New machine shed-condensation?


Well-known Member
Have a new shed(1 year old), basically like a morton building, tin outside, wood paneling inside, insulated wall, roof, overhead doors insulated--basically using it for storage of old tractors/camper--in summer, almost where things are parked there is a wet puddle literally around what I have in there. Shed does not get opened much--there are no leaks, but what can we do to eliminate this issue--I have 2 industrial ceiling fans-do I let them rum 24/7 or add somekind of venting system?? casuing mold on wood, etc now in there from!!
Your insulation is trapping cool air keeping everything in there along with the interior surfaces cool. When humid air comes along it will slowly work it's way in and condense on cool surfaces. This is where most of us get moisture inside gear cases. You need to ventilate, I would install openings that can be closed in cold weather. Moving the same air around with fans won't help.
I put one up 2 years ago, different story as it;s not insulated, vented around the top actually, but it condensed pretty bad the 1st year. Thought I had a problem....

This year has been fine, no problems.

Seems the gravel, cement (40% concreted floor...) and wood had to dry out the 1st year.

I'm hoping anyhow.

(quoted from post at 22:38:12 07/04/11) I put one up 2 years ago, different story as it;s not insulated, vented around the top actually, but it condensed pretty bad the 1st year. Thought I had a problem....

This year has been fine, no problems.

Seems the gravel, cement (40% concreted floor...) and wood had to dry out the 1st year.

I'm hoping anyhow.


sounds about right.......a lot of moisture in there that has to go somewhere..
hey guys, thanks for all the help!! I did let fans run yesterday eve/overnight--floor this morning 100% dry as a bone! I'm going to let them run all today--my thought maybe have fans set up on a timer...have them run during the summer 7am-7pm?? then shut off....??????
When you turn any building into living space by sealing it up and insulating, you need to heat it in the winter and cool it in the summer or you will have a sick building caused by humidity, condensation, mold and mildew.

Schools try to save money in the summer by turning the A/C off and they have your problem. Kids return to school in the fall and Dr's are busy.

I built a pole barn 3 years ago with metal sides and shingles on the roof. No insulation, eve vents, roof vents, no condensation, no heat and no A/C requird.

What is the floor..Concrete or gravel..?

Will take concrete a year or more to loose moisture..
Roof vents and Gable vents would be your best bet, unless you want to close it up and de-humidify it or Air Condition it..

I used to have that problem, when I had a dirt floor in the barn. I put crete in, with a vapor barrier, and it has been dry as a bone.
Are the fans venting the air outside or just circulating inside air? you need to get the moisture out, We have had some hot humid weather lately and I have some condensation on my garage floor too, there may not be poly under the concrete, it was done when we bought the place, last week my drill press wouldn't run on a gfci breaker because the shop was so humid!
How did any of us EVER survive to adulthood? My God, you have to air condition a machine shed these days or it will turn into a "sick" building and kill everyone that walks in???

I better go home, drag all my stuff outside and burn my pole barn down. I certainly can't afford to heat and air condition it, and if I don't, it's a death trap.

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