs I didn't see any snakes, but I am sure I was above them. I wear plastic leg protectors that go to the knee. Can a snake strike above the knee and bite a person. Stan
Maybe just an old wives tale or somethin', but I've always heard that a rattler can only strike half his length. Otherwords, if it is 4 feet long, it can only strike out 2 feet. But I dang sure ain't gonna be the one to test that theory!!
Actually it"s 2/3 of his length but it would a very large snake to get above the knee.
Lived in rattle snake country for years can"t say how many times I have been to close. You here that rattle and you can jump unbelievable height.
Killed a lot of them over the years, biggest I have seen were maybe 8 to 10 ft long. Didn"t kill them was to scared I might miss and make them I was about 14 at the time.
I can't answer the the question on the what the strike distance is, but I can say that you are wise to wear that protection and be cautious, would not have to hit me over the head with a tire iron to do the same, I cannot believe what that venom does to the body, especially the necrosis, swelling, incredible how toxic it is, just seeing images and video is enough to insure I'd be taking extra measures to protect against them.
Chief,Was stationed at Nellis A.F.B. and went desert hunting. Used black stove pipe as a leg protector. Had a couple hits. snakes can't pierce metal but scared the life out if ya when they strike. (It was always brogans and stove pipe when desert walking,/hunting. LOU.
Rattlesnakes had rather run than fight. I am sure the noise of the mower will cause them to run. I was digging under a tatter vine early one Sunday morning trying to find new tatters for lunch. I felt something that didn't feel like a tatter. I peeked under the vine and was staring a rattler eye to eye.
I don't worry about them striking very high. Very few people get bitten by rattlers each year and most of those get bit in the hand reaching down for something on the ground. You are way more apt to get hurt in a car wreck than snake bit. But nobody stops driving. Oh, I killed two nice specimens yesterday when I was loading hay. They were both under the same bale.
(quoted from post at 14:38:09 09/22/11) Chief,Was stationed at Nellis A.F.B. and went desert hunting. Used black stove pipe as a leg protector. Had a couple hits. snakes can't pierce metal but scared the life out if ya when they strike. (It was always brogans and stove pipe when desert walking,/hunting. LOU.

Gettin this picture Louis............... You didn't wear a funnel for a hat didja?????
They say "humans are in capable of self levitation or self powered flight." HHUUUMMM. I can't count how many times I have self levitated or actually flew cause of snakes, either nearly stepping on them, being chased(watermocksin) or some other reason but I do remember one time I jumped straight up once and the dang snake(a watermocksin, which the species seems to live in 24/7 rage) slithered right underneath me and some how I landed 3 ft away. Self powered flight? The snake did die of a sudden case of lead poising. The scientist who said the statement in quotations has obviously never been anywhere near venomis snakes out side the city zoo. Best solution to any snake, shotgun.
I heard a story about a man in Tamms, Illinois a couple of years ago that got a $1000.00 fine for killing a rattle snake near the front door of his house. I've heard of tree huggers but not rattle snake huggers!
(quoted from post at 07:24:47 09/23/11)Tamms, Illinois .............. got a $1000.00 fine for killing a rattle snake
Timber rattlers are a protected species in Illinois. I've only seen one, and that was about 50 years ago.
If I only had a heart. lol .Would have loved to find the (gold) yellow brick road. son,. Only yellow showed on the ground was where I peed .LOL LOU.

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