Modern technology


Well-known Member
Am I the only one who doesn't have all the new gadgets? I have a simple cell phone, and can access my comutor for simple tasks. My grand kids show up all time with something different in their hands to play with. I don't know a I pod from a pea pod (maybe a pea pod) I see things advertised on the tv all the time, and have no idea what they do. I bettet get out the door and get to work.Stan
I do have a Ipod, I can put my own music on it, and not have to listen to commercials when Im in the truck. Also have a Blackberry phone, but its mostly for work.
I'm right there with you Stan. I have a cell phone that only makes/recieves calls. I don't text or have any games. My computer sits on the desk in the office.

I even listen to AM radio most of the time, unless the weather is bad and there's too much static.

We went to our great nephew's baptism last weekend. Everybody under 35 at the party had their noses buried in their i phones. At least they don't make much noise when they are in a group. LOL
I have know idea what an i-pod even is. I don't have a cell phone but I admit I do use my wife's cell now and then. Bout the only thing I can do on computer is get into yt. and play solitaire.
Your not alone. My wife, retired now, was in charge of all the computor systems for the local school system. My son-in-law is a big shooter at Citi-Group and takes care of the computor systems there. What one doesn't know, the other does. I even have a four year old grand daughter who knows her way around a computor. When all my family gets together and starts talking computors, I-Phones, I-Pads, kindles, and everything else I don't have a clue. I'm just happy I can find my way around this site and can google and do e-mail.
You are not alone....I know what all that stuff is but I don"t need it and don"t really want it. I have only had a basic cell phone for a year. I bet you have something that the latest greatest do-dad folks don"t have: CASH!!!
I've got a simple clamshell cellphone with big numbers and big display so I can see it. I got hitech and got a pack of velcro strips and put a piece on the steering column of the car, gas tank on the ATV, dash of the tractor, and the key hook boaed by the housedoor so I can ignore phone calls wherever I am at and have a 25% chance of being right when I guess where I left my phone. I've got that new 2 55 air conditioning in my car too... I traded automatic hubs for the luxury of getting out in the mud to lock in manual ones cause I'm a tightwad.....

However, I treated myself with a wagon that unloads itself so maybe I's hitech afterall.......
I do pretty well with technology and keeping up as computers, what they do, etc. is of interest to me. While I have downloaded things and installed programs from discs, I still have not had to deal with an operating system. The latter is sort of holding me back as I have a yen to get a computer kit to assemble. Most everything about a computer is remove and replace or has a specific place it will fit such as an additional video card.

I even have an adapter so that I can connect to a hard drive and recover the data off of it. They are simple to use if you have a need.

Just for fun--any of you know what a Sony Dash or a Chumby is?

BTW, one of my better investments was a Roku player which is a device that streams Internet content to a television set. Netflix streaming movies was the reason for my purchase. Not a bad price on them, $60 to $100.

I also have a GPS device for recording ancestors grave sites.
Between James and I we have:

One cell phone (mine and it has just the basics, no fancy apps)

One computer, a basic with the old style monitor (its James' & is at the farm)

Two tube-type tvs - one in Dallas, one at the farm.

One small 15 in. flat screen tv/dvd player I bought for the horse trailer.

Neither of us have any idea how to use an Ipod, Iphone, "tablet", etc. and don't want to.

We readily admit to being "technically challenged", but know enough to do what we want or need to on the computer.
I can't say I'm up with the current gadgets on all fronts, but I can say that the smartphone, (droid 1) was a bit intimidating, and hard to justify the expense, but well worth it for many reasons. Some of the other gadgets or smartphones with other features, well I would love to get an I-pod or what have you, that's kind of a nice thing for music, if you drive a lot or are in a cab quite a bit.

Technology is starting to pass me by, but I focus on things I can justify having.

My computer is always behind, I just wait til they give up the ghost or whatever, keep my files backed up on a stand alone hard drive, have the adapter to connect to the drive in the box, if I need to pull one of those, my last PC, had bad sectors in the drive, got those patched, pulled my files off, it showed signs of capacitors swelling up, about the end of the road for that one, that is as much as I need electronically.

Back to that smart phone, the apps you can get are incredible, but internet access is very handy, I can check the radar while in the field and avoid thunderstorms, I can pull up parts diagrams in my hand while working on something, the camera on it is awesome, 5MP I have 500 photos on the SD card, still plenty of room, its just a nice thing to have, though the monthly fee is a tad over 100 bucks, I use it all the time. The GPS is great for finding peoples houses when I get things for sale on craigslist. I don't text, know very little about facebook, twitter and all that, don't need it. I like the smart phone its an awesome tool to have in your pocket.
I just don't feel like it's neccessary to be up to date & electricity tends to complicate things that weren't initially or don't need to be plugged in. Period. I have enough electronics to keep me looking up to date. My model train layout is a prime example of why I don't feel the need. I just updated to DCC control for the entire setup (click on link below for an explination as to what DCC is). DCC is a technology as old or a bit older than I am & I was happy with a DC power supply with one pair of wires to the tracks. Then I decided to keep up with the times. Now I have two sets of 12 ga. wires & 200+, 18-22 ga. feeder wires to power about 1000' of track. I'm pretty sure I won't have that much hair left on my head when I'm done. There are more buttons on the controler than I have fingers & toes & I can control more trains than I have friends.

