1950's mh 44 zennith carb


This is my second post. I got the tractor running (roughly) by pulling it and popping the clutch. My problem is the carb is dumping out gas to the air intake. I tore it down to find tie float smashed pretty bad. Does auto zone or napa carry the float? And if they do what is the part numbers? Also what other parts should i replace. And does anyone have a manual on the carb? Thanks
good sites like this one should have full rebuild
kits for the carb. auto parts stores have good
ignition parts but anything else dont waste your
Most MH 44"s used a Zenith 62AJX9 carb - various model numbers - check metal disc riveted to top of carb - look for a number like 10279, 10444, 10445, 11629, etc. If you are looking for a float, part number is most likely p/n C85-26 - try McDonalds Carbs http://www.mcdonaldcarb.com/ or http://www.carbsonly.com/industrial%20and%20Zanith%20carburetors/zenithcarbpartsnadfloats.htm

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