hey tony in mass


Well-known Member
I guess your feelin pretty proud that your hockey team beat us cunucks. Well im just watching the news right now and im not to proud of us canucks , they seem to be ripping apart cars shame on us. Some people just need a good spanking!! Well good for your home team Im sure they deserved the win!
The Canucks didn't even play hockey this evening........disgraceful! Not sure what they were doing out there but it wasn't hockey.
Somebody should throw a net over the mobs in both cities and book them for disorderly conduct. How did anyone of those fruitloops contribute to the effort that brought the teams to game seven? Spending $4000 for a 50/50 chance to share the joy is only self serving, delusional, and wasteful.

Let them clean the streets and mow the parks. At the end of the day, some may be able to take some pride in what they accomplished. Rooting for a bunch of well-paid men playing a boys game strikes me as a juvenile pursuit. Save that pride and enthusiasm for something meaningful like winning a war or overthrowing a tyrant.

Yeah, I am only 25 miles from the Boston Garden. Part of the problem is the huge promotional effort delivered by the local media. For the past two weeks, half of every newscast has been devoted to the championship playoffs. There should be two million people lining the parade route Friday or Saturday. Most likely Friday because it is a workday and the Bruins deserve that kind of respect. LOL
I'm in Richmond(just south of Vancouver) at my parents farm right now. Dad and I were walking the fields after the game. The hwy at the back of the farm was a steady stream of RCMP from the valley comming in as renforcements.

Three things.
1 - Congradulations to Boston for winning the Cup.
2 - We (the majority of people in BC) are absolutly disapointed by what we are seeing in downtown right now. We had such a good immage from the Olympic experiance. The actions of a few hundred people and the herd mentality (I think sheep are smarter than some of the people we have seen on TV tonight) has created a huge black eye on the city and province.
3 - The police have showed a great deal of restraint thus far. I have been very impressed with the way it has been handled, in fact I'm amased there has not been more violent confrontations with the police. I can only immagine how difficult it would be in that position.

As I am typing the rioting and looting are ongoing. What a joke.
I am truly disapointed in this segment of society today. I was also in Vancouver in 94 durring the riot after Vancouver lost to the Rangers. I was 23 then and was amased at the stupidity of people my age then. Now I'm 40, I thought we learned something from that era. I guess not.

Please don't judge us all based on this event. Vancouver and BC overall is a beautiful, safe place.
Hopefully there won't be many more injuries or fatalities, but I have my doubts. I'm so dissapointed...Grant
Looting and rioting? Those are not the Canadians that I know. Of course the Vermont/Canadian border is a long way from Vancouver. Too bad it reflects on Canada as a whole.
I traveled/camped across Canada-NY to Alaska in 1974 great trip, great people. Have been back many times, really enjoy winterlud in Ottawa, some just never learn, sorry for your embarrassment, it happens all over sad to say.
I didn't watch the games, not a Hockey fan.
But I did catch news that showed people acting
like total Jerks.. I know not everyone in
Canada acts this way, this has to be my hope.
But really no matter where you are in the world
it's easy to find people that are totally
screwed up.. It's a sign of the time's & it
sends bad signals....
So when did you post this? Last night? This morning? Some us us got to sleep and work around here, or, work and sleep at the same time. Bruin? ain't that a bear? like the things that eat your lunch? Canuk? I remember that word, when relatives from Quebec would show up dead drunk, she would say some thing like "mu zis tate da peosh canuk ah fant she en eh mu zit da canuk mu zit". And I think all of them are Lyle's reatives too. Stanley what?-cup? Like Tim Horton's coffee cup? Not as good as dunkin donuts tho. Now you see why Ottawa and the RCMP don't want you guys to have many guns... the hockey rinks would be full of blood... and blood freezes at 23 degrees C higher than water, so more refridgerant needed, so a bigger carbon footprint... UN wouldn't like it... now you see??? Now, hockey? I heard of that too. Is that the game with the brooms? I'll repeat all this if you need me too.
Curling. I think they thought they were suppose to play curling. I don't see what all the fuss is about, drunken kids do stuff like that, nothing new nothing unusual. Just that you don't have TV crews from 20 countries at a bar fight on saturday night. the real sad thing here is the stars of the bruins are all from Canada!!

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