G/GB Diesel HP


New User
How much HP can you safely get out of a G/GB Diesel without overheating or wrecking the rearend/tranny? The reason I'm asking is I'd like to build a tractor to replace a JD 80 my Dad and I (stupidly) sold 10 years ago that we had completely overhauled, ported/polished the head and put in an 830 pump and injectors. We got 90hp without turning up the pump and could pull a 5/16 plow in SD heavy clay soil. What would I have to do to the G/GBD to equal or outdo the 80?
Probably would not be hard as that motor was used in later tractors that were factory 80 hp. a little pump and injector work would probably easily put it over that 90 hp mark and if all else fail put the jugs and pistons off of a 504 on it could easily go 120 + hp then
Thanks for the reply. Would there be any problem with cooling or the tranny /rearend at 120hp? Sorry for the amateur questions, I'm new to MM.
I just bought a G diesel last fall. Put new pistions in it and turned the pump up = 95 hp. oh and put 504 intake on it. Was grinding feed with it tonight, makes it work. My buddy didnt think it would hold the rpms like his ih 856 that he normally uses. we got done and he said it does better then his 856. :)

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