Adding a PTO to a Massey 97


Hi all,
I'm considering buying a MF 97 (G705?) that originally came without PTO. It does have a belt pulley and hydraulics. I was wondering what would be entailed in adding PTP to this tractor. I know a lot of people remove to reduce weight for pulling. It couldn't be as simple as removing the rear plate, installing shaft/gear and putting new plate on, could it? (assuming I had parts from one that someone had removed for pulling)
Yes it is that easy. The only thing you have to watch out for is the drive shaft. There was a serial no. break in there somewhere. As I recall the early ones had a 6 spline drive shaft and the later ones were 12 spline. Other than that they're all the same and very simple.
(quoted from post at 22:16:13 02/03/11) Generally agree, but not so simple if you want "live" PTO.

So what would live PTO entail? The additional clutch assembly? I assume the belt pulley would be considered "non-live" and similar gears would drive the PTO shaft?
The live PTO option on that machine was a clutch assy. on the left hand side bull pinion. You'd need to find another machine with that option or at least all the parts that make up that option, and transplant them into your machine. You're looking at a lot of work and obsolete parts. For the record, I wouldn't do it. Those things were a weak link; most all of them have either been eliminated or circumvented for that reason.
Ok, thanks everybody! I'm going to look at it today, hopefully we can get it out to the street and pull start it to hear it run. It was mid twenties yesterday, supposedly not below twenty last night, and a high of 30 today. Unfortunately it doesn't have an engine heater on it and I don't really want to ether it :/

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