230 valve lash

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06-09-2000 18:06:51
Report to Moderator
Probably need to adjust the valves on my 135 with Z145 Continental. Will I have to remove hood and fuel tank, or is there enough room to remove valve cover and make adjustments from left side of engine? I&T manual says .015 clearance cold, and .013 hot. A cold adjustment is probably not as accurate as when hot, but how much of a detriment is it to adjust when cold? I assume the only purchased part I need would be a new valve cover gasket? Any advice or hints would be appreciated. Thanks.

06-11-2000 13:28:11
I have an MF135 with the Cont Z145 engine also. Yes, remove the gas tank. Removing the hood is time well spent because it will greatly aid in removing the tank. I don't think there is any detriment in accuracy just adjusting the valves cold and calling it good. By all means, replace the gasket if you haven't done so lately. That will be the only part you need.

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