Pressure Blasters


Well-known Member
Can anyone make a recommendation on a Pressure Blaster? What about ALC, Marco, TexasBlaster, Clarke? I need something to do tractor parts that don't fit in my cabinet blaster. I would prefer to just use a sand media. I am a hobbiest, I don't do it full time.
I have a Linsey blaster that I've used for about 15 years,I've done cars,trucks, tractors,go carts,plus other odds and ends and have no complaints.I think it holds about 25 pounds of sand.
Thanks Mike. I found a link, it turns out the owner retired in 2002 and the complay closed.

Have you looked at Harbor Frieght? They have some sand/media blasters. I'm watching your thread because I'm interested also. I know they are expensive, but the steam cleaners and hot water pressure washers (ie Hotsy, Jenny) can really strip paint, grease, etc, right off the metal.

Also, paint remover works great for taking off numerous coats of paint that's been built up over the many years.
I have a Harbor Freight tank type blaster. It holds about 100lbs per fill. I've had it for quite a few years now. It doesn't work with Black Beauty. Regular silica sand works really well. I have a pair of 60 gal 3hp compressors. They run it well, runs them constant, but they keep up.
Paul, theres a nice pressure blaster similar to mine on the Craigs List in Erie , Pa. Its selling cheap & looks well cared for . Don"t know where you are but it may pay for you to look at it . The only catch is the size of your compressor with this type . HTH!
Hi Paul, I've had vary good luck taking larger items (like front loader buskets coated with concrete and blacktop ) to a place that does grave head stones,great job,no mess for me and the price's are fair........Jim in N M
Hey Mark... thanks for the reply. I got an HF pressure blaster (90# top fill) and haven't gotten around to using it yet... like everyone else, waiting on nicer weather lol! Anyways, I had considered using BB in it, cause I have a lot of it from my other outfit. Which valves get destroyed? The deadman? Or the "mixing" set-up at the bottom of the tank. If it's just the deadman, I can prolly live with that, anything else & I may have to go back to sand. Thanks again! ...D

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