Oliver 550 Tranny Spanner Nut


Well-known Member
Grove City Pa
Is there a tool I can buy or make to tighten the spanner nut inside the transmission of a 550? I have tightened the nut with a punch and hammer and peened the nut but I still have issues with the spanner nut coming loose.
I think it's Maple Springs Farms that sells those. Just search that name and Oliver parts and you'll probably have the number in a few seconds.
I had a minute so I looked. It's msfparts dot com but it says those spanners are out of stock.
Randy, the one I found on their website is a pipe with tabs cut into it, I do not think that will work inside an assembled transmission.
this is the spanner wrench that was provided to dealers from OTC Tools..

I built the square drive socket adapter, made removing and torquing much easier.

If you send me an email I can forward photos with measurements.
Thank you for the offer, but I do not think that will work for me. The spanner nut I am trying to tighten is inside the transmission case.
Do a Google search for hook spanner wrench or shock spanner wrench. They are 'C' shaped with a hook on them and I bet they would work. I use to adjust the spanner nut on coil-over springs on atv/snowmobile shocks. Good Luck.

Yes, a shock spanner wrench for a motorcycle is possible. Maybe a bigger size shock. Might have to bend the handle to offset at the top of you transmission.
sw3 is correct, hook spanner wrench , I have those also.

when I read your post I assumed it was the one spanner nut inside the pto area .

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