1957 F40 - Where to start?


New User
I have an f40 that I acquired with the purchase of a homestead. The tractor has been sitting idle for 3~4 years... with gas in it. I don"t know a darn thing about this stuff but can't wait to learn. I think it is in pretty good condition, but it"s not been taken care of in years. Can someone direct me to pictures, people, manuals, and such? I want to learn, at the very minimum, how to do the maintenance procedures such as change oil, trans fluid, hydraulic fluid, coolant? I'm pretty sure I should drain everything and add new fluids but I don't know what this tractor takes (types, quantities, etc) or where to begin. Any help would be greatly appreciated. <p>Brady
Start with an I&T manual, available most anywhere for about $20 or so. Read it from cover to cover once, and get an idea what's in the tractor( engine, trans,and hydraulic options). They are a bit hard to follow at first, until you grasp the format, but have a lot of good info. At thar point you'll have some more detailed questions someone can help you with.
Just so you know, the F40 is basically the same tractor as the Massey Harris 50 (MH50) and when the Ferguson and Massey Harris dealer lines where merged, the F40 and MH50 became the Massey Ferguson 50 (MF50). Except for some differences in the sheet metal the F40 and MH50 are pretty much the same. The MF50 is mostly the same as well, but some changes where made to things like the hydraulic pump and top cover over the years. So, most parts and service procedures are practically the same for these three models as long as they all have the Continental Z134 gas engine. Later MF50s could have a Perkins diesel.

You might want to take out the spark plugs and squirt a abundant amount of ATF into each cylinder to help free up any stuck piston rings from sitting. Let it soak for a few days.

You can ask questions on this forum or over on the Ferguson forum. When you are about to tackle a specific task which you are unsure about, just ask.

Also, everyone likes pictures!


ok. I've seen references to those manuals but I haven't purchased one yet. I'll do that 1st. Thanks for the advice.
I have original operators manual, I have pictures of the tractor. Currently am parting out a F40 so if you need parts I have several in stock. Check you tube and search for Ferguson f40 you will see a video of our tractor prior to disassembly.
I know it has been a while since I posted on this thread. Life has a way of taking over. I'm trying to get started on this project now and I'm wondering if anyone has a manual they would sell me or a reputable website I should purchase one from. I went to a couple of websites but they seemed a little sketchy. Basically, I'm trying to figure out how to change all the fluids. I received a great email from UK John with tons of helpful info but I don't know even the most basic stuff, like changing transmission,oil, hydro fluids.

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