OT: Oil prospecting..I got a problem coming!


Well-known Member
Got a phonecall just now,third time this week.
Oil company wants to seismic explore my ranch.
I told them i'm not interested and to go play on the highway or buy the whole damm ranch if you wanna poke holes here.

I done it before but this time they wont go away.
Its the biggest company around and has oodles of wells and keep poking holes to the north and east of me( all on crown land so far)but coming closer to my property every yr.
This area is all part of the Oilsands fields from Forth McMurry south.

My place is really secluded and quiet,i don't want all that BS with with wells and roads and traffic and strangers on my land,that little bit of compensation money is just not worth it.

How in the heck do i keep them suckers out of here.?????

Any sound advice is welcome.
you got a thunderstick? I let them drill on my place and now that im farming now its kinda a pain in the but going around that well site. At the time they approached me I needed the money so what does a guy do? If I didnt need the money back then I would of told them to go buck a fuffalo
I got plenty "thundersticks",i just don't want to become an other "Wiebo Ludwig",if you get my drift.
Get yourself the best oil/gas lawyer you can. Only ones slipperyer than a lawyer are those oil companies, and their exploration companies.
I own the land.
But this is Canada,we don't own anything below the top soil.
Unless one has the mineral rights(i don't),All minerals are property of the crown.
(quoted from post at 17:35:49 06/15/11) I own the land.
But this is Canada,we don't own anything below the top soil.
Unless one has the mineral rights(i don't),All minerals are property of the crown.

May as well have stayed over here............ Western france ain't all it's cracked up to be is it??????????
if they want to drill they will drill. But get as much as you can out of them and hold them up as long as you can. Remember if you give an inch they take a mile. The oil companies dont care what happens to you they just know how to make money
Holland is just a friggin ant hill,i was glad to leave it.
Canada has been good to me,its just the oil greed and our spineless guv-ment nowadays that makes things sour for us landowners.
well that sucks. but it is the same here in the good old us of a "in times of war" they can take any thing I own if they want, can also take Me and put Me to work any where they want. lot of people don't know that.
Well If you don't have Mineral rights here in Pa they call it "imminent domain" (Must be the same as Property of the Crown), And they will drill where they want.
As long as you own the top I don't see why you can't keep them off of it wether you own what's underneath or not. They have had the technology to drill at an angle, sideways, basically any way they want to drill for along time so tell them to buy a few acres on one side and drill underneath to their hearts content....as long as you don't have to put up with their mess on the top part that you do own.
We have the same legal system in Australia as in Canada, that is 'the crown' owns all the mineral rights. Here once a mining company buys the right to prospect from the government, we (farmers) can not legally keep them out. The mining company only has to compensate for damage and inconvenience if they disrupt the land owners business and lifestyle. The miners are subject to environmental regulation tests.

There is plenty of trouble at present between mining companies (usually foreign owned—US and China) and farmers particularly in the very good farming areas.

In practice the miner usually buys the farm, but that is likely to largely remove the land from agricultural production forever.
Well when they first come in they probably won't be there 24/7

Let em guess how the Ajax got in their fuel.
Tell them that you well rent the land to them day by day, starting at 1000 per acre to do testing. If they find anything, 1,000,000 a year to drill.

What could possibly go wrong haha
Ouch, I'll second the good attorney. I'd guess its not going to be a case of keeping them out, just a question of how good a deal you can get. We had an issue here a few years ago with broad form deeds. People sold their mineral rights, usually coal, decades ago. The geology was such that everyone know you would deep mine there. Way too shallow and unstable. But, along came mountain top removal strip mining. It took a state constitutional amendment to require extraction to be done by the means in use when the deeds were written to end the practice. Not saying Im for it or against it. Just what it took. For me, I own all my mineral rights, just wish somebody wanted to drill.
I agree with finding a good attorney. I agree with Old Roy too as they took over all the property here in MD when I95 was being built back in the early 60's. They used the Eminent Domain law. They even took over a brand new home and the lady was pregnant and she lost the baby by losing her home. Hal
I dont know any thing about canadian laws ,but around us they will just do it anyway under imenent(sp) domain laws.When that happens you'll just get the minimum amount they offer.Like i say thats around here in oklahoma.Best way( ive been dealing with them and pipeliners for years) ive found is to let them go ahead but to make a reasonable counter offer as to what you will take for damages.Its not ALL bad ,(though I'm like you also and wish they would just stay out),because they will also deal with you on say building a ranch road ,updating gates,cattle guards etc.Not so common for them to do the work themselves anymore ,but they will make allowances in the contract,to pay you to have it done.All of my ranch roads,gates, cattle guards have been built by the oil companies over the years.Not so common for them to drill and shoot off charges around here anymore,its mostly done by thumper trucks.ONE bit of CRITICAL advice though! BEFORE YOU SIGN ANYTHING!! DEMAND( most here will work with you very well) a meeting at your place with their representative.MAKE SURE they note the location of any wells and and springs, "IN THE CONTRACT", and stay away as far as they possibly can.Make sure it says ,in writing, they will pay for damage to them.Also reserve the right,for damages in case cattle get out etc of course.Now like I say thats american laws not canadian ,but most oil companies will work with you on these things ,and all of them ive had dealings with have been careful to fulfill their contracts .but obviously they aint going out of their way for your sake.so get it in writing and like I say meet them there ,show them what you want and expect,within reason of course.Contrary to popular belief,most of them are not out to plunder and pillage,take what they can and get out.Most of those folks you will deal with directly are landowners just like yourself and expect the same respect for their land.
It's all "DRILL DRILL DRILL!" until they want to drill in YOUR backyard, eh?

They gotta drill in SOMEBODY's back yard. If everybody says "NO" then nobody's going to drill and gas prices will just keep going up-up-up.
(quoted from post at 10:57:14 06/16/11) It's all "DRILL DRILL DRILL!" until they want to drill in YOUR backyard, eh?

They gotta drill in SOMEBODY's back yard. If everybody says "NO" then nobody's going to drill and gas prices will just keep going up-up-up.

How about they drill a well within legal distance(300 ft in Tx) of your back yard?????
You're kidding yourself if you think drilling will curtail high fuel prices in the USA.
Bison There are land consulting companies out there , I know years ago there was a bunch of farmers down in the Red Deer area that started a company and did negociations with the land man for the oil companies for free. Check out the yellow pages for land consultants.
I live in Alberta. I have land N.W. of the Sundre area. I have been asked a few times just like you. I had them come over to talk only. I then took all info and thought things out, then I called there head office. I told them what I did to learn about there ideas and said I need nothing to do with them. I guess its been 4 or 5 years now and they have not been back. I do think this is not over just yet but I will just wait and see.
Drilling up my way is natural gas, marcellus shale. NY state has a moratorium on drilling for it now. Here in Pa.... well its drill baby drill. then frack baby frack. down side.... water tables are getting contaminated from (mystery fluids) used in fracking. gas companies response, We didn't cause that. So well waters are getting polluted, and no one in the state government is willing to do anything to stop the drilling. State levies a fine, gas companies pay it and keep right on drilling. SO in about ten years there should be lots of property for sale here. Down side, no potable water will be available out of the ground in this region.

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