Idiots back in town

Billy Shafer

Well-known Member
Well the deer hunters are back. Getting their camps set up. The town cafe was over run with them. Looks like an Army of nuts moved in. Trailers loaded down with everything from beds to four wheelers. Corn is selling faster than we can bring it in.

I know it is good for the town to have them spend money here. But no need for them to act like idiots. Went for my normal Saturday drive through the back roads. Road looked like a major highway. Almost got hit by some other idiot on the service road.Going up a hill and some nut comes over the top in the wrong lane. I had to go into the ditch to keep from getting hit. He was to busy talking on the phone I guess. He never stopped.

Sure be glad when they go home.

It used to be like that around here during pheasant season, but there aren't enough birds around anymore to attract the cityots, and that is just fine with me.
I live in Western Pennsylvania. Some friends and I would always go "up north" in the state to do some deer hunting. We'd usually reserve a room at a local hotel, for 3 days, or go to a friends hunting camp. Then in the evenings, we'd drive 20 miles or so to the local gin mill and get some refreshments.
We always thought that the locals welcomed the money that we'd spend in those hidden little hamlets that had a bar, to get a beer or so. And on the way there, we'd have to buy gasoline, or food, or whatever.
Several times, one of our local friends took us out on the fire roads (trails), and scared the living stuff out of us, with his driving!
One night, the local guy with Uncle Charlie and i, told us not to worry about spot-lighting deer after midnight! "Naw, the rangers never come out after midnight"! WRONG!!
Charlie and the guy both got tickets, but the cop said, since i was seated in the middle, there was no way i could have shined a deer, so he let me off.
Well, most of those guys are gone now! I think i'm the only one left of our bunch. I finally gave up deer hunting, after being a mile in from the truck, on my wooden leg, with a blizzard coming down so hard i could hardly see, and colder than a witches broom! Now, i watch the deer from my kitchen window. much easier, and i don't get in the way of those city hunters who spend their cash in small towns, in "deer country"!
Bear firearm season opened a few weeks ago and my wife and I took a ride up to some very remote forest land we own - just to make sure the new crop of hunters coming in hadn't done anything weird. I tear down a few tree stands every year, but usually that's about it.

Well, we found new unsigned posted signs hammered into trees all over our land, and a new locked gate over one of our roads.

Now I'm trying to find out exactly the best way to approach this - since I don't know who the heck did it and there wasn't anybody there when we were there. It's a four-hour drive from my home, so I can't police the place during hunting season. This in Jefferson County, New York. Sometimes I think owning land, in many cases, in not worth the expense and bother. Especially in heavily hunted areas.
What part of Northern PA did you hunt it? Sure sounds familiar with what grandpa and dad did back in the 60's and 70's. They hunted in Potter and Cameron counties.
JD, if I were you, I think I'd sign my name to the unsigned signs, and add a heavy chain and padlock to both ends of the gate. Looks like someone has figured out that you're an absentee landowner, and they're trying to bluff others away. We have an occasional fool who will try to verbally claim/bluff ownership of a piece of the neighboring Shawnee National Forest. It's fixed easily with a phone call to the fed warden. He's usually starved for a little excitement.

The locals in this area used to allow anyone to hunt, but times have changed. One of the changes we have noticed: When folks from the city buy rural property, they immediately throw up signs warning people away. These are the same city folks who had previously traipsed all over the whole neighborhood with no respect for the landowners.

Good luck with your brazen trespassers.

A sure way to know it's hunting season here is when our gravel roads are littered with breakfast sandwich wrappers and beer cans by the cidiots.
those arnt deer hunters, those are BEER hunters, real hunters are the ones you never see and they are not on the roads, they have scouted for several different days pre- season, know where the deer hang out, bed down and go to water, the first day of the season they are already in the woods in a cold camp so as not to spook the deer, and at first lite has his deer and is headed home,the other kind are most likly city dwellers in camo'd up lifted up loud 4x4's with the latest hi tech stuff, trying to find some reminant of self reliant manhood if a deer fell dead in camp of a heart attack they'd fill a tag lol
I'm that way now. I don't hunt myself but support those who do. Now if you want to hunt you need to ask me for permission and I want to know when you will be on my land. Way too many idiots out there. From the amount of spotters I've seen the posted signs need to be renewed before Deer season starts. Heck if I wanted a deer all I would have to do is open the window reach out and slit it's neck.
Opening weekend of Pheasant Season is when they come out around here. Act like a bunch of idiots with new toys. Then they are gone on Monday and the real hunters come out. I like to hunt Pheasant but not opening weekend, I value my life too much for that.
It's funny hearing people b!tch and moan about hunters what's funny is most of the time it's the same people that b!tch and moan about crop damage from the deer to. I can understand getting mad about people throwing their garbage everywhere, damaging crops, damaging equipment unsafe hunting. When I have someone ask to hunt my land I explain my rule's to them. 1 if I can tell you where here you can't come back in other words pick up after yourself. 2 All bucks shot better have 4 points on one side or just shoot a doe. 3 Make your 1st shot count. I don't want to hear what sounds like automatic fire deer hunting. 4 If a deer gets wounded make every effort to find it you possibly can. 5 If you kill a deer bring me some deer jerky. Other then that feel free to hunt my land.
We've put up with them on our land forever.They dont know any better than to act like that.They dont know our codes of honor,but if I had to be stuck in the city all but 2 weeks out of the year,I think Id be wound a little tight too.Ive seen fields rutted up,fences cut,trash dumped,holes shot through floorboards,but most are real good guys that we've had here,although some have been asked to not come back.
I have hunted pheasants in Iowa several times and have only been turned down once. The guy's grandsons were coming out in the afternoon. I always make sure I know the boundaries and ask about any old wells, etc. I hunt alone with just my dog. I avoid opening weekend and Thanksgiving week. Often I bring Michigan apples or something from the bakery in town. Kansas has millions of acres of leased Walk-In-Hunting Areas. Those are great too. Mostly, I just enjoy the rolling landscape, watch the harvest and find great people and excellent restaurants. A few birds are just icing on the cake.

