came quicker than I thought....


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[color=red:2d43f4ab3f]got a neighbor that has been pretty underhanded since I've got here. Nothing really bad, just little stuff like calling the cops when mud fell out of my fenderwell on the side of the street, dogs barked a little, or just whenever he felt like complaining............... Got a storm on the way and he's got hay down and asked me to run thru and bale his when I do mine tomorrow (50 ft away).... Was so shocked that he'd even have the balls to ask that I just said OK, buck a bale..... He jumped on it and was fine til he made a couple calls then called me and said he found someone else that was cheaper and he didn't need me...... There are 3 balers in the area. His someone else's baler is broke and they asked to borrow mine.....

Told them where they could borrow a forage wagon....

I like my people skills...............[/color:2d43f4ab3f]

They "borrowed" a baler from an old guy in the next town (he's been in the hospital for several weeks, they just went in the barn and got it...
Neither knew how to use it and went off what someone showed them quick which is usually enough. Baled real nice about 3 bales and picked up about an armsize chunk of wood that sheared the pins.....Put something in there and started again and picked up another limb. Somehow a needle got broke..... Son and dad went to the house (knew I was at work) and told the wife that if I baled the hay tonight, I could have it....She said I was at work and they asked her if they could borrow my baler. She told them no and they said I wasn't there to use it and asked her why they couldn't have it.. I got perfect people skills compared to her.... She told them to get off the property and the old man told the boythat they'd just go get it and tell me tomorrow...... She called the kid that fixes my stuff and got his dad on the phone... He'll take care of it but I guess I'll be visiting tomorrow......

People are unbelievable.....

These folks are out there....... They live in the middle of town and the old man keeps two sheep that he walks like dogs, has them house trained and they stay in the garage or come in the house as they wish....
If I'm reading this right ? they just then took your baler to use ? If so I'd be calling the cops ! They will bust it up for sure !
(quoted from post at 11:33:12 08/03/11) If I'm reading this right ? they just then took your baler to use ? If so I'd be calling the cops ! They will bust it up for sure !

They won't get it...... They were just trying to scare the wife (the old man fancies himself as a tuff guy cause folks here are so passive...... We'll talk tomorrow afternoon....

The kid that fixes my stuff goes about 280 pounds and is a little over 6ft and his dad is close behind.... Noone will get anything unless they say it's OK..... Good folks to have around...
I have been in her shoes. Had some folks want to borrow stuff that belonged to James. Looked at me like I was crazy when I told them they had to get his permission. At least they left without things getting ugly.

A visit is definitely in order.
Wow, they bust up one baler and wonder why folks won't lend them another? I got this mental image of the bandidos in "Treasure of the Sierra Madre" in their first encounter with Humphrey Bogart and his partners.
(quoted from post at 12:12:01 08/03/11) I'd put it out front. When they come get it with out permission call the cops.

My stuff is a mile from the house and not locked up (not a lot of stuff locked up here.... Off season, it is all next door parked behind a locked gate. But it's only a few meters from my buddie's place..... I kind of hope they go there and take it.It'll be real expensive and will give me the opportunity to show them straight out and without delay the consequences of stupidity.....
We had a few like that around here. They would borrow it and it would come back when broke. Several had to go retrive equipment that hadn't broke yet. They pretty much keep to themsleves now, nobody will loan them aything....

My experance - I am very picky on who gets to borrow what. I had told a neighbor he cold use the rake and let my tenant know they would be by to get it. A few days later I noticed the rake wasn't back. Thought it strange as my neighbor never kept anything over night. Even if he need it the next day, it came back home for the evening. I wasn't worried as I trusted my neighbor. A day or so later I see my rake a the new guys house. So I called my neighbor who imformed me they didn't get it cut so he never came and got it. I stop in at tenants to see what she knows, and she said they came and got it. I stop'd in and spoke to the guy who had it, told him to finish up, and return it.

Appearently, he stop'd and ask the tenant, who had been told someone was coming, so in a round about way it wasn't really anyone fault and no big deal. That is until they lost a pin, droped the basket and drug the teeth all they way to my farm on a black top road.
The nerve of some people!The bad part is after this is over they will be pi$$ed because they didnt get their way. Sometimes its hard for SOME people to understand"NO" and "I DONT CARE WHO YOU ARE"!!. Stand your ground.Anyone "borrowing" anything after they were told "NO" by you or your wife should be visited by the local police and charged! Just my 2 cents worth
Doug from Idiana
Nice clean fields 'cept for firewood eh ? wonder how that got there .......

Threatening to just take the baler.... wonderful people you have there, you might have to teach em to show a little respect.....

I raked a nice field a few years ago, as I finished, the other guy showed up with the baler and the first round in, piece of wood went in, he saw it go up the pick up, but stopped it in time. Seems the latest owner of this property, who built a home in the middle of this nice hay ground, had the remnants of a firewood stack near the edge of the field, certainly can ruin your day, thankfully on the NH 315, appropriate tools were in the tool box on it. Now I always bale the outside windrow last, that way if something like that happens, most of the hay is baled, could never figure how that got in there, would have heard or seen it when raking I thought.
We have no problem around my town. Loaning out equipment to people that need it. If we know they will take care of it.But someone like that could get shot real fast here in Texas.
"they needed killin" is still a legal defense in Colorado County,Tx...thats why i call it home.
You are finding out why I quit loaning anything out. If they ask and I have some free time I will go do what they need or one of my sons may do it. Not equipment of the farm unless it is operated by my sons, my brother, or I. My stuff is not fancy but it is all in good shape. If I am going to use it then it is in as good of working order as I can make it.

Last loaned a baler out almost thirty years ago. It came back with both needles and the knotters broke. They backed it into the shed and never told me about it. I mowed a field of hay. Went to get the baler out and found the broken parts. It is a good thing my Grand Dad was there or I would have been still in jail. He stopped me at my pickup with my pistol in hand. I was madd enough to use it on the idiots. I can laugh about it today but sure not then.

Dave I think we both went to the same people skill school. Give your wife an extra big hug for standing her ground.
went for a visit today.....His wife stopped me and asked what was up... When I told her she apologized and said that the old man had been drinking a lot lately and the son isn't right in the head and forgets his meds sometimes........ Said it'd be a good idea to keep em on a leash til they could behave themselves....She said how sorry she was and said she'd call my wife to apologize....
(quoted from post at 21:52:27 08/03/11) In the meantime, did they fix the baler they stole or just put it back??

I don't know......... I'm just making sure that folks know they had it because it's back where they got it.

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