Way OT -- Shoulder AC ligament tear

jd b puller

Well-known Member
Hey all, what better group of guys to help provide advice on an injury than a bunch of tractor mechanics, right???

So at the end of January, I garfed my shoulder up good. Long story short, I overused it loading tractors with a comealong.

Went to the orthopedic surgeon and he suspected rotator cuff so he prescribed PT for 4 weeks. When it seemed worse, we did an MRI and he said, "oops, guess I was wrong, it's an AC Ligament tear".

So he gives me a cortizone shot (man that's fun), and it hurts like you wouldn't believe for 2 days then gets better. He says, "no restrictions", which is contrary to every article I've read about it that says to baby it until it heals. The Cortizone worked well for about 3 weeks then he gave me another one which didn't work very well. Tried one more shot a month ago with very little success.

Now he wants to go in and grind away 1/2" of shoulder bone tells me it will fix the problem.

I'm no doctor, but grinding things to fit is for stroker crankshafts, not shoulders. :)

Also, every example I've found on AC Lig tears is from some sort of impact, I don't have that either. This guy's a shoulder specialist. I'm going to get a 3rd opinon this week, looking to see if any of you all have had similar injuries and what I should be expecting. (Specifically shoulder injuries and treatments, etc)

I have had shoulder surgery in the past but it was orthoscopic (sp) very small cuts and they go in that way. Helped for a short time then back to the pain. The doctor said he removed some arthritis growth and repaired a tendon or ligament do not remember but either way does not seem to have helps since after about 6 months the pain was back. Thing that does seem to help some is a chiropractor
(quoted from post at 21:07:52 08/28/11) Hey all, what better group of guys to help provide advice on an injury than a bunch of tractor mechanics, right???

So at the end of January, I garfed my shoulder up good. Long story short, I overused it loading tractors with a comealong.

Went to the orthopedic surgeon and he suspected rotator cuff so he prescribed PT for 4 weeks. When it seemed worse, we did an MRI and he said, "oops, guess I was wrong, it's an AC Ligament tear".

So he gives me a cortizone shot (man that's fun), and it hurts like you wouldn't believe for 2 days then gets better. He says, "no restrictions", which is contrary to every article I've read about it that says to baby it until it heals. The Cortizone worked well for about 3 weeks then he gave me another one which didn't work very well. Tried one more shot a month ago with very little success.

Now he wants to go in and grind away 1/2" of shoulder bone tells me it will fix the problem.

I'm no doctor, but grinding things to fit is for stroker crankshafts, not shoulders. :)

Also, every example I've found on AC Lig tears is from some sort of impact, I don't have that either. This guy's a shoulder specialist. I'm going to get a 3rd opinon this week, looking to see if any of you all have had similar injuries and what I should be expecting. (Specifically shoulder injuries and treatments, etc)


Yea sounds good to me....NOT!!!! Been getting told sense 1975 by whats supposed to be the "best" docs in the world nothing wrong with my knee.....till they removed a bone chip that had been there so long it was the size of a dice from cartilage growth. Yep good old US Military and VA care! Went through 6 years of Q shot under the knee cap! After the 2nd time tried telling em it wan't working!

2nd/3rd/4th opinion time!

If you watch football you hear them talk about rotator cuff tears and how quick they come back.
All BS it'll take 6 months to a year.
There are 4 ligamets that hold the shoulder in place and for only one to be torn there are excerises which will strengthen the othr 3.
That's what they did for me about 2 years ago and I'm fine.
Go to a different doctor the one you are going to is making mistakes!
you went to one of them Duke guys right ? if he is a sports medicine doctor I'd say go with him if not see one.
i have had both shoulders repaired with orthoscopic surgery with what sounds like the same thing you have, cut out part of a tendon,grind off the bone, remove arthritis,..left shoulder worked out fine the right one not as good but better then it was,..i too think you should see a different doc. i have had 9 cortizone injections over the span of 20 years and none of them was painfull, the right doc. makes all the difference, find one that finds the problem before he starts the treatment....my problem was what the oldtimers called frozen shoulder,
I have had both shoulders repaired with pretty good success. Had the cortisone shots for both as well as for knees. I never had pain from those. The first shoulder was for a torn rotator cuff-probably about 15 years ago. that went well and has been holding up well until fairly recently. the other was about 10 years ago for calcium deposits, but once they got in there they found a torn rotator cuff, and a shredded tendon. They removed the shredded tendon and the doc told me that the ones that I still had would take the load. I don't remember anything about grinding. This procedure was arthroscopic and I was able to go to work that afternoon.
I'm a fitness freak and go to a gym 4-5 days out of a week. I see a lot of people with torn rotator cuffs as a result. The only way it is ever truly healed is with surgery in the vast majority of the cases.

Go to bodybuilding.com and check out the forums. There are ton's of post of people with torn rotator cuffs and how they dealt with it.
Looks like the Doctors you visit take advantage of running up the bill, I'd be looking for a professional Doc and get rid of them scammers.
How many opinions will your insurance pay for? Mine will pay for three, after that I'm on my own. I've found out that going to different doctors for opinions is like asking why the tractor won't start here on YT, if you know what I mean. You can also Google your problem and get a lot of general information the doctor either won't or doesn't have time to tell you. Good luck. You have to remember, a surgery usually won't return you back to your youth but it will put you back in better shape than you were before the knife. Jim
I had the same diagnosis in 07, wasn't sure i wanted to go through with a surgery, so I went for a second opinion. The second opinion was done in Nashville, Tn. The doctors were very informative. I figured with their experience on the sports professionals they might be able to fix a hick like me. The physical therapy started the next day after the surgery which made me want to slap that pretty young lady moving my shoulder in directions I didn't think it would move after being cut on. In the next three months, I regreted the surgery, but the doc said it may take several months to completely heal. He was right, I haven't had any problems with it since. No problems or regrets so far.

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