Broke my friend's leg this morn


Well-known Member
Nash, our dog was running along with us while we picked up rocks this morn. I had stopped so Marilyn and I could pick up a few of the lovely nuggets and while the tractor/wagon were stopped he laid down under the wagon to get some shade. Well you can probably figure out what happened when I got on the tractor and drove away. A rear wheel went over his hind leg. He was in a LOT of pain so I called the vet and then took him in. Nash weighs 97 pounds and the vet is 75 years old so I was the assistant while Marilyn and two granddaughters watched. Doc put Nash into a blissful sleep with a shot and we lifted him up on the Xray table, then transferred him to the examining table where he put on a cast. The tibula is fractured but not broken so that's good. The front side of the bone is still intact but the back side has a fracture that goes the long way down the bone a ways.

So now he's home laying in the shade in the cool grass and we're tending to his needs. Doc said to keep him in a kennel or on a leash until Labor day, then the cast will come off. We have a creek that he loves to swim in and that's out of the question till the cast comes off. He can stand up but needs assistance getting up and he whines pretty loud when I help him so I'm really feeling sorry for him about now.

He'll be OK in the end and we're really feeling bad about what happened but at least he wasn't hurt any worse and we didn't have to put him down, thank goodness. Jim
He's FORGIVEN you...but will BATHE in the MILK of human kindness for all he can get!! In other words the extra whines/moans/groans mean...extra scratches behind the ears...EXTRA milk bone treats...favorite toys fetched...favorite blanket over extra soft pillow. You're in for it.

Poor puppy!!

sorry to here that story,I know how you feel,when I was young and living home on the farm I was raised on ,my brother was newly married and lived in a house on the farm, I backed out of the driveway and ran over my sisterin laws little dog and killed it, I wished the car ran over me instead, I wasnt going fast,and she was very understanding,I dug a grave and burried the little dog,but your story made me think of it,it was about 36 or 37 years ago. I am so glad your dog is going to be ok.
The day before my wife and I were to be married my Aunt who drove 3 hours to help set up ran over my wifes little tire chaser. Ended up OK just a broken leg. Fast forward three years I came home from work after a bad day, put the kid down, grabbed a large glass of water and sat down on the couch. No sooner thatn I hit the seat I looked out the window to see my wife run over the same dog. Turns out that only cats have 9 lives, dogs just have 2.
Might want to check his hearing. My guess is hehas lost more than 50%. He looks like he could be 9 yrs?
I heard a story once about a lady whose cat had climbed a tree and wouldn't unclimb it. She called the fire department and some firemen came over with a bucket truck and retrieved the cat.

The lady then asked the firemen in for coffee. After the firemen had drunk their coffee, they went to leave--and drove over the cat with the truck.
I'm guessing he's six years. I'll have to ask my son, he got Nash when he was a pup. He's getting around a little tonight and he's drinking so that's a good sign. Probably won't eat for a day yet. Yeah, he's getting more scratches behind the ears now and the one granddaughter is pampering him for all she's worth. Now a couple of granddaughters said they're gonna sign and decorate the cast. Imagine that. Jim
Glad to hear he is gonna be OK!! We are all guilty of not reallizing just how old a dog gets real fast. We still take it for granted they are still agile and allert like a 2 tr old when in fact they are closer to our Grandfather physically and mentally. Easy to do. Now if'n your Grandfather was sitting around that wagon somewhere you would have made sure he was accounted for before ever moving that tractor wouldn't you? We are all guilty of taking things for granted. Old dogs are even older than old people. I know how bad you must feel but we all owe it to our animals to spread the word so it may just prevent someone else from having to go through the same thing. Hope he recovers fine...and his owners too! RB
Glad the vet was able to repair your dog. Some times things just happen. I am sure your dog will get the best of care. Stan
i have often told my kids, "if we would have had the dogs befor you, there wouldn't be any YOU"


don't know what i'm gona do when my little ankle biters go to that big grassy field in the sky
Glad to hear Nash will be okay, and also glad you posted this story.. as it brough up some interesting stories. This has made me more aware as I usually bring my choc. lab to work with me every day or almost every day..

Forklift driving around,and a bobcat in the yard,this will make me pay more attention to her she is 3 years n 4 months still hears good I think.

Dogs give unconditional love; he will forgive you.
The difference between a dog"s love and a human"s love......
If you locked your wife and your dog in the trunk of your car all day.........which one would be happy to see you when you finally opened the trunk lid?
Hi Fixerupper,
Sorry to hear about the accident. Glad that it wasn't any more serious.
You didn't mention if your vet had prescribed anything like Rimadyl for pain management. It seems that some of the old time vets don't acknowledge that our dog freinds have pain too, they were just used to treating the problem and didn't worry too much about pain mitigation, a bit like humans had to endure before all the advances in modern medicine.
Anyway, if you don't have anything for Nash's pain, you might inquire about it. They are fairly expensive at a buck or so per 100 mg tab but have been a godsend for our geriatric pals and also for two different labs we lost to cancer. They have recently released generic Rimadyl too that is substantialy cheaper. I have even threatened to try some when my arthritis is taking the fun out of doing things.
Good luck to you and Nash during his recovery, Don

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