GB Diesel fuel injection pump


New User
I have a GB diesel with a american bosch injection pump. The tractor had been setting for a while and when I went to start it I could not get any fuel to the injectors. I then primed and bleed all the lines but still nothing. I have had these pumps freeze up before so I lubed it up and finaly got the delivery valve moving a little but it doesn't seem to go through the complete travel. The plunger sleeve does not seem to go all the way up to close off the hole, therefore it will not build pressure. It seems to get stuck and will not come off the kill position. What should I do next? Take off the head of the pump and look for trash or burrs on the sleeve? Any help would be appreciated.
Well from experience,
your pump is junk
not completely it can be rebuilt but your going to end up with a lot of money in it either way.
If it was mine I would start looking for the parts to put the new pump on it off a GVI. If you use the tractor at all for farming it would be worth it. If its a show tractor i would try and fix your pump. I know where there is a bucket full of old pumps that should be able to put one good pump together, If he still has them.
Good luck
Can you see the gear for head turning? Usually it will twist off the shaft that drives the head.

I can see the gear turning for the head, unless it is broke above it, and it seems to be working except for the sleeve not making full travel. I don't believe the pump is junk. How can you go from a fully functional pump one day to a ruined junk pump the next. At least it would attemt to do something. It was killed and let set for a while and will not start. There is just something gummed up in the system. I have experienced this situation before many times but not one this stubborn. I thought someone may have some insight into how the internals work and could tell me what to take apart and what not to. Thanks for your help in advance.
Are you getting fuel to the transfer pump? The third filter is not gravity flow.What I do is remove the transfer pump,then the clip and gear. Hook on cordless drill and spin until third filter bled. Crack open bleeder on pump head. Air should be forced out.If it is getting this far should come out at injectors as the pump head rotates. The only other variable is the governor not opening far enough.
(quoted from post at 14:52:23 04/03/09) Are you getting fuel to the transfer pump? The third filter is not gravity flow.What I do is remove the transfer pump,then the clip and gear. Hook on cordless drill and spin until third filter bled. Crack open bleeder on pump head. Air should be forced out.If it is getting this far should come out at injectors as the pump head rotates. The only other variable is the governor not opening far enough.

I will give that a try as soon as I get some time. I believe the governor is working correctly (not stuck) because once you unhook the fuel control rod to the delivery valve the governor spring returns and it appears to have full travel on the fuel control rod. There is something internal preventing the delivery valve from operating in its full travel. Thank you for the help.
Dave Ferguson of Ferguson's Diesel Service in Austin MN is who you need to be talking to. Dave has probably forgotten more about the old Bosch pumps than most have ever known.

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