1050G pto question


Well-known Member
what drives the pto? I noticed the pto shaft is not in line with the center of the flywheel. Is there a gear in the transmision that turns it. The pto does not work, the clutch looks fine, Could it be that something up front let go. I dont have a book on this tractor. Any help would be great. Thanx....Lyle
(quoted from post at 19:32:51 01/14/12) I have the operator and parts/repair manual for the tractor. I also have some G1000 Vista parts. Sometimes the parts can be interchangeable.
Michael Moeller
[email protected]
i Micheal, I could not open the site. I have come to the conclusion that the pto shaft might be broke up front some where but not sure, do you know if it is one solid shaht to the flywheel. Here is my email....My name at hotmail dot com
The parts book shows that top shaft to be 61 7/32" long, which is a little more than 5 feet long. The end of the shaft may be worn and no longer holding. I had that problem on my M5 and the shaft needed machined.
I was wrong in my previous post in saying that a Vista might have the needed parts. The shaft in a Vista is about 59" long and the row crop g1000 is about the same length. The G950 and g1350 appear to have the same pto parts and you might be able to get parts from one of those. My email is [email protected]

Good luck.
I have a G950 that I did the pto a couple months ago. Does it have a good "snap" when you engage it? When you turn the engine over does the power shaft move? It is a LONG shaft. If it does turn there may be a problem to the rear of the clutch.
Hi allan, the clutch all works good, I believe like someone had mentioned it might be the splines at the flywheel, I had reset the clutch and it has a good snap to it. the shaft in front of the pto clutch turns freely and I dont believe it should, That should be connected to the flywheel,,,Right????
If I remember right you shouldnt be able to turn it by hand, but should turn when you turn the engine over.
You"re gonna have to split the tractor to determine the problem, that shaft is connected to the crankshaft via splined hub and splines on the forward end of the shaft, should not be able to rotate by hand, parts are available but may need some searching, Dale

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