OT: Cousin Story, Long but True


Well-known Member
I come from a close knit family and see and communicate regularly with brothers and sister and 1st cousins.One cousin Neal is about 6 years younger than I, and close in age of my youngest brother.He spent summers with us on family farm growing up. In fact He and my brother married girls that are twin sisters.Neal had a hard time in school but learned the shrimping business from his older brother eventually owning his own boat and doing well. During the off season he would crab, pick oysters and other things on the water all his life without the ability to swim a lick. Every once and a while he will pull some bone head stunt,We call them "Neal Stories" this is what this is.
One winter day,dressed in his heavy slicker suit, he pulled away from the dock with his outboard on a hard running tide. He inadvertently backs into the bow of his shrimp boat.The collision is hard enough to bust engine cowl and knock a spark plug wire off. Pulling out in the open water he takes the skipping motor out of gear to assess the damage. He pulls off the broken cowl and sees the spark plug wire hanging loose,quickly deducing that all he needs to do is get the wire back on and he can go about his business. So he gets up on the transom of the boat leans over the running engine and grabs the spark plug wire. The first shock causes him to jerk and lose his footing and fall across the motor onto the exposed spinning flywheel.Still holding on to the spark plug wire that now is the only life line keeping him from falling in the water he has to make a quick decision. Does he hold on to wire and be electrocuted while being sawn in two by the flywheel or turn loose and fall in the water and drown.In a microsecond he chooses to turn loose as the teeth of the flywheel makes contact with his skin. He falls in the water the vinyl suit holding enough air for him to pop up one time.Luckily He comes up by the side of the boat,grabs hold and lives on to tell and bring us more true life stories to make us all laugh ourselves to tears.
LOL most important as long as he doesn't get hurt in the process ......... you need to write a book on his misadventures.
I can see good ones coming up .
Roy to tell you the truth I had that in mind and thought I would "test the waters" so to speak here.
Between family members and friends there are more than enough Good Old Boy stories to fill a book. I have to say I was disappointed in the lack of response it generated. Maybe I will try again. Thank You Roy for a little encouragement.

Got a BIL law like that. The first story was pretty funny. The year he and my sister got married he and his dad put in a new silo. They also had to extend the feed room on the barn and decided that they could save a little and do it themselves. Now my BIL at the time would not start a nail by tapping it a few time but instead would take a full swing while holding the nail with his other hand. So he breaks his left thumb. 2 days later he is out there again now holdiong the hammer with his off hand and still will not start the nail.......yup you guessed it! He broke his other thumb! He is a walking poster child for safety!


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