
what will kill poison ivy,have it growing on the side of a garage,and its on my house.im not concerned about the surrounding grass,i would just like to kill this stuff for good..
(quoted from post at 23:03:22 08/05/11) what will kill poison ivy,have it growing on the side of a garage,and its on my house.im not concerned about the surrounding grass,i would just like to kill this stuff for good..
rushMaster, BK-32, Crossbow.....any of the 3 mixed with Remedy & diesel & water.
As others have said, it's easy to spray out. Roundup will work, if you don't care about killing everything, that the spray comes in contact with(but no soil activity) 2, 4-D, dicamba, and other broadleaf chemicals for lawn and brush control will work, but you have to be careful, some are soil active, for a while, and can affect nearby trees.
2-4-D and Weed-b-Gone are the same thing. Apply either will work. Use diesel in place of water and will work on poison ivy even better. It will cut through the oils present on the ivy. Use at 2 to 3x the normal strength or more. And keep at it poison ivy is hard to kill. If you can work the ground where its at is even better. It cant stand cultivation. :evil:
I am having trouble eradicating it too. It is everywhere and intertwined among trees, bushes, grass. Some applications of the same product work one time and not the next. Best when its really hot and humid and its in high growth mode. Seems when its stagnant the spray fails to kill it.

I am highly allergic to it but have found methods to keep from getting contaminated.
Spray my ankles and wrist areas generously with olive oil. Leather work boots, heavy socks pulled out over overall legs. Hooded sweatshirt, poke thumb holes right above cuffs at end of sleeves.
With thumbs thru these holes wrists stay covered.
Do not pull out Poison Ivy, Oak, Sumac. The oil from its roots is 100 to 10l00 times more toxic then the unbroken leaves.

Zanfel does work to remove it from skin the first day. By the second day it it will have penetrated the surface and it binds with the protein in your skin. That is why the more leather you cover yourself with the better. It binds with the leather and does not spread. The oil on nylon or cotton clothing actual spreads in the wash.
More then once i have gotten a lite case of it all over my torso because I washed all my work clothes included skivvies together!
Tincture of Green, a soap that can be had at a pharmacy, (mine said he was surprised I asked for it, not many people are aware of it) will remove Urushiol (what causes the dermatitis- rash/itch etc.) within a certain time of exposure, before it binds.

I've read that the potency of Urushiol,the amount on a pin head is enough to make the world itch, well I can't vouch for that, but the last time I got it, was in '04 and it was an education of same, most potent I've ever had, it left scars, not permanent but for quite awhile. I made sure to be able to identify the plant. You can work around it, but if the area has been disturbed, plant stem/leaves broke, you had best protect yourself and have some of that soap on hand.

I told one of the hired help where it was on the farm, one side of a pasture, along a stone wall, idiot went in there anyway, told him the soap was in the washroom, nope .... he knew what he was doing, nope.... covered with it, rash everywhere, said was not poison ivy, but poison oak, "some people you just can't reach" ..... I told him and showed him, my father was a naysayer too, till he saw that rash.
I know of 2 ways that work well and for the most part in the long term will not hurt a thing. # Is get a few milk goats they will eat it and keep it gone and if you in turn milk them and drink that milk if you have trouble with the ivy you will then become immune to it. #2 is simple salt, less hard on the soil then other chemicals and will kill it plus helps keep it from being a problem because it drys out the oils that cause the problem in people
Diesel fuel mixed with 2, 4-D will kill anything and the petroleum in the diesel will sterilize the ground (nothing will grow there for a long long time). County used to use it (and probably still does) to kill weeds around stop signs. The one u the road was sprayed 5 years ago and it still hasn't grown back.

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