Few years back they caught a bunch of Asian guys from the city with a uhaul truck just filling it as fast as they could, seems they got everybody in their neighborhood to get doe permits and were shooting anything that moved.
Ya now cut that lock off and put your own on and also do as the other guy said put your name on the signs and below put land owner on it. also be sure to re-chain and lock that gate or if it is a gate that you do not need and can do it weld it shut so that it can not be opened or if it is not a needed gate take it home with you
20 years ago a small group of hunters asked me about deer hunting,so I thought no big deal I showed them where they could hunt I asked all them for there phone numbers.Well they put up a couple deer stands,then two days before opening day I discover signs all over the place saying posted leased land.Well I tore down the stands all the signs called them up to come get their stands it's in the road ditch.So much for being nice guy. Scott
Wish those guys would hunt around here. Need a couple hundred shot just to make it safe to drive after dark.
We have no problem with most of the hunters. It is the Rambo wannabes that we hate. Leave gates open,use tractors for target practice. Throwing their trash on the roads and in the creeks. Then we have the ones that park in the woods music going full blast drunk. Making all the noise that they can. Then complain to us because they could not get any deer.
Growing up in "deer country" in PA I can assure you 90% of the hunters from Erie and Pittsburgh are ok, and the local economy appreciates the dollars that they bring. However all the revenue from the 90% doesn't make up for the BS caused by the 10%.

I think morals and decency has gone the wayside with common sense
No real problem with the outta' staters here anymore (Bradford Co. Pa.) The Pa game commission's "if it's brown it's down" policy along with no enforcement on spot lighting decimated any deer population we had here. Last Friday night I had to slow down for one small deer in the road on the way home from work. That was the first deer I've seen on the way home this year and I've spent that last 30 years coming home from work at midnight. I can remember having to stop and wait for 50 and 60 deer at a time. The outta staters are staying away for the most part now, and the kids don't take any interest so maybe the herd has a chance inspite of the game commission's efforts.
Germ: We hunted Indiana County, Forest, Armstrong, McKeane Counties and a bit of Northern Butler Co.
Had friends who owned a camp up near Kane, PA., but i hunted to the last near Rossiter, in upper Indiana County.
A friend owned a nice camp down along the Clarion River, almost up river to where Rt. 898 comes down from Redclyffe, Pa. and the Clarion river. Saw bear there, too. Went there a lot, but he sold out, so i went to another camp, on the cinder road south from Redclyffe. A bunch of local guys from my home area. Had a lot of good times, but most of them have moved, or sold out, or died off. Or, quit hunting, as i have.
We are starting to get the idiots from Chicago over here in North-East Iowa. They will shot at anything that moves. I have a few Hereford cattle and have had two calves shot. One idiot was dragging the one back to his car. The calves"s momma did not like that. He got worked over pretty good. My Herefords are the horned ones.
I guess I am lucky that they have not shot any of my Angus calves yet. I dislike the damage the deer do but I hate the stupid deer hunters more. I have not let anyone hunt my ground other than my brother"s boys for almost five years now.
We recently went to our southern IL property to do some work. Found all but one of my no trespassing/no hunting signs had been ripped down. The barbed wire fence had been cut also.
I wouldn't have a problem with someone hunting my land if they'd just ask permission and be respectful of my property.

My Dad was an avid hunter. He always got permission from the land owners. After hunting on one property for several years the owner told him he was no longer allowing anyone to hunt on his land because some idiot from Chicago shot one of his cows. Seems like some idiot always has to ruin things for the good guys.

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