mice in combine cab


Well-known Member
Actually I am more worried about getting the mouse smell out of my 1680 combine cab. Obviously I need to get rid of the mice dead or alive, but I think I need to tone the smell down before much vacuuming and scrubbing. Any suggestions? Lysol? Ammonia? ???
Running an ozone generator for a few hours will make a big difference. Outfits that "recondition" used cars use them to remove objectionable odors from car interiors.

A friend has the "XT-400" model shown at the site linked below and I've borrowed it a number of times.
As far as getting rid of the mice, I used a mice repellant product called "Cab Fresh" from local JD dealer for combine cabs in my pickup that stayed parked for months at a time. All I can say is that the mice used it to make nests! So, besides still having mice, I had that Cab Fresh stench, that you can still smell after I removed it months ago. In hot weather you have to roll the windows down it's so bad.
I don't know if it would work in a combine cab, but my brother had a problem with mice chewing up the wiring in his wifes car. He repaired it several times, only to have them come back. The theory is that mice leave a constant trail of urine, which they follow to find their way. He repiared the wiring for the last time and sprayed the engine compartment with a mixture of clorox and water. Apparently the clorox destroyed the urine scent, never had another problem. If you can get rid of them once it might be worth a try.
Clean it out well and carefully.Many lung and allergy problems have been traced to mold and bacteria in mouse, rat and bat crap.
A pine tar soap should work well. I have used Grandpa's brand of pine tar soap to get the skunk out of my dogs. It works great!
moth balls will keep them out. use them in my storage trailer,works great.just scatter a few around.
cow snakes keep out the mice in my gleanerf ,, how the hale are you supposed to get ALL THE GRAIN TRASH OUT OF THAT THANG ?,, MASSEY 300 S are simpler to clean up and put tobed ..
Rodents don't have any control over their bladder. So anywhere they stop for a few minutes there is going to be some urine.
One year our combine smelled horrible. Found a smashed rat inside the seat cushion. We always left the cab open hoping the cats would catch them, I think I caught more than they did.

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