G1000 Vista Tilt Column Cover

Jeremy L

This message is a reply to an archived post by SWMolines on November 29, 2021 at 11:40:55.
The original subject was G1000 Vista Tilt Column Cover.

We used one from a salvaged White 2-105 and modified the end to fit the steering column as the Vista's column was larger in diameter. With that being said we also had to replace our dash and decided to build it out of stainless steel so maybe this option isn't ideal for your situation.
This was supposed to be a reply to SWMolines Nov. 29, 2021 post with the same Subject Title. I apologize for the confusion everyone.
Thanks. It looks great. Ive had similar thoughts. Luckily, I believe I have located all of the parts I need to put it back as original. Ill be starting to work on my dash in the next few months.

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