O/T People are funny


Well-known Member
I probably have around 100 customers I do mowing or discing for. Some beat me down on my price, like this one guy last week. he lives in a very expensive area, with three cars in his garage, and a motorhome in the same garage. I told him 150.00 he said how about 100.00. Today another guy calles me and wants me to mow his field again, and tells me to double the price, which makes 100 into 200. Another guy tells me to raise my price, I just can't do it, as I already charge more than it's worth. I am either not charging enough, or there are just a few nice people still around. These people don't realize if I charge 100.00 for under a hour, 15.00 comes off each job for lilability insurance. then license, and insurance for the truck, then fuel, and finally taxes. I could just tell the tight wads no, but then I would make nothing, so I still make a little. Stan
Just set your rate at a hundred an hour and stick with it. You should be profiting around $50 an hour Right ?
Some people will try to push you no matter what you charge. Thats why I publish my rates up front, with all the discounts listed, and it is what it is. The last line on my price list is for "finishing the mess made by the guy who tried to the job when you said I was too expensive, at least triple the previous quote"

A friend of mine has a home remodeling business. He does excellent work but he lives in a very modest home.

A couple of years ago he was asked for a price on a job at a mansion belonging to some high-powered guy in the music industry. He gave him a price. The high-powered guy tried to weasel him down. I was talking to my friend while all of this was going on. I suggested to him that he invite the weasel over to his house for coffee and let the guy decide whether or not my friend's rates were too high.

He extended the invitation. The weasel declined the offer and agreed to pay my friend's price.

Some people just aren't happy if they aren't negotiating prices.

Tom in TN
A few years ago i did a mowing job for the local
gun club.I charged them 100 bucks.The club
president told me i was to cheap and gave me 250 dollars.The next year they got someone else to do there mowing.I heard through the grapevine that i charged to much.
Because I do mostly fleet work now I don't have to deal with it. But I don't haggle with anyone at my shop. Either pay what I ask or take it somewhere else. That said when I have someone do something for me I usually don't ask how much. But I do figure what I think it's worth. If it's more than I figured I don't complain (learned what he charges) If it's right on the money I'm happy. If it's less than I thought I usually try to tip at least half of what I saved. Don't care what anybody thinks about my system but it lets me sleep at night.
So many people who have the three cars, motorhome, boat etc. are in debt up to their eyeballs. The more income, the more debt they have. Jim
Wife got a call from a guy interested in a Tennessee Walking Horse about 10 years ago. Guy shows up in about a $50,000 black Cadillac, obviously brand new. We go out to the barn, he introduces himself as Albert Lee. I laugh and say "any relation to Albert Lee Appliance?"

Most areas have a real agressive appliance outfit- constant TV advertising, "We'll beat any price", etc., etc. In our area, its Albert Lee Appliance.

He looks kind of sheepish, and says, "Well, yeah, that's me."

Very nice guy. Turns out he has joint custody of the kid he had with the trophy wife, kid expressed an interest in trail riding, so rich daddy is anxious to indulge the kid's every whim.

He doesn't really want to ride, but MY trophy wife sort of flirts him into it. He rides, is amazed that horse does what he wants and he isn't killed, and is sold on the spot.

We go to the house- as we're standing next to trophy car, he asks if we're firm on the price. I look at him, then look at the amazing Caddy, then back at him, and say, "Yeah, we're firm." He gives ne a big smile, and says "Well played. Let me get my checkbook."

Don't know whatever happened with the horse- but I'm sure he's fine. Just guessing, I'd say the kid soon decided that chasing girls was much more fun than chasing horses (although a shrewd kid could combine the two, with excellent results- has there ever been a girl, in the history of the planet, who wasn't smitten with horses?).

