Dusk to dawn light


Well-known Member
Dusk to dawn security light stopped working last night. Who would have thought the wind may have been responsible for the bulb working lose about a turn and half.
I tightened it real good this time.

Has that happened to you?
David this is a first. If it happens again then I'll be looking for a vibration or looking for way to make it more difficult to remove bulb. Perhaps a dab if silicone or something to help hold it in place. Do you have any ideas?
(quoted from post at 13:58:36 01/19/20) Dusk to dawn security light stopped working last night. Who would have thought the wind may have been responsible for the bulb working lose about a turn and half.
I tightened it real good this time.

Has that happened to you?

Once again, nothing new under the sun, George.

Old-fashioned farm yard lights used to have a ring/girdle that held the bulb in place with the help of three springs.

Nowadays, commercial LED replacements for incandescent lamps have a tether/"safety rope" to prevent them from coming loose and possibly falling on someone's head.

"Once again, nothing new under the sun, George."
It's a new one for me under the sun, BOB.
Never seen anything like in my 71 years.
Learned something new.
(quoted from post at 08:17:28 01/22/20) Bob,
"Once again, nothing new under the sun, George."
It's a new one for me under the sun, BOB.
Never seen anything like in my 71 years.
Learned something new.


George, here's a photo found on the 'net of the spring bulb support many of the old farm lights used.

NOT sure what kind of bulb they have in it, doesn't appear to be an 'ol 200 Watt incandescent like would have been typically used, but you can see the ring and 3 springs that would steady the bulb in place.

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