Roundup - an endangered specie?

Could be. Have read reports that RU gots its approval via the "good ole boys network". ITs who ya know, yadda yadda yadda.Not saying its true, but the whole approval system for chemicals needs a good review and taken clear away from politicians oversight and meddling.

Google the Montsanto story on u-tube and make your own mind up.
Is there any possibility that an organization called "Earth Source Green" would ever say "we can't find a thing wrong with Roundup" no matter how little evidence they could find. Where are all the birth defects?
Watch the movie. Your family and its future generations could be at risk.I felt it was a witch hunt like you until I took the time with an open mind to watch it.Now I am not so sure it is.
All pesticides are toxic - duh! What matters is CONCENTRATION. I am sure that if I DRANK Roundup I would experience problems. The important thing here is to use these pesticides in moderation. I use as few pesticides as possible. It seems the EPA thinks that farmers use pesticides for fun. Think of the cost, time, and labor involved in applying these sprays! The cost is pretty close to astronomical. All the farmers I know use sprays in moderation and think of possibly contaminating water supplies, etc. They also cultivate their tobacco and truck gardens, which cuts down on pesticide use. Also, I don't know why the EPA is going to pick on Roundup when 24-D is used just as much and is more toxic!

This is only my opinion, formed over time.

It seems to me that glyphosate (Roundup chemical) is a safer herbicide than many others that we have had around since the 1950's. There are 2 ways for a chemical to be toxic - it hurts you quickly; or it stays in the environment a long, long time, hurting you just a tiny bit every day. We can list every chemical, from alcohol to gasoline to table salt to glyphosate under those 2 situations. As well as the other weed killers.

Ranked against the other weed killers, glyphosate binds up with clay particles _real_ quick in the enviroment, and become a non-issue in a very short time. It has no lasting ability.

Ranked against the other weed killers, in so far as we can scientificly test such things these days, glyphosate has very little activity against mamals or birds. It also does not have much activity on fish & frogs, but it's possible some of the soaps used with it (as well as used by other weed killers) is not so good for our water breathing friends. It's not the actual glyphosate tho in any event.


If ban glyphosate, then what?

We go back to the old weed herbicides? They don't work so good all the time. They tend to be a bit harsher than glyphosate. Id that really what we want?

So, are we to ban all weed herbicides? Then what? We go back to cultivating, which increases use of fel, and increases erosion, and does not control weeds as well. Are we supposed to how all our grain crops, evven at $8 an hour that will greatly increase grain prices! Or we lower our grain yields do to the weed pressure.

Is lower grain yields, more fuel use, higher grain prices, a little less grain produced, really going be a safe thing for all of us? Can we deal with the increased erosion?

I think the world will get a little crazier, and a little less stable, should that happen.

Herbicides are not a wonderful, good, yummy thing. But looking at the big picture, I'm thinking I would like the alternative even less.

And, for those that will go down this path, yes, yes, Monsanto is the most evil, worst, aweful company ever ever ever in th whole wide world. I got that. Over 1/2 the glyphosate sold in the USA comes from other comanies as it's off patent for many years; and you can buy RR seed from all the major and most minor seed comanies, some not affiliated with that horrible, evil company. o it's ok you can farm with GMO seed and glyphosate weed spray and not be supporting Monsanto.

Well-----I have used glyphosate products nearly since introduction and have lived in farm country during that time.

I know of no farm area children with birth defects and with the amount of it used if it were a problem we'd be seeing a lot of three headed children with six eyes or whatever the defects are that they claim.

I believe it is far safer than the old alternatives.
I did not see a movie there? There were a bunch of links, but dmust not have seen the right one?

I see 3 people claim to be scientists, listing no credentials, saying that 'almost half a dozen' (does this mean 5, in the whole world?) studies they could dig up showed that glyphosate was dangerous to a few cells in a dish in a lab.

I figured Don Huber would be mentioned - got over 1/2 way, and there he was. ;) He's, eh, a bit eccentric fella, he is the only human being to ever see the mysterious bacteria that he claims devours multitudes of different beings. He has had some, eh, interesting writings on other topics, as well. It's kinda like if your uncle Jeb agrees with you, you start questioning if you got all your facts straight yourself, as uncle Jeb has never said anything right in the past 10 years since his condition??? Well, this is uncle Don Huber, no one else understands what he's talking about or seeing in his microscope......

There really is no way to combat 3 people who claim they are scientists, pick out a couple paragraphs from almost 1/2 dozen research papers out of thousands upon thousands of reams of resarch on the topic, and declare they fully know and understand something from that. And rely upon the notations of an 'uncle Jed' Don Huber fella to back it up.

Well, a bucket of water is dangerous too. Probably has enough water in it, to drown a dozen people per bucketful - maybe more.

So, lots of studies show water is dangerous. We probably should ban the stuff? Obviously it is no good for us.

'Bout the same for glyphosate.

My comments here are written with a bit of
'fun' in them, I don't mean to belittle anyone's opinion. Enjoy your messages a lot around here, and don't mind if we disagree on this just a tad. I'm sure those of us who would survive would be healthier without any petrochemicals at all, without any innoculations, without any pesticides, without any coal smoke or wood smoke in the air ever.

Just not sure how many of us would actually be around without any of that? Life is a complicated choice of solutions, think we as a society might miss out on more without herbicides like glyphosate in the long run? Doesn't mean it's 100% totally harmless, doesn't mean it's always the right answer for sure. Just, which is the worst evil, if we look at it honestly?

You gotta wonder - I didn't take the time to click on the Huffpost link - but I remember running behind the orchard sprayers when I was a kid. They said then that the spray was harmless. You can't even buy the spray that they used in 1957.

Follow the money. . .

I'm not a fan of any chemicals. Just don't trust the companies making em. All they see is bottom line.

I also don't trust the "green groups" to put out good info. Look at PETA who had 3 doctors claiming that meat was bad for you. Yea they were doctors...2 shrinks and a quack who had lost his license to practice. Or the woman who wrote a book on a pesticide that got it banned. All without any background in sience or any research at all....DDT.

But on the other hand, wifes uncle used everything when he was farming. Aunt has cancer, 3 out of 5 kids have/had cancer. And the list goes on. I still don't use Roundup and will not. I use a little 2 4 D in the pasture every few years and that's it.

Wife was taking some ag classes. Came home claiming that 2 4 D was terrible. Turned out the course instructor's source was a wacko group.

All I can say is I hope all those wanting to ban it don,t get hungry.. Been using it since it came out in a limited way. Has to be one of the safer products out there. If it is banned food cost will most surly go up.
I would love it to go one step more and put Monsanto out of business. They are a very evil company and have no care about you, me or the environment. They also made the most "potent" or worst batches of the Agent Orange, when compared to the other chemical companies.

Monsanto also has a seed monopoly which is also very scary.
I work for a world wide company that sells seed and ag. chemicals. If you knew some of the other things that go out you wouldn't be worried about roundup.

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