550 hydraulic pump


After a year and a half, I have finally got my salvage 550 operational (sort of). I took it out to do some leveling on an irrigated pasture today and really go a shock at how hot the hydraulic pump exterior got. I could not hold my leg against the unit - not boiling hot but measured at shut down with a Lazer thermometer it read 155 degrees (at the filter) while the transmission below was pretty much the outside temperature around 95 degrees. I did several hours of grading and certainly did a lot of dirt work, the 550 is new to me so do you think I might have a problem with pump or filter. I have tons of manuals for the machine, but nothing tells me to avoid a hot saddle horn.
Mine gets hot also, too hot to touch. Yesterday I used the Brush hog for an hour in 90 degree weather. Measured the filter temp with a laser thermometer and it was 130 degrees. It has always concerned me too, but I don't use it for hours on end. I think your OK. Enjoy the new tractor.
Thanks for the response SW3. I suspected that it was OK but needed some backup and your help was just the ticket. Thanks again

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