Albert Lee Appliance continues to lead the field- they sponsored the Unlimited Hydroplane Race on Lake Washington this past weekend, which probably cost them a cool million or so.
A year or so back a big farmer friend of mine called, said the trans went out of his farm truck, Can I fix it. YEAH, but I ain't got time right now, but to get you on the road, I've got a tranny thats ok, but its rough in third. Won't take long to switch, then we can work of fixing yours later. OK, so we switched them, got his crops hauled, then he bought a rebuilt trans, and asked me to help put it in. After we got done, it was well, how much I owe you, told him a hundred should do it, a hundred? are you sure thats enough? well thats all I'm asking, a hundred don't sound like very much, but thats what he wrote the check for, I had to laugh.
Always amazed me. Guy pulls up in a 50 thousand. dollar pickup. Pulling a twenty thousand dollar trailer. Then complains about a fifty dollar repair bill on his 15 thousand dollar lawn mower.
I have a fleet account worked for few years . He decided my oil change service package was too pricey . He had nother guy start doign the oil changes , left the breakdown stuff to me . I didn't mind ,,saw more breakdown stuff as result of poor service from other guy . htithe fan other day . He called hollaring that one of his Sprinters had to be towed in over the weekend and new injection pump installed to the tune of $2000 or so . I reminded him that his cheaper service guy was supposed to be taking care of that ,right ? I do EVERYTHING on them all now ,lol .
Don't kid yourself. If you would have said $100, he'd say $75. You could always counter with $200. Then he might appreciate your first price a little more. You have to have integrity with your pricing. Otherwise people will nickle and dime you to death.
It took me awhile to figure it out but I know what it takes to pay my bills and make payroll for my men, then end up with a dollar for me. If I cut my price, somebody goes without. I'd rather it be the customer who wants it cheaper than me!
Fixerupper makes a good point, a lot of people ARE in debt up to their eyeballs, yet there are others who have a mattress stuffed with hundred dollar bills because they take advantage of others. I worked with a man years ago whose wife was in real estate. They had a farm and about twenty rental houses. One day I mentioned that I needed to stop by the local feed and seed store to pick up some bean seed, he immediately said, "While you're there pick me up October beans." I thought to myself, If you are too cheap to stop and get them yourself,I ain't gonna be your errand boy. But that's how many become rich. You gotta make a living, if you know that you are not overcharging don't back down too much.
You'll only have to tell them no once. Their grass will get outta hand, you take care of it for them for a higher price than you charge other customers for maintanence mowing, and you set your price where you want it and stick to it to stay on top of it for them. Don't let an idiot take advantage of you or you'll continually sell yourself short.

There....That's my free people skills pointer for the day.
I had a guy question my prices for maple syrup one time.

YUP!! you are six hundred miles from home on a ski vacation, midweek, in a car that cost more than I grossed on this whole operation last year, and you're complaining about my prices??
Seems we didn't have that problem back in the day, but anymore it's become a challenge dealing with people. The more I read of Daves antics, the more I see of myself.
I listed a car on Ebay for a friend recently. I put 30K firm. I also said no emails, call only and listed the owners phone number. Sure enough, first day I get an email. Guy asks how much it will take to buy the car. I wrote him back and told him 36K and figured I wouldn't hear back. Nope, he writes back explaining that it's listed for 30K and wants to know why I said 36K. I wrote back and explained I charge a 20% idiot fee for those who can't read english. Never did hear back from him.
Over the years I came to the conclusion that poor people, honest or not, are usually generous. Rich people whether honest or not, are usually cheapskates. But of course, that's probably how they got to be, or can stay -rich. Hold your ground with the arrogant, cut a deal with the good natured. there is alot of good barter material out there, keep your eyes open when out there mowiing....
(quoted from post at 06:34:40 08/09/11) Seems we didn't have that problem back in the day, but anymore it's become a challenge dealing with people. The more I read of Daves antics, the more I see of myself.
I listed a car on Ebay for a friend recently. I put 30K firm. I also said no emails, call only and listed the owners phone number. Sure enough, first day I get an email. Guy asks how much it will take to buy the car. I wrote him back and told him 36K and figured I wouldn't hear back. Nope, he writes back explaining that it's listed for 30K and wants to know why I said 36K. I wrote back and explained I charge a 20% idiot fee for those who can't read english. Never did hear back from him.

You should spend a little time working on those people skills.......... You's folks downsouth is sposed to be a little friendlier.....
(reply to post at 16:57:17 08/08/11)A year or so back a big farmer friend of mine called, said the trans went out of his farm truck, Can I fix it. YEAH, but I ain't got time right now, but to get you on the road, I've got a tranny thats ok, but its rough in third. Won't take long to switch, then we can work of fixing yours later. OK, so we switched them, got his crops hauled, then he bought a rebuilt trans, and asked me to help put it in. After we got done, it was well, how much I owe you, told him a hundred should do it, a hundred? are you sure thats enough? well thats all I'm asking, a hundred don't sound like very much, but thats what he wrote the check for, I had to laugh.

Wait a minute. It's the other guy's fault because he wrote the check FOR YOUR ASKING PRICE!?! If you wanted more, you shoulda asked more. It's not his responsibility to raise your price. You ever win something for less than you expected at an auction and just write the check for more anyway?

Now I gotta laugh - at you.
If I'd of wanted more I'd of asked, what I said WAS, I thought it was funny how he kept asking if that was enough. He gave me just what I asked for, learn how to comprehend what you read before responding, makes you sound like a dolt.

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