OT: It's Raining!


As of noon today, we've had an inch and a quarter here just north of Houston. It's still sprinkling and thundering in the distance, so hopefully, it's not over. This is the most rain we've had since February. Maybe, it will help curtail some of the wildfires in the area. I doubt it's enough to help the hay fields, but it's a start.
C. L.
I wish I could blow some of this back down to you. I've got corn under water,hay knocked flat and another line just went through. I sprayed some corn yesterday before it all hit,but don't know when I'll be able to get back out there to spray,cut hay or anything else for that matter. I'm afraid I might have to sharpen the old M-C Rotary Scythe to try to suck some of this downed hay up off the ground.
I'm sitting here listening to it rain like a tall cow pi$$ing on a flat rock. Got 0.8" yesterday and now this. Won't need anymore till the middle of July.
We got a good bit yesterday. 5" as a matter of fact. Those "dust bowl blues" get to take a back seat to the "steam bath sweats" for now.

We sure needed that!
I'm glad you guys are finally getting some rain, but I just wish it was hitting you INSTEAD of us. It looks more like you're just getting some of the outer bands of the land hurricane that's been pummeling us all week.
(quoted from post at 11:04:02 06/22/11) As of noon today, we've had an inch and a quarter here just north of Houston. It's still sprinkling and thundering in the distance, so hopefully, it's not over. This is the most rain we've had since February. Maybe, it will help curtail some of the wildfires in the area. I doubt it's enough to help the hay fields, but it's a start.
C. L.

Could be worse, you could be in Minot......a little too darn wet here and we aint even close. Get anymore and going to have to pull the FIL's dock up some.

I got two inches of rain last night. Well really this morning at 2AM. Sat up for an hour watching it. Wanted to make sure it wasn't a dream.

Some lawyer shot an 880 pound gator on the trinity river the other day. I think it is the third largest ever found in Texas since 1980.
According to weather.com, we got .36 at the farm. Very much needed. Some pastures were dirt brown, our newly seeded hay area had patches that were burning, some starting to wither and some ok.

Regardless of the amount, it was much needed!

Got some here in Dallas, too.
I had 2 and a half since last night here in Montcalm County. Had an inch and a half a week ago. Some of'em over on the east side of the county said 3 or better overnight. Unbelievable.
Got some more late this afternoon after I posted. I'm afraid to go out and look at the rain gage. I finally planted the last of my few acres of beans last Tuesday, only about six weeks late. Lots of first cutting hay around here still in the field, not cut yet.
southwest oklahoma could sure use some...100+ for the last 2-3weeks and no rain--0.7 in last 3-4 months. irrigated cotton only has enough in the lake to water up one time...I'm about to take a course in rain dancing...
yeah, glad you finally got watered , if I were God i would fix it so everyone got a nominal amount ..LOL, it is pourin here in louisville area , ..at 5 pm started cutting hay , no rain on the horizon accoding weatherfolx ,, started misting around 6 , picked up more and more , so i quit , looked a little nasty on the way home .. kept watching a funnel cloud but did not think it was for REAL, thought not much more than a low hangin oddesy ,, tornado hit town of elizabeth , 2 miles south of here ,, watched another funnel cloud form serveral miles out, called 911, and reported it and watched it roll andtwist directly above my house, way up hi ,, these storms went into louisville and really caused some damage,, we had another 3 +of rain tonite , we had a terribly wet spring that all of a sudden dried up and got hot and baked the ground hard... up until ,2 weeks ago we were so dry the corn was rolling up and the cows were working on turning the pastues into a desert , got a 3 inch rain , i put triple 19 on pastures .. bet we have had 10 inches rain in last 10 days ... sure is a strange year ,,normal weather her e is nothin like any of the previous 10 yrs ...
LOUISVILLE AREA , CRAZY WEATHER UPDATE., around,4 am got another WILD thunderboomer thru here ,,there is gallon ice cream bucket in the yard that is level full , 6 INCHES!, got corn growing in sinkhole bowls that are 4 to 6ft deep , 4ft tall corn completely vanixhed under water in a 2 acre spot , historically takes a 6+ inch rain in 24 hours to do that in my observations over 27 years , if it sinks in 2 days or less , probably wont hurt much ... talked with seed man that lives 20 miles north of me and his rain guage showed 15 hundreths of inch ,, he is hoeing in garden now.. INCREDIBLE!

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