The Land of More Wires Than Hairs....
Betty and I have 3 phones in the house, 2 of them are the old black rotary dial phones plus 1 portable that is pushbutton. While she was still teaching school her neice and nephew rode home in the afternoon and stayed till their mother got home from work. One afternoon one of them wanted to make a phone call and guesswhat? They didn't know how to use a rotary dial phone, but knew how to operate every other kind of electronic gadget.

Forgot, we do have a cell phone but it stays in the desk drawer most of the time. Only used when we take a trip which is seldom. Joe
I also used an exturnal hard drive to back things up when I was running Windows XP. When that died I up graded to Windows 7 and it winn only read half of the old files if I'm lucky. :(
I'd been using a 10 year old motorola phone up until a couple of months ago. I upgraded to an android touch screen. The jury is still out on if it will hold up to me or not but so far I love it. Unlimited, talk, text, and web for 3 bucks less a month than I was paying for unlimited talk and text.

Same with the computer, I upgraded a few years ago to a Vista machine. But, I keep stuff forever. I dont own a home phone, satellite internet is spotty at best, and Im on the road a lot. If its got wifi I can use my phone places I wish for a laptop. As to Ipods, no thanks, I havent had a working radio in years except in one truck. Only reason it has one is it wasnt an option to get the truck without it.
I keep a pre-paid no contract cell phone! I hear so many people complain about their contracts, or the actual phone themselves. I still have the same phone I bought in 2007, & I am happy. No camera, no internet; just the phone!
I have no cell phone and only a Panasonic ToughBook that a friend gave me. Don't know what an app is or any other of the things people talk about. When my son and his wife talk about what they have. I feel like I am in another country. Boss gave me a smart phone for work. Had to get my son to show me how to make a phone call. Got in my neighbors truck the other day to move it. Looked like the cockpit of an airplane. I like things simple.
A basic cell phone,digital camera and a computer.I try to keep it as simple as I can.

I have all of it, love it and use it everyday.

I started with computers when there was no "windows". You had to give the computer instructions from the command line prompt. there were no "hard drives" you had two floppy drives to save information to or retrieve from... IF you were lucky.... many machines only had one...

I like the simple life, but I'm not going to let the rest of the world pass me by either.
I have electronic ignition on my Ford 3000 gasser. Cellphone with lots of minutes and unlimited text and this 3 year old desktop hardwired to Qwest. Oh, and a digital camera too.
I haven't touched the distributer on the 3000 in 6 1/2 years.
Hya man Wild Blue or Huges net.. We are in the boonedocks.nothing to choose from have to have satlite.. So so with Wild Blue.. Just wondering what you have / / ?
I have a cell phone, digital camera, and desk top computer. I hardly ever use a camera or cell phone, but bring it on trips. It has unlimited internet on it which is very useful on trips. Technology just seems to make things more complicated. More stuff to remember to take, more time for people to call you and bug you. I have enough stuff to remember.
Any body heard of a cloud? At my wife's office they say they are going to get her a smart phone so that she can get on a cloud. Whats up with that?
I have Digitrax DCC on my new layout. I really love it. Old layout had dozens of switches and miles of wire. Now it is 2 -14ga wires and feeders. I have 8 electric blocks. There is a lot of the DCC I don't know how to use. I know how to program, change variables, consist ect. use the sound, just the main stuff and I get along fine.
I have never had one either, people say you need one for traveling emergencies but I travel with a toolbox, good jack, spare fan belt and a gun, all I've needed for years.
That's backed up too, I figure one of those would eventually crap out, though I only turn it on and hook it up when I load files, then shut it off, disconnect it.
Basic cell phone is nice, I can check my home phone messages between jobs and maybe save some miles....also my wife and I use them as two way radios when selling minutes and speed dial between our phones is great!
no im there too, i care very little for new things, while the high tech stuff is interesting, it is also of short durability, i drive old trucks because 1 they do the job i need them to do, and 2 if they break at all, i can fix them, i drive old tractors for the same reasons, i have a basic cell phone, i dont need a tom tom or gps, my pappy taught me to read a map, and a tape measure by the time i was 8 years old, [ if you want a funny test, hand a couple of high school kids a tape measure and have then go measure a window or something, the results will leave you speachless]
(reply to post at 04:19:42 08/26/11)

I learned not to go on a trip with the wife and take a map AND GPS along..... One or the other. Was going along with the GPS and she was studying the map. GPS says 24km to destination. Go to get off the next exit and she says "what are you doing" you gotta take the XXXXX exit..... "

Get back on the road and go a few KM to XXXXX exit and get off... Look at the GPS and it says 73km to destination.............. Turned it off and let her navigate..........
try to get a cell phone you can use just to make phone calls. i don't think you can.
2 cell phone phones (we fired verizon about 2 years ago we couldn't afford their network)
internet (that's how i meant mrs 730) digtal camera.
Basic computer with wireless connection.

Digital camera and digital video camera.

Land line telephone here at the farm; no cell phone.

Digital TV - sometimes.

<a href="">Hank Williams</a> CDs.

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