My son left for the Corps this morning!


My step son left for the beginning of his Marine Corps career this morning at 0500hrs. Heading to MEPS in Louisville, KY then off to the Island. Kinda happy and kinda sad all at the same time. I only got my daughter left in the house now so its gonna be kinda quiet!
I took my identical twins off to college two weeks ago. Tough time. Have to leave the TV on at times due to the quiet.

I left my bucolic country home at the age of 17 for Navy bootcamp. What a shock! I went to San Diego. I'd never seen a palm tree before. The sand and the strange looking houses seemed to me to be from another planet. I was so homesick I would gladly have walked back to Ohio, but thankfully, there were armed Marine guards at the gates to keep me there.

I hope you son does well and I hope that you, too, will quickly adjust to your new lifestyle.

Thanks to the young man for his service to our country.

Tom in TN
I went to Great Lakes training center from Texas. Never saw so much snow in my life. They had the biggest stock pond I had ever seen next to the biggest city I had ever seen.
My prayers and cheers are with your son. I suspect he will have the best time of his life! My son just left a few minutes ago for his third day of full time employment (after 5 years of college). Favorite daughter leaves this afternoon for her final year of college. They grow up way too fast!

Once he earns the title "Marine", it's his for life. I left active duty in the Corps in 1963 and it's amazing how the values and principles instilled in me by the Corps have influenced my life since.
Tell him I send a great heart felt thank you to him and all who volunteer for the Armed Services of our country. My prayers will be with him and you for his safety and comforting. I know you ar very proud of him.
Tell him thank you ,,from another proud Marine parent . There is a Marine Parents /newletter website I'll try to find link for you .
thank him for his service for me, my son is doing his career in the us navy , and he loves it,
if it wasn't for people like him, and other that have served, where would we be. thanks to all.
After 22 years and retiring as a Chief Petty Officer in the Navy, I remember that very emotional day in 1984 when I left really early in the morning for the Detroit MEPS.

Do support him in answering every letter he sends to you,..mail, sleep, and food are the most important things in boot camp!
Know what you mean, my sons have spent more than 30 years protecting their dad. My oldest was a marine for 20 years. Bud
Billy I had the same experience in 64 at the Great Lakes NTC from Calif. Was never so cold in all my life. Quite an experience right off the farm to a whole new world. Stan
Good for him, he will have a experience he will never forget, and meet a lot of new friends. Be sure to write him. My Dad always wrote to me, it was kind of alwys the same thing going on at home, but was good to hear from family. stan
You will be very proud when he graduates Marine Corp boot camp and then on to advanced infantry combat training. The short years of enlistment are made even shorter with mail from home. I know it did for me. John C.Harmon,SGT. USMC 1955--1963
Ya know what you mean about being quite. My son or should I say step son went in the navy about 2 years ago and just got back into the states a few days ago. Hope to see him soon when he comes home for leave
I applaud your son and you for raising him to go serve his country. It will be a big part of him becoming a man. The service will teach you many things. They can be good if that is what you work and look for.

I know all about the quite in the house. In the mid 1995 I lost my wife and the youngest son moved out. All within three weeks. It was a big change from all of the action and bussel of family life.

I remarried an have a son. DIL, and two grand sons living with us now. His company closed and moved over seas. HE moved back here from CA. HE is back in college finishing his masters in engineering. Told him to just live here to help out money wise. I love the activity. Plus get to mess up the next generation on a daily basis.
(quoted from post at 08:29:52 08/28/11) Good for him, he will have a experience he will never forget, and meet a lot of new friends. Be sure to write him. My Dad always wrote to me, it was kind of alwys the same thing going on at home, but was good to hear from family. stan

For the most part, I found that news of everything being the same was some of the best news! In a selfish way, I wanted everything to be just the way I left it every time I came back home.
Thanks to him for his service. My eldest left for USN 11/16/10 and youngest is doing the same this year - 1 yr to the date.

Eldest is Avionics Tech and youngest is Ordnance. It will do your son well; it gave me my start as not much going on economy coming out of the late 70s. Proud of your son and mine 2.

USN 1982-1986 NAS Cecil Field
I applaud your son for the duty he is doing for his country. My youngest son is leaving this week for his second tour of duty over seas.
Thanks to your son for his service to our country.

Good old Parris Island...I was there in 65 & 66. It is kinda like hell on earth for a few weeks but you survive and when you leave that island you are a MARINE! And will be for the rest of your life. Semper Fi

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