Exhaust gasket material?

Flip the manifold gasket side up, and clamp it in a workmate, or something similar. Pencil trace the outer edge, and cut it with sharp scissors, or 'zacto knife. If it's one continuous gasket, like a 4 or 6 cyl, clamp the ends, and at least one clamp, on the edge of each cyl. Either C-clamps, or spring clamps will do. Take a small ball peen hammer, and lightly tap around each hole, and bolt hole. The peen hammer will cut the gasket, perfect, on the larger holes, and will outline mark the bolt holes, even if they are too small to punch out the small ones. HF has several gasket punches, and a plastic cutting board, that works well on punching out multiples of round gaskets.
Make a tracing and take it to a parts store.Some exhaust gasket material has a metal content and dosent cut or punch easy.
be verry very carefull tapping that cast iron manifold with that small ballpeen hammer. I have done it that way, but don't like it.
Hopefully I can offer some scant advise....

When you make the gasket, leave some material, like a tab, sticking out past the surfaces you want to make up, that way you have something to hold on to whilst you make up the joint.

I made a few gasket hole cutters out of copper tubing. I normally mark the holes with a ball pien hammer, setting the hammer over the hole, and hitting with another hammer. That marks the hole. Then I cut the hole with the tubing. I pick a size to match the outer diameter of the hole I need, then I run a similar size drill bit INSIDE the tubing, to create a chamfer. I don"t grind the outside- that would reduce the size of the hole. I chamfer the inside, and the outside is the original dimension of the hole I need.
Remember when you could buy Sheet Asbestes?
Can't anymore, the "Do Gooders" are trying to
protect us from ourselves!
If you're using the same stuff I used for a manifold gasket, it'll be pretty rough to cut with a knife, or punch holes through it..

I made a paper template (by scanning the part with my printer and printing it off), transferred to the material, and used tin snips and my die grinder to cut it. Drilled out the bolt holes.. Turned out well enough.

My part was a lot smaller than yours though..

I stopped using gasket material years ago for exhaust manifolds. I use the Loctite/Permatex 598 High Temp black silicon. Get the surfaces clean and dry, apply a small bead and let it stiffen up a little before you install. Been working great for me.

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