Z134 governor


New User
This message is a reply to an archived post by Raymondk on February 04, 2021 at 15:19:47.
The original subject was Re: Z134 governor.


I. am having this same problem. just about to remove the crank pulley bolt. Have all the panels and radiator out. Did you have trouble with the bolt? or did you have to take the front end off because there is so little


I just did that replacement on a '55 TO35.

Be very very careful when taking the governor aluminum cover off! the two dowel pins at the base of the governor housing stick. Galvanic corrosion may have really stuck those in there and prying anywhere else on the cover will crack it (you'll see welded covers on ebay, unbroken covers were $165-ish?). You need to pry/wedge as close to those pins as possible being abundant with the 'pbblaster' or whatever you use. The rest of the replacement is pretty easy. Except the broken governor parts will likely fall into the oil pan so you'll need to take that off too.

Removing the radiator and cradle just make it easier to work on getting the governor cover off. If it wasn't for those two pins it's possible you might be able to get enough room in there but it would be a hassle.


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