51 utu gas tank

Don't know about new, but you see them occasionally on eBay - or try Welters Farm Supply 417-498-6496 - they will know if there are and new ones out there. Or take your old one to a radiator shop and have it cleaned out and try one of the liner/coarings from Eastwood or others.
I will try them. I Am trying or going to try to put my tractor on gas from propane so I don't have a gas tank at all
If you replace the LP tank with a regular gas tank
the hood will not fit around the gas tank correctly.
You will also need the mounting brackets that goes
under the gas tank as well.
I have a nice one that came off a restored UT tractor, so its probably clean on the inside. I am not sure what year model this "U" was, or if the tanks changed through the years. I had bought it on ebay, hoping it would an M5, but it didn't. I live in Texas, but could probably ship. Email me with any questions.

Michael Moeller
[email protected]

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