283 UTS Electronic Ignition

Is there a kit to eliminate the points on a 1949 U?

I've used them on cars, but can't seem to find the right one for this engine.

It's still 6volt, if that matters.

Pertronics?? They show one for a 336, it should fit a 283 I would think. Notes say add P6 to the part no. for positive ground 6 volts.
There is a pertronix ignitor that fits that distributor, there are several that fit tractors with 336 engines, depending on the distributor used. But you have 6 volt system and we don't recommend using an electronic ign. with it, these things are very voltage sensitive and do not respond very well to low voltage situation which can happen too easily on a 6 volt system. The range of operation is too narrow. We have sold and installed many 100's of these and they are great, when you need to convert your tractor to 12 volt then consider the ignitor, Dale, River Dale Farms.


Thanks. That's good advice. I'm not even running a generator right now, so my voltage gets really low in between charges. It's amazing how little juice it takes to start and run these tractors.

I'd like to go 12 volt, but would really like to keep the stock generator look.


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